Updates Beginning 2 February 2025
Today: Adult Faith Development will discuss an article found in “Living Lutheran”, the magazine of the ELCA, about faith in these difficult times and how each of us, individually, live out our faith. One prompt is “What was the most impactful way you connected with your faith this past year?” You are invited to join us in the conference room after worship today. Bring your refreshments along and participate in the conversation. ~The AFD Team
Adopted Families: A single woman in her sixties called St. Paul looking for help with her bills. She had lost her job in December and was very actively looking for another job. She said she had been doing OK and it was hard to ask for help. We were able to pay the nearly $250 she owed the gas company. She was very grateful and thanked me several times. So I want to pass that thanks along to you - there is no end to the need out there. Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Next Sunday:
Pastoral Messages from the Bishops of ELCA and RMS are posted in the Welcome Center and several sets of them are available. ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
God’s Work Our Hands: Our January Luther House Meal Train has moved to Thursday, February 20th. We will be putting together the main dishes to take over hot that afternoon. If you are interested in supplying salads, fruit or desserts, please let us know. Or just come and be a part of a wonderful evening of fellowship and Bible study with Rev. Rhonda Newby-Torres and the students! Our February God’s Work Our Hands project will be putting together hygiene kits for HopeWorks on February 23rd after worship. We already have plenty of supplies on hand so please come be a part of that process in Fellowship Hall. If you would like to donate to help us fill in any gaps (need more razors, etc.) please indicate on your check “Feb GWOH Project.” Thanks! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Update on Exterior Office Door. The new door is in and we are looking at installation later this week (still waiting on scheduling). ~Deborah Ash
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for the barrels at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
From Coro Lux:
Tickets at: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/corolux/1524289?
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
A Message from Bishop Meghan
Dear friends,
Last weekend in worship, many of us heard a reading from 1 Corinthians about Paul’s metaphor of the body of Christ: a unified body of diverse members with different gifts and roles, all important, intended to work in mutuality and harmony. This image of human community, both within the church and in general, is simple and profound—yet seems impossible in practice! Still, I return to it again and again, as I ask the question: how am I, and how are we, called to be and to live in these times? An answer: we are called as a body to live in community, in love and care for one another.
Paul wrote of the body, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it” (1 Cor. 12:26). I am mindful of this call this week as we hear news about a tragic loss of life in the plane and helicopter crash in Washington, D.C.; as ministries and programs of support for immigrants and refugees receive “stop work” orders that withhold funding; as people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people, and others receive news of a concerted effort to dismantle work that educates and advocates for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility; as grief and anxiety overwhelm so many, from a global scale to a personal one: in our families, among our loved ones and neighbors. Can we be bold in Christ to proclaim that where one member suffers, we all suffer?
At the same time, God remains present and active in ways that invite us to rejoice! Last week, seven lay members of St. Paul, Calhan (CO) were commissioned as synodically authorized ministers to preach, preside, and offer pastoral care and leadership as a team in their congregation—only one example of many places where God is “doing a new thing” in our church. Congregations and ministries are welcoming new rostered ministers, working on call processes, having Spirit-led discernment conversations about your futures, and continuing to faithfully love and serve God and your neighbors through worship, service, and community. So many in the Rocky Mountain Synod, by the grace of God, are choosing mercy, kindness, justice, and hope, in ways big and small. Can we be bold in Christ to proclaim that where one member rejoices, we all rejoice?
I know, too, that many of us likely feel in-between: perhaps not suffering, perhaps not rejoicing, but wondering—worrying—questioning—waiting. In this, too, the spirit of Paul’s words applies. And it is worth saying that people don’t fit absolutely into these or any categories of experience. Sometimes suffering and joy coexist. Sometimes we are able to give help and support, and sometimes we need to receive it. The body of Christ also exists for that reason: to allow for the ebbs and flows of human life and need.
Dear RMS community, my prayer this week is that God’s grace continues to renew and sustain the body of Christ: for all that we face and all that we strive for; for all who suffer and all who rejoice; for our calling and purpose as Jesus’ body in the world for such a time as this. May you know that God is with you, God is with us, and God is with our neighbors. And may the church continue to be re-formed into the body we were meant to be: a body that truly makes God’s presence and love known.
In Christ,
Bishop Meghan
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM: Week Two of the Legislative Session.
Dear Partners in Advocacy,
As I am sure you are aware, President Trump issued a flurry of Executive Orders within hours of his inauguration. A number directly impact immigrants - those seeking asylum, migrant workers, and other undocumented people living within our nation's borders. The Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Elizabeth Eaton, has issued a statement regarding these immigration orders this week. I invite you to read that statement at elca.org.
"God calls us to welcome the stranger and love the sojourner as we love ourselves. I pray for God’s grace to increase understanding of and mercy toward immigrants in these days."
These developments make this Monday, February 3rd, all the more important. Monday marks the Immigrants and Workers' Day of Action. I hope you will join me and others from many organizations, including LAM-NM, as we learn, march, rally, and advocate on the issues with our legislators. A key component of that day includes advocacy for the Immigrant Safety Act. There will be more work as well, concerning the Border Servant Corps, so please stay tuned!
I am aware of other statements and information put out by our denominational partners. For the many non-Lutherans engaged in our ministry, I encourage you to follow those as well from your specific denomination.
Turning from immigration to hunger, I want to highlight another important event that takes place in early February. Bread for the World was started 50 years ago by Lutheran Pastor, Art Simon, and is now led by the Rev. Eugene Cho. Bread focuses on both hunger in the U.S. but also hunger around the world. Indeed, I know many of you have supported Bread for the World letter campaigns in your congregations. Bread is now launching a new initiative, Nourish Our Future. I encourage you to join an upcoming webinar if you would like to support this new advocacy effort. The webinar takes place on February 4th, beginning at 5 pm MT. Register at: https://www.bread.org/.
A highlight of this past week was the Paid Medical Family Leave Day. There was a great turnout from many organizations and individuals supporting the passage of PMFL legislation this year and participants visited legislator's offices and held a rally in the Rotunda.
As we move through the coming weeks I look forward to your support through awareness, direct participation, and in your prayers. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need more information or have any questions about our work during the 2025 session.
Kurt Rager
Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico
2025 Issue Briefing & Bishop's Luncheon
Registration is open for the 2025 Issue Briefing and Bishop's Luncheon that will be held on Thursday, February 20th! We are pleased that First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe, a long-time member of our advocating congregation program, will return as host for the morning Issue Briefing. And, after a one-year hiatus, we will return to the La Fonda Hotel for the Bishop's Luncheon.
This will be the first year for our new Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod, the Rev. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni. Bishop Johnson Aelabouni was elected last spring and began her service on July 1, 2024. We hope you will join us in offering a warm welcome to the Bishop as she hosts her first Bishop's Luncheon.
The registration cost per person remains the same as last year at $40 per person. However, on February 17th, it will increase to $45 per person. Please register and buy your tickets at: www.lutheranadvocacynm.org/. (Please note, this is not a fund-raiser as the registration charge covers only the anticipated cost for the luncheon.)
8:30 a.m. - 9:15 Check-in, refreshments & fellowship at First Presbyterian (208 Grant Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501)
9:15 a.m. Welcome and Opening Devotion
9:30 a.m. Guest Speakers
10:45 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Bishop Rev. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
11:15 a.m. Advocacy Agenda and Issue Briefing
Noon-12:15 p.m. Transition to La Fonda Hotel (100 E San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM 87501)
12:30 p.m. Bishop's Luncheon Begins
2:00 p.m. Lunch concludes
This Wednesday:
Register at: https://www.lutheranadvocacypa.org/event/voices-of-faith-in-climate-action-cop29-and-beyond/
Lutheran World Relief Rushing Aid to California. Thank you to all who responded quickly and generously! Quilts and kits are on the way, and hot meals and other emergency supplies are being distributed to our neighbors affected by the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. Additional aid, including grants to support local recovery efforts, is also in progress. Learn more at: https://lwr.org/news.
Urgent Update for Faith Partners from Global Refuge:
Dear faith partners,
Though I’ve written the words “faith partner” many times before today, I’ve never felt the weight of that word “partner” in this context as heavily as I did just now. Dear partners…it is good to be writing you in these challenging days. We need you.
As many of you now know, this past Friday, Global Refuge received a stop-work order from the government calling for us to immediately stop serving the nearly 6,000 newly arrived refugees in our care. This stop-work order means that government funding that provides food, housing, education, job placement, healthcare, and basic needs has come to an immediate halt. These children and families fled war, violence, or persecution and came to the United States lawfully through the official U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. They arrived with little more than the clothes on their backs and now the support they rely on—the support they’d been promised—is being pulled out from under them. Food. Housing. Schooling. Healthcare. All stopped.
With this abrupt and unprecedented cutoff of federal funding, we must now rely solely on the generosity of private donors and supporters to fill in the gaps. We must stand with these families to let them know that when promised protections for them fail, communities like ours rise. It is possible to continue supporting a number of these 6,000 refugee clients if we receive enough support to offset the cuts from the government. Please consider supporting and helping to spread the word.
Lastly, with places of worship, schools and hospitals no longer being considered protected spaces, I want to make sure we share with you the most up-to-date resources we have to help your communities feel safe as you continue to welcome your neighbor.
Support Refugees with a Gift –— If you or communities you’re connected with are willing to support financially, please use/share this link: www.globalrefuge.org
Write your Representative — Ask representatives to pull back on this ban on supporting refugees.
Learn more and Advocate — Explore resources with more information about executive orders and accompanying actions.
Know Your Rights - Our partners at AMMPARO have a great resource for communities to read about their rights and those of immigrants in their care.
No matter what shape it takes, we are grateful for your support and solidarity. Global Refuge has been doing this work for 85 years, and it's thanks to partners like you that we’re able to be agile with grand changes like this. We can do this.
Thank you for your partnership,
Pastor Dan Beirne, Director for Mobilization & Faith Relations
Updates Beginning 26 January 2025
Today: With the recent activities at the southern border, the topic of this Sunday's Adult Faith Development session could not be more critical. Rae van de Motter will join us to talk about Project Dignity, a multi-faith effort to supply crucial aid to people living in trying conditions as they try to claim asylum in the United States. Some members of St. Paul are already involved in the project, and along with Rae, they will describe the work and how you can be involved. It's a gripping story, and we urge you to be present for it. It's this Sunday after the service at 11:15 in the Conference Room. ~The AFD Team
God’s Work Our Hands: Luther House Meal Train is moving to February 20th due to a scheduling conflict. We will be putting together the main dishes to take over hot that afternoon. If you are interested in supplying salads, fruit or desserts, please let us know. Or just come and be a part of a wonderful evening of fellowship and Bible study with Rev. Rhonda Newby-Torres and the students! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Update on Exterior Office Door. A new door is being fabricated and we are looking at installation in approximately a week. In the interim, please use the doorbell to notify the Office to let you in the front doors. Those with key fobs can enter via the Choir Room door. However, if your fob doesn’t work on that door, let me know so I can update your access. ~Deborah Ash
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for the barrels at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
From Coro Lux:
Tickets at: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/corolux/1524289?
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
2025 Legislative Session Now Underway (see underlined for event today).
Dear Partners in Advocacy,
Maybe like you, I am still working to make sense of Monday, January 20th. The day when we annually honor the life and legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and yet, a day also marked by the inauguration of the new President this year. There are possibly no two polar opposite visions for our country and our world community than that represented and celebrated that day.
One of my favorite statements made by Dr. King comes from his 1963 "Letter from Birmingham Jail" in which he said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico was established 41 years ago to respond to housing cuts made by the Reagan administration and quickly moved to focus as well on the staggering issue of poverty and hunger in our state and the myriad of other challenges faced by New Mexicans as a result. At its core, our mission centers on advocating for justice in our state's public policy. I invite and challenge all of you to recommit yourself to this effort, both here in New Mexico, as well as in exercising your voice in Washington. We must remain vigilant.
The First Session of the 57th Legislature is now underway. The 60-day session will conclude at noon on March 22nd. This "long session" will be fast-paced and intense. At the end of opening day more than 200 bills, joint resolutions, and memorials had been filed. Legislators can continue to introduce legislation through the midpoint of the session, February 20th.
I hope you will take the time to review a summary of our 2025 Advocacy Agenda [note: posted in the Welcome Center]. Legislative priorities for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico continue to focus on the core areas of addressing hunger and poverty, affordable housing and homelessness, and family-sustaining income, among others. Several legislative priorities include supporting key provisions of the Governor's Food Initiative, the Paid Medical and Family Leave Act, Medicaid for All, fair and just tax policy, the Green Amendment, the creation of an independent redistricting commission, and amendments to the state's constitution to modernize our legislature. I invite you to attend a more extensive review of our agenda and the upcoming session that will take place this Sunday afternoon, January 26th, beginning at 4 p.m. Link to register for Zoom meeting: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSej9-plgtYvnjWYCDyJ4HOeRgDEX8xVWTgCJLL8bbl61XSCbA/viewform
There are a variety of options for you to participate both online and in person during the legislative session. The highlight of the session remains the annual Legislative Issue Briefing and Bishop's Luncheon on February 20th. Please find the registration link below. It takes a lot of volunteer support to pull off these two events and we can use more. If you would like to volunteer please contact Judy Messal at (575) 496-4754 or you can email her at judithmessal@comcast.net.
In addition, consider joining us on one of our three Lutheran Advocacy Days. This will be an opportunity for you to join us in person at the Roundhouse, to attend committee meetings, visit legislator's offices, and speak out on priority legislation for LAM-NM. [Note: posted in the Welcome Center.]
As we move through the coming weeks I look forward to your support through awareness, direct participation, and in your prayers. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need more information or have any questions about our work during the 2025 session. May the peace of Christ be with you,
Kurt Rager
Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico
Dear Partners in Ministry,
For over the past 50 years ReconcilingWorks has been committed to advocating for the acceptance, full participation, and liberation of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions within the Lutheran Church. We do this holy work in all three expressions in the life of the church - in congregations, synods, and Churchwide.
Over the past decades of ministry there have been many times when lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, aromatic, plus (LGBTQIA+) people have been put at the center of conversation in the life of the church. 2025 will be no exception and will hold lasting impacts for LGBTQIA+ people and their families in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). As we prepare for this public conversation at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly this summer, ReconcilingWorks wants to remind our LGBTQIA+ siblings that we are here for you.
Your person and your love is made in the fullness of God.
You are named Beloved by God.
Your gifts and call make the Lutheran Church a truer reflection
of the Divine.
ReconcilingWorks will never stop working for the Church to see, name, and celebrate us as such.
To read the entire letter, including reflections on feedback to the ELCA, go to our website: https://www.reconcilingworks.org/pastoral-letter-from-reconcilingworks-board-of-directors/. With gratitude to be doing ministry with you,
ReconcilingWorks Board of Directors
Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod, Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires and will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction. Find more information, prayer resources, and ways to donate to LDR efforts at https://www.elca.org/our-work/relief-and-development/lutheran-disaster-response/our-impact/us-wildfires. Gifts to "U.S. Wildfires" will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.
Lutheran World Relief’s emergency response team reports that requests for support are growing by the hour. Each day that passes leaves more homes in ashes, more evacuations and more people in danger in California. The destruction and need are overwhelming — and only getting worse. For those most in need, donations help provide:
hot meals, essential household supplies and support for transportation costs, so they can travel out of harm's way.
You help deliver LWR Quilts and Kits to our partners in and around Los Angeles, so they can provide comfort for evacuees and families who have lost their homes.
You make the long road to recovery and rebuilding possible.
To our neighbors affected by the wildfires, we continue to surround you with love, prayers and support. Give at: https://lwr.org/
Bread for the World’s Campaign Launch. The new campaign focused on child hunger—Nourish Our Future—launches online Tuesday, February 4, at 7:00 p.m. ET. Bread staff and advocates in the Washington, D.C., area will gather in-person, along with hundreds of advocates participating online. Bread’s president and CEO, Rev. Eugene Cho, will share an inspiring word. Leaders who have helped shape the campaign, including college students and international partners, will discuss the Nourish Our Future priorities and why they matter to them. Register at: https://www.bread.org/.
Updates Beginning 19 January 2025
Today: Jimmy Carter was the first President to call himself a “born again Christian.” The press often referred to him as a “progressive evangelical.” We’ll look at some key incidents in Carter’s life, then at what sense to we are to make of the phrase “born again.” Is coming to faith an act of our own free will or something God does for us? As to being a progressive evangelical, is there such a thing? What does the word evangelical even mean, and can we call ourselves evangelicals in today’s world? Come and explore this fascinating man as we seek to understand our faith in today’s world. Come to the Conference Room at 11:15! ~The AFD Team
Tomorrow on the Labyrinth: Labyrinth Walk,10am-Noon, January 20th.
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Feeling a bit frustrated with upcoming events? It is more essential than ever that we focus on community in this time of division in our nation. Join us as we contemplate and pray together. In partnership with First UCC ABQ, led by Emmy Mullennix, M.Div., their Discernment Minister. ~Pr. Koppel
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank you to all who showed up to help decorate the Sanctuary for Advent and Christmas! Our worship space looked beautiful and we could not have done it without you! De-decking the hall is never as fun, but you showed up for that too! Your efforts were greatly appreciated! ~Gratefully, Jan Bowers, for your Worship and Music team and your Visual Choir team
Great News from Rijasoa Andriamanana!
Dear St. Paul family,
I hope you are all doing well. I wish everyone a happy new year full of good health, joy, and success under God's grace. I would like to inform you that I received a fellowship at a university in Pittsburgh. It is for the Spring 2025 and involves doing some research and guest lectures. I will be accompanied by Kikao as housing is also provided. We will go back to Madagascar in June to resume our different activities: teaching college courses, training teachers, and doing the Girls Camp. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continuous care and support in many ways.
I look forward to seeing you again!
Peace and love,
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for the barrels at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
God’s Work Our Hands in January: Luther House Meal Train on Thursday, 30 January at 5pm. We had such a great time sharing fellowship and Bible study at the start of Advent, we are doing it again! We will be putting together the main dishes to take over hot that afternoon. If you are interested in supplying salads, fruit or desserts, please let us know. Or just come and be a part of a wonderful evening with Rev. Rhonda Newby-Torres and the students! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Update on Exterior Office Door. A new door is being fabricated and we will be looking at installation in approximately 2 weeks. In the interim, please use the doorbell to notify the Office to let you in the front doors. Those with key fobs can enter via the Choir Room door. However, if your fob doesn’t work on that door, please let me know so I can add it to your access. Since the break in, we have been blessed with outstanding assistance from the police, the K-9 unit, and multiple vendors/friends who graciously jumped in to assist us! It does take a village. ~Deborah Ash
From Local Partner Organizations
From ABQ JVP, Today:
This weekend:
Church Women United Retreat Next Saturday at St. Paul: Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will meet for a mini-retreat on Saturday morning, January 25th. St. Paul will be hosting the retreat in our Fellowship Hall from 9am to Noon. All women of St. Paul are invited to attend.
The morning will begin at 9am with sign-in, a light breakfast and conversation. The theme is Women in the Old Testament Who Manage a Way When There is No Way. The Rev. Dr. Nancy Bowen will be leading the retreat which will begin at 9:30. She is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Earlham School of Religion and also an ordained United Methodist minister. Time will be spent reflecting on some of Nancy’s favorite stories of women in the Old Testament.
Here at St. Paul, we will need help setting up the tables and chairs this Friday morning at 8am and taking them down after the retreat. We will need help before and after the retreat serving and cleaning up the kitchen. Also we will be serving quiches, cinnamon rolls, sweet breads, fresh fruit and any other sweet breakfast items you would be able to bring. If you can help, please contact me at sharonh0223@yahoo.com and let me know what you can bring or if you can help in the kitchen, etc. ~Sharon Hamilton
Next Sunday:
From Coro Lux: Sign Me Up!, a celebration of African American Sacred Music. Choral Workshop and Concert, on Saturday, February 9, United Church of Santa Fe. Nationally-known Composer and Conductor Brandon Boyd leads the 7th Annual FebFest Choral Workshop celebrating African American sacred music Saturday, Feb. 8 at United Church of Santa Fe. The all-day Choral Workshop also includes sessions with Soprano Amy Owens and KUNM’s “Train to Glory” host Cecilia Webb, and concludes with a free 4:00 pm concert. (The concert’s freewill offering benefits the new Santa Fe Symphony Children’s and Youth Choirs and UNM’s Gospel Choir “Fervent Praise.” Jointly sponsored by United Church and Albuquerque’s Coro Lux, the Saturday workshop is open to all singers (no audition needed) and is offered both in-person and online. For info or to register, please contact Rev. Talitha Arnold (505-988-3295) or Music Director Bradley Ellingboe (ellingboe@abqcorolux.org), or go to abqcorolux.org.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
This Tuesday: The National Day of Racial Healing is being celebrated by the ELCA on January 21, 10am-2pm CST. We are thrilled to be partners in this important online event as we work towards building a community, church, and world that celebrates all of its children without caveats or exceptions.
Hosted by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), the National Day of Racial Healing builds on the work of the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation community partners, who champion the knowledge that to have racial equity, one must first have racial healing.
The ELCA is focusing its day in two areas: raising awareness of the need for racial healing and inspiring collective action to build common ground for a more just and equitable ELCA and world. The day will feature presentations and panels that center the voices of ELCA leaders of color.
This free event is open to ELCA rostered ministers, lay leaders and members of all ELCA synods, congregations, colleges, universities, seminaries, separately incorporated ministries and antiracism teams, as well as the church's affiliate organizations and ecumenical and inter-religious partners. To register: https://www.elca.org/our-work/publicly-engaged-church/racial-justice-ministries/national-day-of-racial-healing
A Message from Bishop Meghan:
Dear friends in Christ,
Two Sundays ago, I worshiped with the people of Union Church in San Juan, Puerto Rico as part of the ELCA Bishops’ Academy, a continuing education event that introduced us to the rich history, theological contributions, ongoing ministries, and diverse cultures of Puerto Rican Lutherans and their neighbors. January 5 was Domingo de los tres Reyes Magos (Three Kings’/Magi Sunday), a joyful Epiphany celebration with deep significance for Christians in Puerto Rico who honor the tradition of the magi and share gifts with others. Less than a week later, Gabi and I were at lunch with Bishop Brenda Bos from the Southwest California Synod and her wife, Janis, when they received news that their house in Altadena had been destroyed in the Los Angeles wildfires, along with the homes and businesses of so many of their neighbors. Bereft of any wise words or useful gifts to share, we offered what we could: presence, prayers, and love (and chocolate).
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. (1 John 4:7) In this new year, the call to love sounds out again in the midst of wildfires and storms, grief and change, and joys and celebrations too. Love can be both the simplest and the most difficult thing to find, express, or receive. Yet we have the promise that “love is from God,” and “God is love.” May this love sustain and strengthen all of us and our neighbors in this season—and let us love one another, in word and deed.
In love,
Bishop Meghan
Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod, Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires and will work with them to provide for immediate needs and long-term recovery amid the widespread destruction. Find more information, prayer resources, and ways to donate to LDR efforts at https://www.elca.org/our-work/relief-and-development/lutheran-disaster-response/our-impact/us-wildfires. Gifts to "U.S. Wildfires" will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.
Lutheran World Relief’s emergency response team reports that requests for support are growing by the hour. Each day that passes leaves more homes in ashes, more evacuations and more people in danger in California. The destruction and need are overwhelming — and only getting worse. For those most in need, donations help provide:
hot meals, essential household supplies and support for transportation costs, so they can travel out of harm's way.
You help deliver LWR Quilts and Kits to our partners in and around Los Angeles, so they can provide comfort for evacuees and families who have lost their homes.
You make the long road to recovery and rebuilding possible.
To our neighbors affected by the wildfires, we continue to surround you with love, prayers and support. Give at: https://lwr.org/
Invitation to Nominate Students for Lutheran Summer Music 2025. Young musicians from across the country are headed to Valparaiso University this year for the 2025 Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM). Students in grades 8-12 will be immersed in a supportive community that nurtures their musical growth, and welcomes them to share their musical gifts in performance and in worship. You are invited to nominate students from your congregation!
Standard Enrollment is offered now through March 1. Now is the perfect time to nominate students so their families can directly receive information about this opportunity. Do you know young musicians who would thrive at LSM? Nominate them today! https://www.lsmacademy.org/nominate
Kick off a new year of faithful advocacy with Bread for the World by signing the Nourish Our Future petition, calling on Congress to end childhood hunger! This campaign, which Bread is launching next month, champions essential nutrition programs for children, young adults, and families. As the 119th U.S. Congress begins, now is the time to recommit ourselves to the work of building relationships across party lines and speaking out boldly to our political leaders. Sign the petition: https://www.bread.org/
Updates Beginning 12 January 2025
Today: Adult Faith Development will continue our discussion of Life After Doom. Last week we heard a presentation from Brian McLaren about his new book by that name, and this Sunday we will consider how his perspective might change the way we live going forward. Whether or not you were there for the presentation, we think the discussion may be of interest. Join us after the service at 11:15 in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome! ~The AFD Team
Adopted Families: Thanks to your generous donations I was able to pay over $165 for bus tickets for two clients from Healthcare for the Homeless, and then also help a woman with $500 toward her rent. The clients from Healthcare for the Homeless needed to travel out of state: one is homeless and has relatives in a warmer climate where he can go and sleep indoors in a bed for the winter; the other came here for a funeral and needed to get back to where he will be entering a sober living facility. The clients' advocate told me again how much she appreciates our help - it really makes a big difference in the clients' lives.
The husband of the woman we helped had helped us with the moving of some furniture in the past. Just before Christmas the woman's husband had a heart attack and passed away. The woman works but had taken some time off to be with her husband in the hospital and didn't have enough money to pay the rent. She is now dealing with the aftermath and reality of her loss. Thank you for having a hand in helping these folks. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
God’s Work Our Hands in January: Luther House Meal Train on Thursday, 30 January at 5pm. We had such a great time sharing fellowship and Bible study at the start of Advent, we are doing it again! We will be putting together the main dishes to take over hot that afternoon. If you are interested in supplying salads, fruit or desserts, please let us know. Or just come and be a part of a wonderful evening with Rev. Rhonda Newby-Torres and the students! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for the barrels at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Update on Exterior Office Door. A new door is being fabricated and we will be looking at installation in approximately 3 weeks. In the interim, please use the doorbell to notify the Office to let you in the front doors. Those with key fobs can enter via the Choir Room door. However, if your fob doesn’t work on that door, please let me know so I can add it to your access. Since the break in, we have been blessed with outstanding assistance from the police, the K-9 unit, and multiple vendors/friends who graciously jumped in to assist us! It does take a village. ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Today at 3pm: John Garlisch Organ Program, St Luke Lutheran Church, 9100 Menaul NE, 87112. Works by Krebs, Dupre, Buxtehude, Frahm, Heron, Pepping, and Bach.
This week, January 15th 1:00-2:30: ABQ Police’s Nob Hill – University Public Safety ECHO focuses on cases and issues in the area but the discussions and presentations benefit everyone across the community. Join us to discuss problems and concerns in the area and presentations. Register at: https://cabq.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gISlOiNaRcuLTfgtm6nNGg
From Coro Lux: Sign Me Up!, a celebration of African American Sacred Music. Choral Workshop and Concert, on Saturday, February 9, United Church of Santa Fe. Nationally-known Composer and Conductor Brandon Boyd leads the 7th Annual FebFest Choral Workshop celebrating African American sacred music Saturday, Feb. 8 at United Church of Santa Fe. The all-day Choral Workshop also includes sessions with Soprano Amy Owens and KUNM’s “Train to Glory” host Cecilia Webb, and concludes with a free 4:00 pm concert. (The concert’s freewill offering benefits the new Santa Fe Symphony Children’s and Youth Choirs and UNM’s Gospel Choir “Fervent Praise.” Jointly sponsored by United Church and Albuquerque’s Coro Lux, the Saturday workshop is open to all singers (no audition needed) and is offered both in-person and online. For info or to register, please contact Rev. Talitha Arnold (505-988-3295) or Music Director Bradley Ellingboe (ellingboe@abqcorolux.org), or go to abqcorolux.org.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
The National Day of Racial Healing is being celebrated by the ELCA on January 21, 10am-2pm CST. We are thrilled to be partners in this important online event as we work towards building a community, church, and world that celebrates all of its children without caveats or exceptions.
Hosted by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), the National Day of Racial Healing builds on the work of the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation community partners, who champion the knowledge that to have racial equity, one must first have racial healing.
The ELCA is focusing its day in two areas: raising awareness of the need for racial healing and inspiring collective action to build common ground for a more just and equitable ELCA and world. The day will feature presentations and panels that center the voices of ELCA leaders of color.
This free event is open to ELCA rostered ministers, lay leaders and members of all ELCA synods, congregations, colleges, universities, seminaries, separately incorporated ministries and antiracism teams, as well as the church's affiliate organizations and ecumenical and inter-religious partners. To register: https://www.elca.org/our-work/publicly-engaged-church/racial-justice-ministries/national-day-of-racial-healing
Updates Beginning 5 January 2025
Adult Faith Development begins our new semester today with a video presentation by Brian McLaren on his new book, Life After Doom. McLaren is a writer, speaker, and public theologian, and is dean of the faculty of the Center for Action and Contemplation. In his new book, he considers the multiple crises that face civilization in our time, and the ways we might respond to them. His is a timely and important message for people of faith, and all are welcome to join us in viewing his presentation. We'll be in the Conference Room after the service at 11:15 a.m. ~The AFD Team
Adopted Families: I'd like to give a huge thank you to all who participated in the Adopted Families Christmas effort:
the three elves (Paula Eglinton, Dana Mullen, and Linda FitzGerald) who stood by the paper tree and oversaw things on Sundays as well as doing lots of work behind the scene to make sure the gifts got to the intended recipients,
the sewing group who provided 21 quilts that are very much loved and appreciated, and
the people of St. Paul who generously provided gifts for the members of the eight families that we helped.
Five of the families were recommended to us by a counselor I've known for some time now. When she came to pick up the items for them, she needed two vehicles to fit everything in. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for the barrels at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
A Thank You to St. Paul:
Dear Pr. Koppel, Scholarship Committee and St. Paul Congregation,
I am incredibly grateful to have been chosen as a recipient of a scholarship from St. Paul for this fall academic year. The generous support has significantly reduced the financial burden of my doctoral education. Thank you once again for your generosity and investment in my future!
Patrick Rabezanany
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Today at St. Paul, 2pm! ABQ Chamber Soloists invites you to start your 2025 with music for flute and strings by Mozart and American composer Andrew Norman, followed by Schumann’s majestic Piano Quintet. With a pre-concert chat at 1:15pm with musical director James Holland in Fellowship Hall. Purchase tickets at the door: $15 adult; $12 senior; $5 student.
New Zoom link:
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
"Faithfulness in our time": a Christmas message from the ELCA bishops and synod vice presidents of Region 2
Dear friends in Christ,
In this Christmas season, we pray that you and your loved ones have found moments of true joy and peace in your celebrations. As the world prepares to greet a new year, we also turn to the days ahead in deep prayer and honest pondering. What will this time bring to our neighbors and communities, to our families and our own lives? What will it mean to be the church and engage in the “work of Christmas” now, in the places where we are?
As bishops and elected leaders, we represent more than 500 Lutheran congregations and ministries in Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. The people of our synods live in cities and small towns, near mountain ranges and ocean tides, in deserts and on prairies. We speak many different languages and carry many different stories; and we are all part of the same body of Christ.
As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we also share a common theological identity, as people who place our faith and trust in the grace offered freely to all people in Jesus Christ by the God who so loved the world that God become incarnate: sharing our humanity, standing in solidarity with the suffering and oppressed on the cross, and defeating all the powers of sin and death in his resurrection. The identity we share influences our approach to the secular world. In the words of the ELCA’s social statement The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective, “Social structures and processes combine life-giving and life-destroying dynamics in complex mixtures and in varying degrees. This church, therefore, must unite realism and vision, wisdom and courage, in its social responsibility. It needs constantly to discern when to support and when to confront society’s cultural patterns, values, and powers.”
As Lutheran followers of Jesus, we are concerned for many of our members and neighbors in our communities, nation, and around the world, who are experiencing a high degree of anxiety in these times, particularly those whose identities put them at risk or make them vulnerable as political targets. Knowing that our church includes people of every political affiliation, still as Christians we are called not simply to “agree to disagree”—but to seek, in faithful discernment, the guidance of the Holy Spirit in loving and serving God and our neighbor according to the example of Jesus. We do this as we gather to hear the Word proclaimed and share in the Sacraments; and we do this as we are sent out in service to use the gifts God has given us for the vocations to which God has called us: in our work, relationships, and communities. In all that we do—in worship and discipleship, in our striving to share and to be good news for our neighbors—we remember that we do not do this to earn or deserve God’s love: it is already abundantly given to us and to all people. In our worst moments, we ask for forgiveness; and in humility we learn that God’s grace remains. In our best moments, we rejoice; and we realize that it was not us alone, but God acting with and through us—grace upon grace.
As “the work of Christmas begins,” We invite you to join us in participating in the liberating love of God for the world. Whether you are a long-time Lutheran, a first-time wonderer, or somewhere in between, you are welcome: to find life in the grace of God that we receive in the sharing of the Word, the communion table, and the baptismal font; to find belonging in God’s love for you, no matter who or where you are; and to find spaces of spiritual practice and life-giving purpose that can ground you and draw out your gifts for the sake of others.
Our prayers for all the people of our synods, and for all our neighbors, are that we may come to more fully know, share, and embody the “good news of great joy for all people” that Jesus brings to our world. May this promised good news of justice, peace, and love truly come to all people in our time!
In Christ,
Bishop Deborah Hutterer
Barbara Carl, Vice President
Grand Canyon Synod, ELCA
Bishop Dave Nagler
Jeff Cours, Vice President
Pacifica Synod, ELCA
Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
Ruth Hoffman, Vice President
Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA
Bishop Jeff Johnson
Simon Wong, Vice President
Sierra Pacific Synod, ELCA
Bishop Brenda Bos
Lisa Curtis, Vice President
Southwest California Synod, ELCA
Updates Beginning 29 December 2024
Adult Faith Development is taking a vacation today! Please join us next week after worship. ~The AFD Team
St. Paul Youth: One of the ministries that our youth have continued over the years is collecting aluminum can donations from our congregation. The Matthews have supported this ministry by taking and selling the cans to a local recycling facility. $111 was raised this year. Noah and Gabriel Rabezanany, two of our youth, thoughtfully selected the following ELCA Good Gift items from the 2024 Christmas catalogue: 10 chicks; a share of a fish farm; 1 water filter; school supplies for a child; and stock a backpack with food. The order was submitted on Dec. 16th, and the funds raised will be matched by ELCA through their end-of-year campaign. Thank you to everyone who participates by bringing in aluminum cans for recycling. We hope to double these efforts in 2025. ~Peggy Burnett
God’s Work Our Hands: Thank you to all who have donated thus far for our December project: Friends Feeding Friends’ First Thursday meal at HopeWorks on 2 January 2025. On your check to St. Paul, please put “FFF January” in the memo line. And stay tuned for info on GWOH in 2025! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for The Storehouse barrel at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
ABQ Chamber Soloists invites you to start your 2025 with music for flute and strings by Mozart and American composer Andrew Norman, followed by Schumann’s majestic Piano Quintet. Next Sunday, January 5, 2pm at St. Paul. A pre-concert chat at 1:15pm with musical director James Holland will be held in Fellowship Hall. Tickets: $15 adult; $12 senior; $5 student. Available at the door, or at www.ticketleap.events/events/albuquerque-chamber-soloists.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
RMS Council approved two-year budget proposal. This week, the RMS Council approved a proposal from Bishop Meghan and Finance Director Jon Johnson to: pilot a two-year budgeting process for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 that would incorporate the input of synod council, finance committee, and voting membership in the presentation of a proposed two-year budget for approval at the 2025 Synod Assembly. This proposal comes out of conversations with rostered and lay leaders and members throughout the synod; our goal is to pilot a process that is more transparent, participatory and proactive. Read more about the rationale, planned timeline and steps, and other details at: https://files.constantcontact.com/bbca2826001/62e8d9ba-5e8c-4e7f-bac1-18b00c613955.pdf (and posted in the Welcome Center).
Lutheran World Relief Winter 2024 Special Report and Bread for the World Progress Against Hunger in 2024 are posted in the Welcome Center.
Updates Beginning 22 December 2024
Today: For Adult Faith Development this Advent season we are using The Weary World Rejoices, by Kate Bowler. Scripture, conversation, and prayer will lead us through the promises of truth, compassion, restoration, and justice. Right after worship, grab some refreshments and head to the Conference Room. We look forward to our time together! ~ Bob Matthews, Jan Krakow, and Ivan Westergaard, the AFD Team
Today after worship, don’t forget to pick up your biscochito and tamale orders in Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your support! ~The Girl Scouts
St. Paul Youth & ELCA Good Gifts: One of the ministries that our St. Paul Youth has continued over the years is collecting aluminum can donations from our St. Paul congregation. Bob and Nancy Matthews have supported this ministry by taking and selling the cans to a local recycling facility. During the 2024 calendar year, $111 was raised. Noah Rabezanany and Gabriel Rabezanany , two of our youth, thoughtfully selected the following ELCA Good Gift items from the 2024 Christmas ELCA Good Gifts catalog: 10 chicks; a share of a fish farm; 1 water filter; school supplies for a child; and stock a backpack with food. The order was submitted to ELCA on Dec. 16th. The funds raised will be matched by ELCA through their end-of-year campaign. Thank you to everyone who participates by bringing in aluminum cans for recycling. We hope to double these efforts in 2025. ~Peggy Burnett
God’s Work Our Hands: For our December project, we are collecting donations toward Friends Feeding Friends’ First Thursday meal at HopeWorks on 2 January 2025. On your check to St. Paul, please put “FFF January” in the memo line. Thank you! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for The Storehouse barrel at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
A “Thank You” to St. Paul:
Deborah and Nancy, what a blessing Thursday Dinner was! The food was so lovely and it was an honor to have you commune with us. Thank you so much. We enjoyed every minute of it. Advent blessings to you, Rhonda Newby-Torres, Pastor, Luther House UNM & CNM
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
This Tuesday:
ABQ Chamber Soloists invites you to start your 2025 with music for flute and strings by Mozart and American composer Andrew Norman, followed by Schumann’s majestic Piano Quintet. Sunday, January 5, 2pm at St. Paul. A pre-concert chat at 1:15pm with musical director James Holland will be held in Fellowship Hall.
W.A. Mozart: Flute Quartet in C major, K. 285b
Andrew Norman: Light Screens
Robert Schumann: Piano Quintet in E-flat major, Op. 44
Featuring: Jesse Tatum, flute; Judith Gordon, piano; Megan Holland, Nicolle Maniaci, violins; Laura Chang, viola; James Holland, cello.
Tickets: $15 adult; $12 senior; $5 student. Available at the door, or at www.ticketleap.events/events/albuquerque-chamber-soloists.
From ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative: Our newcomer friends seeking asylum, our clients who are newly housed, and our neighbors struggling to stay housed.... they are better off with your fellowship. Right now, thankfully, they are preparing holiday meals, wrapping presents, and anticipating the gift of giving and receiving with loved ones. During these longest nights of the year, your part as a giver means that our neighbors can celebrate the light of hope in a welcoming community. Dedicated ABQ FaithWorks volunteer family liaisons continue to support newcomers to find success and belonging here in Albuquerque.
I need to tell you that we're getting more and more calls from folks facing eviction … panicked that they will be forced out to the streets. All for getting sick and losing hours at work, or having a surprise car repair, or losing their second job. By the end of the year, with your help, we will have provided over 40,000 dollars in rental, utility, and emergency fuel card assistance for nearly 100 neighbors.
Our programs are now mostly volunteer-fueled but through mutual aid and the generosity of supporters like you we will continue helping neighbors find a safe home in the community of their choosing in 2025. Please donate at: https://www.abqfaithworks.org/. With joyful gratitude, Hannah Albee, Executive Director
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas from Bishop Meghan! Each year, as Advent draws close to Christmas, our northern hemisphere experiences the winter solstice: the shortest day and longest night of the year. It’s a wonderful chance to ponder the holy darkness as a place of reflection, creativity, and new beginnings—and to give thanks for the holy light of Christ that guides us. Some congregations and ministries are hosting “Blue Christmas” or “Longest Night” services as an opportunity for prayer and contemplation for those who are grieving, anxious, or simply wanting a quiet space amid joyful celebrations. Whether or not you are offering or attending a service like this, I’ve been reminded these past few weeks that pain and grief are very present companions to many at the holidays. I’m grateful for the ways the people of this synod continue to surround and support one another and our neighbors with compassion.
This first Christmas back in the U.S., I’m grateful for the time we will have with family here in Colorado to unplug and unwind a bit from a whirlwind summer and fall. I hope and pray you will find that same opportunity (knowing that for our pastors, deacons, musicians, church office staff, and many others, that opportunity will have to wait until sometime later on in the 12 days of Christmas—maybe by the time the six geese-a-laying arrive?)
Yet while we celebrate together, my family and I also will be missing family and loved ones in the Holy Land who continue to struggle through times of incredible hardship; and we are thinking of all who live in grief or deep uncertainty during this time. Joy and grief, song and silence, celebration and contemplation… all can, and do, coexist in every season in our lives—as the Apostle Paul reminds us, urging the members of the body of Christ to “rejoice with those who rejoice [and] weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15).
In our office, when our staff returns from some well-deserved vacation on January 2, we will be living in another kind of juxtaposition: the known and unknown of transition. Our synod staffing team will be working to finish the process of calling positions for our office of the bishop staff. This process has brought the gift of significant interest from candidates throughout the synod and discernment discussions with many gifted leaders. From the beginning, our staffing team had the goal of moving forward as quickly as we could while still taking the time to honor the commitment we made to an open hiring process; and the result has been that this process will continue into the new year.
In the meantime, the office of the bishop will begin the year short-staffed in some of our areas of ministry; and I ask for your patience and grace. We will endeavor to send out our e-Connections and other synod communications as frequently as we are able. Our transition coaches, along with bridge transition coordinator Pr. Will Johnson, are available for questions related to transition. Our conference deans and synod council members can also serve as great resources and as a point of contact for synod members. And, of course, please continue to reach out to me and to our office with questions and needs. We will do our very best to reply as soon as we’re able. I am grateful for your support in this, as I continue to believe that this discernment process has been faithful in inviting and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the sake of our shared ministry together into the future.
As Advent moves us through the longest night, to the long-awaited arrival of Christmas, may we remember that in this and every time of waiting, anticipation, and unknowing, God has already arrived and is present with us in Jesus. In all that this next year will bring, this is certain: the child born in holy darkness also lights our way. The God who calls us into the future will not leave us, but will accompany us in every moment of joy and every moment of grief—and in every step.
In Christ, Bishop Meghan
Updates Beginning 15 December 2024
Today: For Adult Faith Development this Advent season we are using The Weary World Rejoices, by Kate Bowler. Scripture, conversation, and prayer will lead us through the promises of truth, compassion, restoration, and justice. Right after worship, grab some refreshments and head to the Conference Room. We look forward to our time together! ~ Bob Matthews, Jan Krakow, and Ivan Westergaard, the AFD Team
Continuing this Wednesday! Please consider joining us for midweek Advent service at 6pm in the Chapel. We are using the beautiful Holden Evening Prayer and will include reflections as we prepare for the birth of Christ. This will be a time of calm from our crazy world and from the hectic activity of the season. I know that my soul could use some calm and soothing from all the chaos. Hope to see you there! ~Jo Browning, Worship & Music
Today stop by the Girl Scouts’ table in the Welcome Center to place an order for biscochitos and tamales! Delivery will be at church next Sunday, 22 December. ~Francesca Apodaca, Troop Leader
Calico Preschool This Friday:
Adopted Families: There may still be some tags available on our paper tree in the foyer if you would like to get a gift for someone. Just a friendly reminder - the Christmas gifts for our families will be picked up from St. Paul next Sunday some time soon after the service ends, so all gifts need to be returned before then. It so happens that Cheri and Ted Parson (who also do a lot on the Adopted Families project) were recently visiting an "old" adopted family that they have kept in touch with for many years. One of the daughters in that family is now grown up and just had her second baby. The daughter said she remembers the Christmases they had when she was little in Albuquerque. She said she is sure the project made them happen. She told Cheri how grateful she is for everything. Since she is grown she always goes to a giving tree and adopts a family as a way of giving back for what she was given. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
God’s Work Our Hands: For our December project, we are collecting donations toward Friends Feeding Friends’ First Thursday meal at HopeWorks on 2 January 2025. On your check to St. Paul, please put “FFF January” in the memo line. Thank you! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for The Storehouse barrel at church. Pet food is also needed. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
2pm Today at St. Paul: The New Mexico Brass Quintet will be performing a Christmas program including a wide range of music from the Baroque works of Henry Purcell to the movie music of John Williams and Alexander Courage of Star Trek. In addition to seasonal Christmas music, the group will perform audience requests of favorite carols and a new arrangement (per numerous children requests) of the Mr. Grinch song. In addition to releasing four commercial CDs, NMBQ has toured through the U.S., Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, China, Canada, Australia and the Ukraine. The program is free to all as a gift to the community and the congregation of St. Paul. ~Jeffrey Piper, Director
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
An Advent Message from Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
Dear friends in Christ,
For the eighteen years I have been a pastor, I have worn the same Advent stole—oatmeal-colored, with a blue pattern of words and crosses printed up one side and down another. It often takes onlookers a few moments to realize that the words are a list of names: Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Ruth, Naomi, Esther, Judith, Mary, Elizabeth, and Mary of Magdala. The stole was a gift, and comes in other liturgical colors, but I’ve always found it appropriate for Advent—which remembers and anticipates God’s arrival in the world in Jesus, a story in which faithful women play an integral role.
Before Jesus was even born, his mother Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth; and both women rejoiced at the impending birth of their children, whose lives would be connected and filled with purpose: John the Baptist, as the one whose fierce devotion to the promises of God would prepare the way for the recognition of Jesus as God-with-us, and Jesus himself, Son of God and Savior of the world. In this moment, Mary sang a song of praise that was also a sermon, proclaiming that the God who chose her to bear the Christ child “has shown strength with his arm… scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts… brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly… filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.” (Luke 1:49-55).
Many years later, Jesus stood up in the synagogue in Nazareth—his home congregation—and echoed the song of his mother, recalling the words of the prophet Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Jesus then declared: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:18-21).
The words of Jesus, and his mother Mary before him, describe the promises and actions of God not as something that is about to happen, but as something God has already done! Even before Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection, the words of Isaiah had already been fulfilled in him, “today”! Even before Jesus’ arrival, God had already “done great things,” restoring justice by lifting up those the world treated as lowly—including Mary herself.
Advent, we often hear, is a time of waiting: waiting for answers, waiting to know the way forward, waiting for signs of hope in a weary, war-torn, worrisome world. That’s why the wise words of Mary, and of Jesus, mean so much: because even as we wait, we proclaim in faith, in joy, and in defiant hope that God’s power of grace, love, and resurrection life are already real in our lives and in the world. God is already with the suffering, the oppressed, the fearful, the hungry. God is already working, in ways we cannot even recognize, to restore the world to justice, peace, and love. May the heart of Elizabeth and John, and the courage of Mary and Jesus, renew and sustain you in the waiting this Advent season.
In Christ,
Bishop Meghan
Updates Beginning 8 December 2024
Today: For Adult Faith Development this Advent season we are using The Weary World Rejoices, by Kate Bowler. Scripture, conversation, and prayer will lead us through the promises of truth, compassion, restoration, and justice. Right after worship, grab some refreshments and head to the Conference Room. We look forward to our time together! ~ Bob Matthews, Jan Krakow, and Ivan Westergaard, the AFD Team
Today: Welcome to our Come As You Are Choir! Thank you, Janet, for arranging this before caroling this afternoon. ~Deborah AshToday: Christmas Caroling! After church we will join together and carpool to Good Samaritan Society-Manzano del Sol Village and sing Christmas carols to the residents. Janet has graciously offered to lead us and has prepared song books for us to use. After caroling we will return to St. Paul to eat lunch (remember to bring a sack lunch). At 1:45 we will go to the Morada Assisted Living and Memory Care facility near the church to sing. This joyful holiday tradition is welcome to all—family members, friends and neighbors. ~Jan Bowers, Karin Urban, Janet Vrudny
Continuing this week! Please consider joining us for midweek Advent services. We are using the beautiful Holden Evening Prayer and will include reflections as we prepare for the birth of Christ. This will be a time of calm from our crazy world and from the hectic activity of the season. I know that my soul could use some calm and soothing from all the chaos. The services are at 6pm on Dec 11 and 18 in the Chapel. Hope to see you there! ~Jo Browning, Worship & Music
Today and next Sunday stop by the Girl Scouts’ table in the Welcome Center to place an order for biscochitos and tamales! Delivery will be at church on Sunday, 22 December. ~Francesca Apodaca, Troop Leader
1pm this Wednesday: Ice Cream Social Hour! At Dairy Queen, 4104 Louisiana Blvd. NE, 87109.
Luther House’s Meal Train: St. Paul provided the evening meal at Thursday’s Open Table Connection fellowship. What a wonderful student gathering, encompassing food, conversation and Bible study! We hope to do this again in 2025. ~Deborah Ash, Sharon Hamilton, Nancy Jenkins, & Molly Kraft
God’s Work Our Hands: For our December project, we are collecting donations toward Friends Feeding Friends’ First Thursday meal at HopeWorks on 2 January 2025. On your check to St. Paul, please put “FFF January” in the memo line. Thank you! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
From Calico Preschool:
Adopted Families: Our "Giving Tree" is now in the foyer; it has tags that represent the wishes we got from some of our families. You can choose a gift tag (or more); be sure your name and phone number get recorded on our master list for each tag you take. The wrapped gifts need to be returned by Sunday, December 22. You can also make a monetary donation by making a check payable to St. Paul, marking it for Adopted Families-Christmas, and placing it in the Sunday offering or church office. Thank you in advance for thinking of these folks during the holiday season. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Advent Calendars from Lutheran World Relief are available in the Welcome Center. Please take one for you and one to share! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for The Storehouse barrel at church. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Have you noticed the name tags on some of our newest community? Help them learn our names too! Please wear your name tag - they are found in the display box just inside the narthex. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Next Sunday: The New Mexico Brass Quintet will be performing a Christmas program at St. Paul Lutheran Church on Sunday, December 15th at 2 pm. The group will perform a wide range of music from the Baroque works of Henry Purcell to the movie music of John Williams and Alexander Courage of Star Trek. In addition to seasonal Christmas music, the group will perform audience requests of favorite carols and a new arrangement (per numerous children requests) of the Mr. Grinch song. In addition to releasing four commercial CDs, NMBQ has toured through the United States, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, China, Canada, Australia and the Ukraine. The program is free to all as a gift to the community and the congregation of St. Paul. ~Jeffrey Piper, Director
Next Sunday:
In thanks for St. Paul’s hospitality (and not least because Kristi is part of the program!) we'd like to offer congregation members a 20% discount to either of our holiday concerts, The Feminine Divine, on December 15th (2 and 5 pm). To claim this discount, enter the code SPLC24 when checking out at: tickettailor.com/events/corolux/1362592?
The Coro Lux "family of choruses" presents their annual holiday program at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church (4020 Lomas Blvd., NE in Albuquerque) on Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 2 pm and 5 pm. Both concerts are identical. The featured work will be J.S. Bach's Magnificat with full orchestra. Also appearing will be the El Faro Youth Chorus and the Coro Lux chamber chorus, called Luminare. An added bonus on this concert will be the world-premiere of "Luminous Night," a new Christmas work commissioned to celebrate Coro Lux's 10th anniversary season, written by the internationally-known composer Z. Randall Stroope. Musical selections will be interspersed with poetry and readings read by the Rev. Talitha Arnold and the Rev. Kristi Koppel. ~Brad Ellingboe, Artistic Director
The Storehouse New Mexico: Sandia Area Federal Credit Union is matching donations up to $25,000 to the Storehouse this season: StorehouseNM.org
This Thursday, 12 December, 5-6pm: ABQ Police are hosting a Pizza with Police event at Giovanni’s, 921 San Pedro Dr. SE.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
From Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM: Important Dates for your Calendar!
Our annual Issue Briefing and Bishop's Luncheon during the upcoming legislative session will take place on Thursday, February 20th. Events will be held at First Presbyterian Church and the La Fonda Hotel.
A Hunger Action Day and Rally will be held on Friday, February 21st.
An Action Day and Rally for the Paid Medical and Family Leave Act will take place on Tuesday, January 28th.
The annual Disability Awareness Day at the capitol will be on Thursday, February 13th.
2024 LSM Musical Advent Calendar. Experience the anticipation and hope of the Advent season with Lutheran Summer Music's fourth-annual Musical Advent Calendar. From December 1-24, immerse yourself in a daily moment of music and reflection shared on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages and archived on our website at LSMacademy.org/acal. To have these daily videos delivered straight to your inbox, sign up at forms.gle/6Jw7DoDApTAgW4Uf6.
ReconcilingWorks is deeply committed to making the church and world a better place for all God has named and claimed as Beloved. The Board of Directors has created a $5,000 match this season! reconcilingworks.org
Bread for the World: Year-end donations doubled up to $500,000! Gifts will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling the impact of your generosity. Working together, we can make a big difference this Christmas. www.bread.org/
Border Servant Corps: BSC Good Gifts offers a meaningful way to support migrants in the borderlands. From cold-weather gear and essential care for newborns to kids’ kits and birthday celebrations, each gift brings hope to those in need in the U.S.-México border region. Share compassion and change lives this holiday season! https://www.borderservantcorps.org/shop (The catalogue is posted in the Welcome Center.)
Updates Beginning 1 December 2024
Today: For Adult Faith Development this Advent season we'll use The Weary World Rejoices, by Kate Bowler. Scripture, conversation, and prayer will lead us through the promises of truth, compassion, restoration, and justice. Right after worship, grab some refreshments and head to the Conference Room. We look forward to our time together! ~ Bob Matthews, Jan Krakow, and Ivan Westergaard, the AFD Team
God’s Work Our Hands: After worship today, we will put together wellness kits for HopeWorks in Fellowship Hall. Thank you to all who donated items in November! For our December project, we are accepting donations for Friends Feeding Friends’ First Thursday meal at HopeWorks on 2 January 2025. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
The First Tuesday of December will be on the 3rd. Come join us at SW Grape and Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE, between 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. The question we may ponder while having snacks and something cool to drink could be, "How did this year go by so quickly?". Hope to see you there! ~Nancy Matthews
Help us wish our Homebound folks a Merry Christmas. St. Paul Prayer & Visitation Ministry visits regularly to our homebound. The team will be doing visitations through the month of December and taking with them a gift. We would like to include our congregation in this package of joy – please take a few minutes to sign a blessing, wish or your name to the 8 cards sitting on the Welcome Desk. You may or may not know the individual the card will go to, but they will know they were thought of and that is a gift unto itself. Cards will remain available until this Tuesday, December 3 and then will be placed in the bags to be delivered. Thank You from the Visitation Ministers: Kay Fulton, Sharon Howard, Diane Remer-Thamert, Teresa Dubuque, Nancy Jenkins, Pastor Koppel, Julie Ambrogi
Starting this week! Please consider joining us for midweek Advent services. We will be using the beautiful Holden Evening Prayer and will include reflections as we prepare for the birth of Christ. This will be a time of calm from our crazy world and from the hectic activity of the season. I know that my soul could use some calm and soothing from all the chaos. The services are at 6pm on Dec 4, 11 and 18 in the Chapel. Hope to see you there! ~Jo Browning, Worship & Music
Come As You Are Choir - Sunday, December 8! It was nice to see so many of you in church this past Sunday. I thought it would be great to have a “come as you are choir” in church, on the day we go caroling.
Please come to the choir room at 9:00 a.m. and we will rehearse the “Advent Hymn,” which is a piece we did last December as well, so I’m hoping it will be somewhat familiar. Thanks everyone! I’m looking forward to a nice day with you on Sunday, December 8. ~Janet Vrudny
Christmas Caroling. After church on December 8 we will join together and carpool to Good Samaritan Society-Manzano del Sol Village and sing Christmas carols to the residents. Janet Vrudny has graciously offered to lead us and has prepared song books for us to use. After caroling we will return to St. Paul to eat lunch (remember to bring a sack lunch). At 1:45 we will go to the Morada Assisted Living and Memory Care facility near the church on Indian School Road to sing.
Janet wants to provide enough song books so please RSVP to one of us if you think you will sing. This joyful holiday tradition is welcome to all—family members, friends and neighbors. ~Jan Bowers, Karin Urban, Janet Vrudny
Adopted Families: Our "Giving Tree" is now in the foyer; it has tags that represent the wishes we got from some of our families. You can choose a gift tag (or more); be sure your name and phone number get recorded on our master list for each tag you take. The wrapped gifts need to be returned by Sunday, December 22. You can also make a monetary donation by making a check payable to St. Paul, marking it for Adopted Families-Christmas, and placing it in the Sunday offering or church office. Thank you in advance for thinking of these folks during the holiday season. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Advent Calendars from Lutheran World Relief are available in the Welcome Center. Please take one for you and perhaps one to share with a friend or neighbor! ~Deborah Ash
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for The Storehouse barrel at church. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Have you noticed the name tags on some of our newest community? Help them learn our names too! Please wear your name tag - they are found in the display box just inside the narthex. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Thank You’s to St. Paul:
Dear Amazing Community of true Christians! I have seen you in action now for over a year. The love you show, your works and dedication really mean so much to us. Whenever I see Mom (Elizabeth) I pop into worship with my niece Katryn. This special time means so much to worship together. Just wanted to let you know my whole family: my daughters, husband and Mom’s California friends love St. Paul! What a blessing. With love, Desi & Monte
Sending greetings and a great BIG thank you to our friends at St. Paul Lutheran Church! The collection of coats for the Dignity Mission was a huge success. I’m still sorting them and putting them in bags which will be delivered to the border at El Paso on December 14th. The Dignity Mission will also deliver 800 Christmas backpacks to the children at the border. Our “Mad Hatters” have crocheted 150 hats that will be taken as well as scarves, mittens and gloves of all sizes. This is the Christmas trip we all want to take! Every six weeks the Dignity Mission drives a truckload of needed supplies to El Paso. These supplies are delivered to shelters on both sides of the border as well as those living on the streets. God bless all of you for what you do so willingly. Blessings, Rae VanDeMotter, Chair, Outreach & Advocacy, All Saints Lutheran Church
Dear St. Paul Lutheran Church, I write this letter to you with deep gratitude for your partnership with ReconcilingWorks through the Reconciling in Christ program. In this season when many feel unsure of what the next chapter of their lives will bring here is what I know for sure.
ReconcilingWorks’ 50 years of ministry is only possible because of you! And I know you will make all that is next possible as well.
The need for people of faith to be bold and courageous in living out our values of love, welcome, inclusion, and advocacy are more important than ever.
There is a tremendous amount of outreach and education to do across the country and in our Lutheran communities to deepen and expand care for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.
I know these things to be true because ministries like yours near and far are making a difference in your people and communities. With my whole heart, thank you for being a partner in this ministry! God’s Peace, Aubrey Thonvold, Executive Director
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
From ABQ FaithWorks: Thanks to the generous support from our member congregations this year, continues to help asylum seekers, and those at risk of homelessness. We are recruiting for all sorts of volunteer roles in direct service, administrative, IT, and fundraising. We would love to talk with you about your passion, skills, talent and time and find the right volunteer match for you! Go to https://www.abqfaithworks.org/copy-of-volunteer or give me a call at 505-333-8059. ~Hannah Albee, Executive Director
Next Sunday:
The New Mexico Brass Quintet will be performing a Christmas program at St. Paul Lutheran Church on Sunday, December 15th at 2 pm. The group will perform a wide range of music from the Baroque works of Henry Purcell to the movie music of John Williams and Alexander Courage of Star Trek. In addition to seasonal Christmas music, the group will perform audience requests of favorite carols and a new arrangement (per numerous children requests) of the Mr. Grinch song. In addition to releasing four commercial CDs, NMBQ has toured through the United States, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, China, Canada, Australia and the Ukraine. The program is free to all as a gift to the community and the congregation of St. Paul. ~Jeffrey Piper, Director
From Coro Lux:
In thanks for St. Paul’s hospitality (and not least because Kristi is part of the program!) we'd like to offer congregation members a 20% discount to either of our holiday concerts, The Feminine Divine, on December 15th (2 and 5 pm). To claim this discount, enter the code SPLC24 when checking out at: tickettailor.com/events/corolux/1362592?
The Coro Lux "family of choruses" presents their annual holiday program, titled THE FEMININE DIVINE, at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church (4020 Lomas Blvd., NE in Albuquerque) on Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 2 pm and 5 pm. Both concerts are identical. The featured work will be J.S. Bach's Magnificat with full orchestra. Also appearing will be the El Faro Youth Chorus and the Coro Lux chamber chorus, called Luminare. An added bonus on this concert will be the world-premiere of "Luminous Night," a new Christmas work commissioned to celebrate Coro Lux's 10th anniversary season, written by the internationally-known composer Z. Randall Stroope. Musical selections will be interspersed with poetry and readings read by the Rev. Talitha Arnold and the Rev. Kristi Koppel. ~Brad Ellingboe, Artistic Director
The Storehouse New Mexico: Hope Without Hunger. Sandia Area Federal Credit Union is matching donations up to $25,000 to the Storehouse this season: StorehouseNM.org
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
From Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM: Important Dates for your Calendar!
Our annual Issue Briefing and Bishop's Luncheon during the upcoming legislative session will take place on Thursday, February 20th. Events will be held at First Presbyterian Church and the La Fonda Hotel.
A Hunger Action Day and Rally will be held on Friday, February 21st.
An Action Day and Rally for the Paid Medical and Family Leave Act will take place on Tuesday, January 28th.
The annual Disability Awareness Day at the capitol will be on Thursday, February 13th.
2024 LSM Musical Advent Calendar. Experience the anticipation and hope of the Advent season with Lutheran Summer Music's fourth-annual Musical Advent Calendar. From December 1-24, immerse yourself in a daily moment of music and reflection shared on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages and archived on our website at LSMacademy.org/acal. To have these daily videos delivered straight to your inbox, sign up at forms.gle/6Jw7DoDApTAgW4Uf6.
Youth musicians are invited to Lutheran Summer Music! LSM is the nation’s premier faith-based music academy for high school students. Students come together from all over the country to immerse themselves in joyful music-making and build a supportive and welcoming community, living together on a college campus. LSM 2025 takes place at Valparaiso University in Indiana from June 22-July 20* (Full Session) or June 22-July 6 (Half Session) and is open to students who have completed grades 8-12. Learn more at: LSMacademy.org/program
ReconcilingWorks is deeply committed to making the church and world a better place for all God has named and claimed as Beloved. The Board of Directors has created a $5,000 match this season! reconcilingworks.org
Bread for the World: Year-end donations doubled up to $500,000! Gifts will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling the impact of your generosity. Working together, we can make a big difference this Christmas. www.bread.org/
Global Refuge for Giving Tuesday this week: Thanks to a generous matching gift, all donations are doubled up to $50,000, to support New Americans during these unpredictable times. www.globalrefuge.org
Updates Beginning 24 November 2024
Today, 24 November, Congregational Meeting at 11am in Fellowship Hall. Agenda includes 2025 budget and elections. We are also having a Fellowship Potluck while we meet! We will have several pots of chili (both with meat and without). Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Beverages provided. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Advent is upon us! We will be gathering this Tuesday, 26 November at 1pm, to decorate the Sanctuary for Advent. We'll be putting up the tree with lights, and hanging greens with blue bows around the perimeter. We have a faithful group, (you know who you are!) who gets this done every year, but we would certainly welcome ANY one's help! You know what they say about "many hands"! Thank you, in advance! ~Jan Bowers
Help us wish our Homebound folks a Merry Christmas. St. Paul Prayer & Visitation Ministry visits regularly to our homebound. The team will be doing visitations through the month of December and taking with them a gift. We would like to include our congregation in this package of joy – please take a few minutes to sign a blessing, wish or your name to the 8 cards sitting on the Welcome Desk. You may or may not know the individual the card will go to, but they will know they were thought of and that is a gift unto itself. Cards will remain available until December 3 and then will be placed in the bags to be delivered. Thank You from the Visitation Ministers: Kay Fulton, Sharon Howard, Diane Remer-Thamert, Teresa Dubuque, Nancy Jenkins, Pastor Koppel, Julie Ambrogi
Midweek Advent Services will be held in the Chapel at 6pm on Wednesdays, December 4, 11, and 18. We will be worshiping with Holden Evening Prayer. ~Terry Cole, Worship & Music
Christmas Caroling, Sunday, December 8. We will join together after church to sing the festive carols of this season. Janet Vrudny has graciously offered to lead us and has prepared song books for us to use. At this time, we have contacted several facilities and are working out the details. We will have time to eat lunch so please bring a sack lunch. Janet wants to provide enough song books so please RSVP to one of us if you think you will sing. This joyful holiday tradition is welcome to all—family members, friends, neighbors. More details to come! ~Karin Urban, Jan Bowers, Janet Vrudny
Adopted Families: Our "Giving Tree" is now in the foyer; it has tags that represent the wishes we got from some of our families. You can choose a gift tag (or more); be sure your name and phone number get recorded on our master list for each tag you take. The wrapped gifts need to be returned by Sunday, December 22. You can also make a monetary donation by making a check payable to St. Paul, marking it for Adopted Families-Christmas, and placing it in the Sunday offering or church office. Thank you in advance for thinking of these folks during the holiday season.
I'd also like to report that I worked with a client advocate at Healthcare for the Homeless and spent just over $51 to purchase a bus ticket for a client. The client had been in another state visiting his daughter and also trying to replace his identity documents; he was on his way back to be with his father where he was previously living when he got stuck in Albuquerque. He was very appreciative of the help we gave him. Thanks for helping us help others. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Christmas Eve Survey: The results are in! After considering those results, our Worship and Music team has decided that we will be offering two services! Our 5:00pm service on the labyrinth will continue, as it has become very popular for many. There will also be a 7:00pm indoor service for those of you who prefer not to be out in the cold.
The early service includes ambience and warmth provided by firepits, trails of luminarias, hot chocolate and cookies! If you dress warm and bring a comfortable chair, it promises to be a magical time together! The 7:00 service will be much the same but will also offer communion (and no firepits!). Both services will include Lessons and Carols! Please join us for one, or both! ~Jan Bowers (for your Worship and Music team)
November’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: HopeWorks Hygiene Kits. This month we are collecting items for both men and women—please pick up an items list in the Welcome Center and drop items in the basket. We will put them together after service on 1 Dec. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
New socks New underwear Bar soap (travel size) Razors
Mini shampoo Mini conditioner Deodorant (travel size) Chapstick
Wet wipes Feminine products Lotion (travel size)
Food Donations for The Storehouse. Food is always needed during the winter. Whenever you go shopping, please pick up an item or two of non-perishable foods for The Storehouse barrel at church. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Have you noticed the name tags on some of our newest community? Help them learn our names too! Please wear your name tag - they are found in the display box just inside the narthex. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Important! Scam emails and texts are circulating again, written as if from Pr. Koppel. Please be cautious about responding or opening! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
The New Mexico Brass Quintet will be performing a Christmas program at St. Paul Lutheran Church on Sunday, December 15th at 2 pm. The group will perform a wide range of music from the Baroque works of Henry Purcell to the movie music of John Williams and Alexander Courage of Star Trek. In addition to seasonal Christmas music, the group will perform audience requests of favorite carols and a new arrangement (per numerous children requests) of the Mr. Grinch song. In addition to releasing four commercial CDs, NMBQ has toured through the United States, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, China, Canada, Australia and the Ukraine. The program is free to all as a gift to the community and the congregation of St. Paul. ~Jeffrey Piper, Director
From Coro Lux:
In thanks for St. Paul’s hospitality (and not least because Kristi is part of the program!) we'd like to offer congregation members a 20% discount to either of our holiday concerts, The Feminine Divine, on December 15th (2 and 5 pm). To claim this discount, enter the code SPLC24 when checking out at: tickettailor.com/events/corolux/1362592?
The Coro Lux "family of choruses" presents their annual holiday program, titled THE FEMININE DIVINE, at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church (4020 Lomas Blvd., NE in Albuquerque) on Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 2 pm and 5 pm. Both concerts are identical. The featured work will be J.S. Bach's Magnificat with full orchestra. Also appearing will be the El Faro Youth Chorus and the Coro Lux chamber chorus, called Luminare. An added bonus on this concert will be the world-premiere of "Luminous Night," a new Christmas work commissioned to celebrate Coro Lux's 10th anniversary season, written by the internationally-known composer Z. Randall Stroope. Musical selections will be interspersed with poetry and readings read by the Rev. Talitha Arnold and the Rev. Kristi Koppel. ~Brad Ellingboe, Artistic Director
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
A Message from Bishop Johnston Aelabouni: Dear friends, in this season of giving thanks, as we remember the gifts of the land and the people who have lived and given thanks here for hundreds and thousands of years, I’m thankful for the place my family and I have found ourselves. As time goes by, we feel more and more at home: in our house and neighborhood, in work and school, and in the sense of community we feel among the people and ministries of this synod.
Request for Prayers and Grace: As this time of transition continues, as your bishop, I am asking you for your prayers. In the decisions before us, I believe with my whole heart that your synod council, staffing team, office of the bishop staff, and I are all striving to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to make decisions that are faithful, wise, transparent, collaborative, and compassionate. Please pray for us—and especially for our staff, whose vocational futures and livelihoods have been so connected to this transition time. Please pray for those who remain, for those who depart, and for those who are still uncertain—as well as for all those who are now discerning or applying for positions.
Also, please offer us your patience and grace as you are able. We have been operating in an in-between space for several months, and we will likely be working at diminished capacity in the coming weeks. While we discern who God is calling to serve on our synod team going forward, and work to build this team and clarify our roles and work together, please don’t hesitate to reach out with needs, questions, ideas, or concerns—but please also bear in mind that response times, schedules, and planning for our shared work will all be affected by being a team “under construction.”
Finally, thank you for your support and trust. This is truly an amazing part of the body of Christ, and I am deeply hopeful and excited about the season of ministry we are entering together. I believe that with God’s help, these times can call out from us the gifts of the Spirit in ways that strengthen our witness to the Gospel, for the sake of our neighbors and the world God so loves. In Christ, Bishop Meghan, rmselca.org
2024 LSM Musical Advent Calendar. Experience the anticipation and hope of the Advent season with Lutheran Summer Music's fourth-annual Musical Advent Calendar. From December 1-24, immerse yourself in a daily moment of music and reflection shared on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages and archived on our website at LSMacademy.org/acal.
To have these daily videos delivered straight to your inbox, sign up at forms.gle/6Jw7DoDApTAgW4Uf6.
Updates Beginning 17 November 2024
Today: Emerging Ministry Celebration, New Member Welcome, and time for Q&A: This Sunday we celebrate this Emerging Ministry with our Spanish Speaking partners who are sharing space in our Chapel! Our bilingual service will include a special message from Father Q (Office of the Bishop) and welcome new members into our fold. Following worship, grab your refreshments and return to the Sanctuary for a conversation to gain a deeper understanding of this Spirit-led opportunity to intentionally partner! ~ Pr. Koppel
Next Sunday, 24 November, Congregational Meeting at 11am in Fellowship Hall. Agenda includes 2025 budget and elections (see below)! We are also having a Fellowship Potluck while we meet! We will have several pots of chili (both with meat and without). Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Beverages provided. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
2025 SPLC Council. At the Congregational Meeting, among agenda items, in accordance with our St. Paul constitution and by-laws, we will be electing 4 members of St. Paul Lutheran Church to fill council positions that will be open in January 2025, after the completion of 4 members’ 3-year terms (Peggy Burnett, Sharon Hamilton, Roger Hein, and Jeff Peterson). If you are interested in becoming a member of our church council and are a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, please speak with anyone currently on council so that we may add your name to the ballot. If you have questions about council, you may speak with Sara Love, council president; Peggy Burnett, council vice-president; or Nancy Jenkins, council secretary. ~Peggy Burnett
Advent is upon us! We will be staying after church next Sunday, 24 November, to decorate the Sanctuary for Advent. Grab some goodies and come back in! We'll be putting up the tree with lights, and hanging greens with blue bows around the perimeter. We have a faithful group, (you know who you are!) who gets this done every year, but we would certainly welcome ANY one's help! You know what they say about "many hands"! Thank you, in advance! ~Jan Bowers
Important! Scam emails and texts are circulating again, written as if from Pr. Koppel. Please be cautious about responding or opening! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Christmas Eve Survey: The results are in! After considering those results, our Worship and Music team has decided that we will be offering two services! Our 5:00pm service on the labyrinth will continue, as it has become very popular for many. There will also be a 7:00pm indoor service for those of you who prefer not to be out in the cold.
The early service includes ambience and warmth provided by firepits, trails of luminarias, hot chocolate and cookies! If you dress warm and bring a comfortable chair, it promises to be a magical time together! The 7:00 service will be much the same but will also offer communion (and no firepits!). Both services will include Lessons and Carols! Please join us for one, or both! ~Jan Bowers (for your Worship and Music team)
Adopted Families: We will again be doing our Christmas thing - i.e., getting wish lists from some of our families and putting the wishes on our paper tree in the foyer. The tree should be up next Sunday (the Sunday before Thanksgiving). You will be able to choose a gift (or two) to buy; the wrapped gifts need to be returned by Sunday, December 22. You can also make a monetary donation by making a check payable to St. Paul, marking it for Adopted Families-Christmas, and placing it in the Sunday offering or church office. Thank you in advance for supporting our families during the holiday season. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
November’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: HopeWorks Hygiene Kits. This month we are collecting items for both men and women—please pick up an items list in the Welcome Center and drop items in the basket. We will put them together after service on 1 Dec. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
New socks New underwear Bar soap (travel size) Razors
Mini shampoo Mini conditioner Deodorant (travel size) Chapstick
Wet wipes Feminine products Lotion (travel size)
Attention All Worship Leaders: I will be making the new schedules for Assisting Ministers and Communion Assistants soon. If you currently serve in these roles, please let me know any dates between now and March 30, 2025 that you know you cannot serve. If you are not currently a communion assistant or assisting minister, please consider joining this important ministry. We always need new leaders. Training will happily be provided! Please talk to me or send an email if you would like more information about these jobs. ~Peace, Terry Cole for Worship and Music
Do you like to bake bread? I am getting ready to write the schedule for the 2025 Communion Bread Bakers. We currently have 4: Mandy Wang, Jo Browning, Julie Ambrogi and Nancy Jenkins. We bake 4 times a year. If you would like to join us, we would love to have you and we would bake fewer times! I will provide you with the recipe which is an easy one! Please contact me if you want to join the baking team. ~Nancy Jenkins
We collect dry and canned goods for The Storehouse. Don't forget about the hungry in the midst of all our other collections. Pet food is also appreciated. ~Nancy Matthews
Have you noticed the name tags on some of our newest community? Help them learn our names too! Please wear your name tag - they are found in the display box just inside the narthex. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
From Coro Lux:
In thanks for St. Paul’s hospitality (and not least because Kristi is part of the program!) we'd like to offer congregation members a 20% discount to either of our holiday concerts, The Feminine Divine, on December 15th (2 and 5 pm). To claim this discount, enter the code SPLC24 when checking out at: tickettailor.com/events/corolux/1362592?
The Coro Lux "family of choruses" presents their annual holiday program, titled THE FEMININE DIVINE, at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church (4020 Lomas Blvd., NE in Albuquerque) on Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 2 pm and 5 pm. Both concerts are identical. The featured work will be J.S. Bach's Magnificat with full orchestra. Also appearing will be the El Faro Youth Chorus and the Coro Lux chamber chorus, called Luminare. An added bonus on this concert will be the world-premiere of "Luminous Night," a new Christmas work commissioned to celebrate Coro Lux's 10th anniversary season, written by the internationally-known composer Z. Randall Stroope. Musical selections will be interspersed with poetry and readings read by the Rev. Talitha Arnold and the Rev. Kristi Koppel. ~Brad Ellingboe, Artistic Director
From ABQ FaithWorks: Thanks to the generous support from our member congregations this year, continues to help asylum seekers, and those at risk of homelessness. We are recruiting for all sorts of volunteer roles in direct service, administrative, IT, and fundraising. We would love to talk with you about your passion, skills, talent and time and find the right volunteer match for you! Go to https://www.abqfaithworks.org/copy-of-volunteer or give me a call at 505-333-8059. ~Hannah Albee, Executive Director
From Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM: Important Dates for your Calendar!
Our annual Issue Briefing and Bishop's Luncheon during the upcoming legislative session will take place on Thursday, February 20th. Events will be held at First Presbyterian Church and the La Fonda Hotel.
A Hunger Action Day and Rally will be held on Friday, February 21st.
An Action Day and Rally for the Paid Medical and Family Leave Act will take place on Tuesday, January 28th.
The annual Disability Awareness Day at the capitol will be on Thursday, February 13th.
~Kurt Rager, Director
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Election 2024: What the Results Mean for Immigrants and Refugees. Global Refuge invites you to a webinar as we address these questions and more November 22 12 pm ET. We will discuss where the work of welcome stands after the election and share our next steps as we support and advocate for immigrants and refugees in these challenging times. https://globalrefuge-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2fQj1s_9SECplZN0m1Rywg#/registration
From Bread for the World: Year-End Donations doubled up to $500,000! Gifts will be matched dollar for dollar, doubling the impact of your generosity. Your gift will empower Bread for the World in its work to urge Congress to do its part to fight hunger. Working together, we can make a big difference this Christmas. https://www.bread.org/
Youth musicians are invited to Lutheran Summer Music! LSM is the nation’s premier faith-based music academy for high school students. Students come together from all over the country to immerse themselves in joyful music-making and build a supportive and welcoming community, living together on a college campus. LSM 2025 takes place at Valparaiso University in Indiana from June 22-July 20* (Full Session) or June 22-July 6 (Half Session) and is open to students who have completed grades 8-12. Learn more at: LSMacademy.org/program
Updates Beginning 10 November 2024
Today at Adult Faith Development: With the in-gathering of giving intentions, the Fall funding campaign is ending, but stewardship continues. Stewardship doesn't take place only in the Fall, and it doesn't end with money. It is far more than that. Come learn about what is ahead in stewardship and how it connects with the future of St. Paul. Along the way, we'll learn about some alternative ways of giving that can even help save money on your taxes. Join the adult class this Sunday after service at 11:15 in the Conference Room. This should be a lively conversation, and everyone is welcome to participate. ~Bob Matthews
Today: Next Sunday we will be using a new liturgy from the worship supplement All Creation Sings, Setting 11. This is a bilingual liturgy with very singable, but new, music. Anyone who would like to practice the liturgy ahead of time is invited to stay today, November 10, after worship. ~Terry Cole, Worship & Music
Next Sunday: Emerging Ministry Celebration, New Member Welcome, and time for Q&A: On November 17th we'll celebrate this Emerging Ministry with our Spanish Speaking partners who are sharing space in our Chapel! Our bilingual service will include a special message from Father Q (Office of the Bishop) and welcome new members into our fold. Following worship, grab your refreshments and return to the Sanctuary for a conversation to gain a deeper understanding of this Spirit-led opportunity to intentionally partner! ~ Pr. Koppel
November’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: HopeWorks Hygiene Kits. This month we are collecting items for both men and women—please pick up an items list in the Welcome Center and drop items in the basket. We will put them together after service on 1 Dec. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
New socks New underwear Bar soap (travel size) Razors
Mini shampoo Mini conditioner Deodorant (travel size) Chapstick
Wet wipes Feminine products Lotion (travel size)
Important! Scam emails and texts are circulating again, written as if from Pr. Koppel. Please be cautious about responding or opening! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Friends Feeding Friends: To the group that prepared this month's meal, you did a great job!! Thank you! We had 29 pans of spaghetti, 12 containers of spring mix, 12 containers of cherry tomatoes, salad dressing, cookies, bread, and lemonade mix. They were very grateful when I dropped off the carload of food. I can't thank you enough! ~Nancy Jenkins, Coordinator
2025 SPLC Council. Our next Congregational Meeting is Sunday, November 24th, following our Worship service. Among agenda items, in accordance with our St. Paul constitution and by-laws, we will be electing 4 members of St. Paul Lutheran Church to fill council positions that will be open in January 2025, after the completion of 4 members’ 3-year terms (Peggy Burnett, Sharon Hamilton, Roger Hein, and Jeff Peterson). If you are interested in becoming a member of our church council and are a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, please speak with anyone currently on council so that we may add your name to the ballot. If you have questions about council, you may speak with Sara Love, council president; Peggy Burnett, council vice-president; or Nancy Jenkins, council secretary. ~Peggy Burnett
Fellowship Potluck for our Congregational Meeting! We will have several pots of chili (both with meat and without). Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Beverages provided. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Attention All Worship Leaders: I will be making the new schedules for Assisting Ministers and Communion Assistants soon. If you currently serve in these roles, please let me know any dates between now and March 30, 2025 that you know you cannot serve. If you are not currently a communion assistant or assisting minister, please consider joining this important ministry. We always need new leaders. Training will happily be provided! Please talk to me or send an email if you would like more information about these jobs. ~Peace, Terry Cole for Worship and Music
Do you like to bake bread? I am getting ready to write the schedule for the 2025 Communion Bread Bakers. We currently have 4: Mandy Wang, Jo Browning, Julie Ambrogi and Nancy Jenkins. We bake 4 times a year. If you would like to join us, we would love to have you and we would bake fewer times! I will provide you with the recipe which is an easy one! Please contact me if you want to join the baking team. ~Nancy Jenkins
We collect dry and canned goods for The Storehouse. Don't forget about the hungry in the midst of all our other collections. Pet food is also appreciated. ~Nancy Matthews
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni shares a post-election message with the RM Synod: https://vimeo.com/1027192757?share=copy
This Saturday! 2024 Fall Advocacy Conference - Registration Now! We invite you to join us for our annual Fall Advocacy Conference! This wonderfully ecumenical event takes place on November 16th, at All Saints Lutheran Church in Albuquerque (same location as last year). Morning refreshments begin at 8:30 a.m. and the conference will conclude following lunch.
The conference is open to anyone interested in learning more about advocating in the public arena on policy that positively impacts our many neighbors living in poverty and hunger, as well as the other key advocacy areas prioritized by Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico.
This year's conference will feature several guest speakers including, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino (D) Sen. Dist. 12, Rep. Jason Harper (R) House Dist. 57, Rev. Wayne Mueller (advocate, minister, best-selling author), and others!
Though we highly recommend in-person attendance for the most impactful experience, an online Zoom option will also be available and a link will be sent the week of the event.
Lunch and morning refreshments will be provided for in-person participants as well as useful materials to take back to congregations.
The in-person registration fee is $25 per person and online participation is $15. https://www.lutheranadvocacynm.org. ~Kurt A. Rager LAM-NM, Director krager@rmselca.org
From RMS AMMPARO: U.S. Election Implications on Migration Policy in the Americas. This Thursday, November 14, 12-1:30pm ET. This webinar will explore potential shifts in U.S. migration policy following the election and the resulting impacts on regional cooperation and bilateral agreements; access to protection, pathways, and integration; and funding for enforcement and humanitarian efforts. Register at:
Election 2024: What the Results Mean for Immigrants and Refugees. Global Refuge invites you to a webinar as we address these questions and more November 22 12 pm ET. We will discuss where the work of welcome stands after the election and share our next steps as we support and advocate for immigrants and refugees in these challenging times. https://globalrefuge-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2fQj1s_9SECplZN0m1Rywg#/registration
Updates Beginning 3 November 2024
Today at Adult Faith Development: Our denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is in the midst of a study of its governance and purpose. The 35-member Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church, formed at the behest of 2022 Churchwide Assembly, has been charged with recommending updates to the way the ELCA “does church.” Today’s adult education forum will look at the Commission’s work to date as well as review the history that has brought us to this point. Hal Nilsson will lead the conversation that begins at 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room.
This Tuesday, November 5th has two events happening: 1) If you haven't already voted, this will be your last chance to do so, and 2) As usual, we will meet again for First Tuesday at SW Grape and Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE, between 4:00 - 6:00pm. All are invited to come and have social time with each other; bring a snack to share if you like. We'll toast to the future health of our country. New members, come if you can so we can get to know you better! ~Nancy Matthews
Emerging Ministry Celebration, New Member Welcome, and time for Q&A: On November 17th we'll celebrate this Emerging Ministry with our Spanish Speaking partners who are sharing space in our Chapel! Our bilingual service will include a special message from Father Q (Office of the Bishop) and welcome new members into our fold. Following worship, grab your refreshments and return to the Sanctuary for a conversation to gain a deeper understanding of this Spirit-led opportunity to intentionally partner! ~ Pr. Koppel
Greetings from Worship & Music: On November 17, we will be using a new liturgy from the worship supplement All Creation Sings (Setting 12). This is a bilingual liturgy with very singable, but new, music. Anyone who would like to practice the liturgy ahead of time is invited to stay after worship on November 10. ~Terry Cole
November’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: HopeWorks Hygiene Kits. This month we are collecting items for hygiene kits—please pick up an items list in the Welcome Center where the collection bin is located. We will put them together after service on 1 Dec. And Thank You! for all the coats collected for Dignity Mission in October!~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
2025 SPLC Council. Our next Congregational Meeting is Sunday, November 24th, following our Worship service. Among agenda items, in accordance with our St. Paul constitution and by-laws, we will be electing 4 members of St. Paul Lutheran Church to fill council positions that will be open in January 2025, after the completion of 4 members’ 3-year terms (Peggy Burnett, Sharon Hamilton, Roger Hein, and Jeff Peterson). If you are interested in becoming a member of our church council and are a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, please speak with anyone currently on council so that we may add your name to the ballot. If you have questions about council, you may speak with Sara Love, council president; Peggy Burnett, council vice-president; or Nancy Jenkins, council secretary. ~Peggy Burnett
Attention All Worship Leaders: I will be making the new schedules for Assisting Ministers and Communion Assistants soon. If you currently serve in these roles, please let me know any dates between now and March 30, 2025 that you know you cannot serve. If you are not currently a communion assistant or assisting minister, please consider joining this important ministry. We always need new leaders. Training will happily be provided! Please talk to me or send an email if you would like more information about these jobs. ~Peace, Terry Cole for Worship and Music
Prayer Shawls Are Available in the Narthex! Please pick one up for anyone who could use a warm, cuddly prayer shawl for comfort. This ministry provides a tangible reminder that God wraps us in love. If you would like to knit or crochet a shawl, please pick up some yarn and patterns in the church office to get started. ~Sharon Hamilton
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Have you noticed the name tags on some of our newest community? Help them learn our names too! Please wear your name tag - they are found in the display box just inside the narthex (ask directions, if needed). Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
We collect dry and canned goods for The Storehouse. Don't forget about the hungry in the midst of all our other collections. Pet food is also appreciated. ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
From ABQ FaithWorks: Thanks to the generous support from our member congregations this year, continues to help asylum seekers, and those at risk of homelessness. We are recruiting for all sorts of volunteer roles in direct service, administrative, IT, and fundraising. We would love to talk with you about your passion, skills, talent and time and find the right volunteer match for you! Go to https://www.abqfaithworks.org/copy-of-volunteer or give me a call at 505-333-8059. ~Hannah Albee, Executive Director
Time To Order Your Luminarias! Every season since 1981, ABQ Youth Symphony students and families fold, assemble, and sell thousands of dozens of luminarias across the Albuquerque metro area. Proceeds support AYSP's symphonic music education programs in our vibrant community that serve approximately 400 students annually in grades 4-12. Luminarias are $12/dozen. Order online by Nov 24 for delivery Dec 7 (min. delivery order is 4 dozen). Fewer than 4 dozen can be picked up Dec 14 at the AYSP building: https://www.aysmusic.org/luminarias/
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
From the Rocky Mountain Synod: Dear beloved people of God, As the fall colors descend across our synod, election season has officially arrived. That means it's time to vote! Voting when guided by our faithful values is "an exercise in citizenship" and "a vital aspect of discipleship for baptized Christians," in the words of our ELCA Social Message on Government and Civic Engagement. In the midst of this busy season, our church has created and curated a number of excellent resources about elections, voting, and civic participation. This information is designed to help accompany you through this often-anxious yet critically important time. We remember in this season that we are people of faith, and we live in the promise that God accompanies us through all our trials and tribulations. This election season has put many of us on edge, so let us cling to the promises of Jesus: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid" (John 14:27). Peace be with you in the days ahead. ~Deacon Sarah Bjornebo, Assistant to the RMS Bishop, rmselca.org
Message from the Bishops: Faith Beyond Fear, An Ecumenical Message for Truth and Unity in a Divisive Election Season. From Meghan Johnston Aelabouni, RMS bishop, Kym Lucas, bishop of the Episcopal Church in Colorado, Kristin Stoneking, bishop of the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church: https://vimeo.com/1024540905/40119d647b
On Election Day, Nov 5th, there is a local prayer service opportunity at Holy Cross Lutheran Church (6901 Wyoming Blvd NE). Holy Cross will open its sanctuary from 10am-5pm for individual prayers and fellowship as well. Refreshments and coffee will be available throughout. ~Kurt Rager, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
Election 2024: What the Results Mean for Immigrants and Refugees. Global Refuge invites you to a webinar as we address these questions and more November 22 12 pm ET. We will discuss where the work of welcome stands after the election and share our next steps as we support and advocate for immigrants and refugees in these challenging times. https://globalrefuge-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2fQj1s_9SECplZN0m1Rywg#/registration
Dear Partners in Advocacy, I am delighted to share that the registration link for our 2024 Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM Fall Advocacy Conference is now live! I hope you have been marking November 16th, from 8:30 to 1 p.m., on your calendars. The conference will again be held at All Saints Lutheran Church in Albuquerque. This year I have invited two legislators who are bringing to a close their public service in the New Mexico Legislature, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino (D) and Rep. Jason Harper (R), and have asked them to speak about their experiences, their thoughts on challenges and opportunities in public policy moving forward, and the importance of New Mexicans being involved in the legislative process.
Additionally, I have invited Wayne Mueller as a keynote speaker. Wayne is an executive leadership mentor, therapist, minister, community advocate, consultant, public speaker, and bestselling author of several books. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Wayne has spent the last thirty-five years working with people suffering from abuse, alcoholism, poverty, illness, and loss. Though not entirely, a significant part of Wayne's reflection will be drawn from the lead-up to and the aftermath of our election on November 5th.
Though we highly recommend in-person attendance for the most impactful experience, an online Zoom option will also be available and a link will be sent the week of the event. Lunch and morning refreshments will be provided for in-person participants as well as useful materials to take back to congregations. The in-person registration fee is $25 per person and online participation is $15. https://www.lutheranadvocacynm.org. ~Kurt A. Rager LAM-NM, Director krager@rmselca.org
From Lutheran World Relief: Ten containers of LWR Quilts & Kits have reached communities in the southeastern U.S. that were devastated by hurricanes Helene and Milton. Recipients included residents of a shelter for homeless veterans in Asheville, NC, that was badly flooded during the storm. Watch to see these gifts being made, packed, prayed over and shipped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbnVHtS-TKs. Give at: lwr.org/helene-recovery
Updates Beginning 27 October 2024
Today the Adult Faith Development group will be discussing Saints we have known. Is there a person in your life who became a mentor to you? Perhaps they helped guide you on your faith journey or maybe they listened to you when you needed a compassionate ear. The person can be someone from your past or even someone you rely on currently. How did they become a saint to you? We encourage you to get a snack and some coffee and come to the conference room to join us in this discussion. We begin at 11:15 and attempt to end our conversation between noon and 12:15. We would welcome your participation! ~Jan Krakow for the Adult Faith Development team
From Calico Butterfly Preschool: This Thursday, October 31st, come and help us make a special day for our Calico children as they parade in their Halloween costumes. We will gather at 10am on the sidewalk at the south side of the building. You will enjoy their excitement and will be delighted by their costumes. All you need to do is to wish them Happy Halloween as they parade by you! If you would like to bring candy to hand out, please, no hard candies or ones with nuts. Thanks! ~Marisol Flores-Gutierrez
2025 SPLC Council. Our next Congregational Meeting is Sunday, November 24th, following our Worship service. Among agenda items, in accordance with our St. Paul constitution and by-laws, we will be electing 4 members of St. Paul Lutheran Church to fill council positions that will be open in January 2025, after the completion of 4 members’ 3-year terms (Peggy Burnett, Sharon Hamilton, Roger Hein, and Jeff Peterson). If you are interested in becoming a member of our church council and are a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, please speak with anyone currently on council so that we may add your name to the ballot. If you have questions about council, you may speak with Sara Love, council president; Peggy Burnett, council vice-president; or Nancy Jenkins, council secretary. ~Peggy Burnett
Tuesday, November 5th has two events happening: 1) If you haven't already voted, this will be your last chance to do so, and 2) As usual, we will meet again for First Tuesday at SW Grape and Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE, between 4:00 - 6:00pm. All are invited to come and have social time with each other; bring a snack to share if you like. We'll toast to the future health of our country. New members, come if you can so we can get to know you better! ~Nancy Matthews
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
Greetings from Worship & Music: On November 17, Father Quirino Cornejo, from the RMS Bishop’s Office will lead a discussion about our emerging Spanish speaking ministry in the Sanctuary immediately following worship. On this day, we are inviting our partners (who usually worship in our Chapel at 11:30) to worship with us so that we can officially welcome them into the St. Paul family. We will be using a new liturgy from the worship supplement All Creation Sings (Setting 12). This is a bilingual liturgy with very singable, but new, music. Anyone who would like to practice the liturgy ahead of time is invited to stay after worship on November 10. ~Terry Cole
Attention All Worship Leaders: I will be making the new schedules for Assisting Ministers and Communion Assistants soon. If you currently serve in these roles, please let me know any dates between now and March 30, 2025 that you know you cannot serve. If you are not currently a communion assistant or assisting minister, please consider joining this important ministry. We always need new leaders. Training will happily be provided! Please talk to me or send an email if you would like more information about these jobs. ~Peace, Terry Cole for Worship and Music
Prayer Shawls Are Available in the Narthex! Thank you to all who have been filling the basket once again. This ministry provides a tangible reminder that God wraps us in love. Please pick one up for anyone who could use a warm, cuddly prayer shawl for comfort. If you would like to knit or crochet a shawl, please pick up some yarn and patterns in the church office to get started. ~Sharon Hamilton
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
October’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: Coat Drive for Dignity Mission. We are collecting new, or gently used and very clean, coats—for all sizes and all ages! Dignity Mission delivers a truckload of supplies to El Paso every six weeks for asylum seekers. St. Paul is partnering in this coat drive with All Saints Lutheran. There is a collection bin in the Welcome Center. Thank you! to all who have already donated in support of our neighbors to the south as we approach the colder months. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Have you noticed the name tags on some of our newest community? Help them learn our names too! Please wear your name tag - they are found in the display box just inside the narthex (ask directions, if needed). Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
We collect dry and canned goods for The Storehouse. Don't forget about the hungry in the midst of all our other collections. Pet food is also appreciated. ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will meet for the annual World Community Day celebration this Friday, November 1st at St. Luke Lutheran Church at 9100 Menaul Blvd NE. The meeting will begin at 9:30am for coffee fellowship, followed by the program which concentrates on the theme of “Humility” from Matthew 5:5. Rev. Patty Davison will lead a Bible study, followed by a presentation of the work of the Compassion Services Center in the International District by Pastor Joanne Landry. A collection of bath towels and feminine hygiene products will be gathered for the Center. Join us and bring a friend! Questions? Please contact Shirley Nilsson at 505-463-3657.
Thanks to the generous support from our member congregations this year, ABQ FaithWorks continues to help asylum seekers, and those at risk of homelessness. We are recruiting for all sorts of volunteer roles in direct service, administrative, IT, and fundraising. We would love to talk with you about your passion, skills, talent and time and find the right volunteer match for you! Go to https://www.abqfaithworks.org/copy-of-volunteer or give me a call at 505-333-8059. ~Hannah Albee, Executive Director
Next Sunday:
Time To Order Your Luminarias! Every season since 1981, Albuquerque Youth Symphony students and families fold, assemble, and sell thousands of dozens of luminarias across the Albuquerque metro area. Proceeds support AYSP's symphonic music education programs in our vibrant community that serve approximately 400 students annually in grades 4-12.
AYSP luminarias are priced at $12 per dozen. Order your luminarias online by November 24 for delivery on December 7 (minimum order for delivery is 4 dozen). Fewer than 4 dozen can be picked up on December 14 at the AYSP building. Order at: https://www.aysmusic.org/luminarias/
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Lutheran World Relief Urgent Response: In devastated communities throughout the Southeast, families are left without food, water or shelter. With you by our side, we're teaming up with local organizations to help meet the most urgent needs, including food, water and shelter. And we're rushing Personal Care Kits and Mission Quilts to families who've lost everything. Give by October 31 at: https://lwr.org/ (Emergency Alert).
Sacred Crossroads: Immigration and the 2024 Election. This new AMMPARO resource guide is posted in the Welcome Center and can be downloaded at: https://resources.elca.org/. Use this nonpartisan resource to explore key facts about immigration (one of the most important issues informing the upcoming U.S. national election) reflect on how Christian values compel us to pursue justice, help the oppressed, promote human dignity and human flourishing, and pray for a government that serves all neighbors.
Dear Partners in Advocacy, I am delighted to share that the registration link for our 2024 Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM Fall Advocacy Conference is now live! I hope you have been marking November 16th, from 8:30 to 1 p.m., on your calendars. The conference will again be held at All Saints Lutheran Church in Albuquerque. This year I have invited two legislators who are bringing to a close their public service in the New Mexico Legislature, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino (D) and Rep. Jason Harper (R), and have asked them to speak about their experiences, their thoughts on challenges and opportunities in public policy moving forward, and the importance of New Mexicans being involved in the legislative process.
Additionally, I have invited Wayne Mueller as a keynote speaker. Wayne is an executive leadership mentor, therapist, minister, community advocate, consultant, public speaker, and bestselling author of several books. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Wayne has spent the last thirty-five years working with people suffering from abuse, alcoholism, poverty, illness, and loss. Though not entirely, a significant part of Wayne's reflection will be drawn from the lead-up to and the aftermath of our election on November 5th.
Though we highly recommend in-person attendance for the most impactful experience, an online Zoom option will also be available and a link will be sent the week of the event. Lunch and morning refreshments will be provided for in-person participants as well as useful materials to take back to congregations. The in-person registration fee is $25 per person and online participation is $15. https://www.lutheranadvocacynm.org. ~Kurt A. Rager Director, LAM-NM, krager@rmselca.org
Election 2024: What the Results Mean for Immigrants and Refugees. Global Refuge invites you to join us as we address these questions and more at our special webinar, on November 22 at 12 pm ET. We will discuss where the work of welcome stands after the election and share our next steps as we support and advocate for immigrants and refugees in these challenging times. https://globalrefuge-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2fQj1s_9SECplZN0m1Rywg#/registration
Updates Beginning 20 October 2024
Today we wrap up a three-part Bible Study entitled After Certainty by our new Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni. This gives us an opportunity to learn what it means to live in faith when it may feel like the days of predictability and stability are behind us in the wake of a worldwide pandemic, escalating climate change, political turmoil and a changing religious landscape. This week’s focus is Compassion. A copy of the study will be available, but you don't need to study ahead to take part. Come and join the discussion in the Conference Room at 11:15—all are welcome! ~Shirley Nilsson
Remembering the Saints, November 3. All Saints will be upon us before we know it! The Visual Choir will once again be hanging our All Saints photo banners. Many of you have loved ones (Our Saints) represented on these memorial collages. They have proven to be very effective in remembering those who have gone before us!
For anyone who would like to add a photo of someone who has died this year, please bring or email your photo with all of the pertinent information. Your photos will be printed in black and white for the banners and will be displayed on our "Dia de los Muertos" ofrenda, in color or as you provide. You will have your photo returned to you unharmed.
There is a box in the Welcome Center for you to submit them (or hand them to me, Jo Browning, Jan Krakow, Karen Bunch, Shirley Nilsson, or Kathy Callahan) or email them to: janobowers68@gmail.com by today, October 20. Thank you! ~Jan Bowers
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Trick or Treat Candy for Martineztown: St. Paul donates bags of wrapped candies for the annual Halloween event for our neighbors in Martineztown. This year our Martineztown Work Group (St. Paul, 2nd Presbyterian and San Ignacio Catholic) is working with the new city-run Community Center there to have a Halloween gathering on Oct. 30. There is a box in the Welcome Center. Please bring bags in by today, Oct. 20. ~Ivan Westergaard
From Calico Butterfly Preschool: Come and help us make a special day for our Calico children as they parade in their Halloween costumes. We will gather at 10:00 Thursday, October 31st on the sidewalk at the south side of the building. You will enjoy their excitement and will be delighted by their costumes. All you need to do is to wish them Happy Halloween as they parade by you! If you would like to bring candy to hand out, please, no hard candies or ones with nuts. Thanks! ~Marisol Flores-Gutierrez
October’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: Coat Drive for Dignity Mission. This month we are collecting new, or gently used and very clean, coats—for all sizes and all ages! Dignity Mission delivers a truckload of supplies to El Paso every six weeks for asylum seekers. St. Paul is partnering in this coat drive with All Saints Lutheran. There is a collection bin in the Welcome Center or you can drop them off in the Office. Thank you! to all who have already donated in support of our neighbors to the south as we approach the colder months. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Tuesday, November 5th has two events happening: 1) If you haven't already voted, this will be your last chance to do so, and 2) As usual, we will meet again for First Tuesday at SW Grape and Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE, between 4:00 - 6:00pm. All are invited to come and have social time with each other; bring a snack to share if you like. We'll toast to the future health of our country. New members, come if you can so we can get to know you better! ~Nancy Matthews
Greetings from Worship & Music: On November 17, Father Quirino Cornejo, from the RMS Bishop’s Office will lead a discussion about our emerging Spanish speaking ministry in the Sanctuary immediately following worship. On this day, we are inviting our partners (who usually worship in our Chapel at 11:30) to worship with us so that we can officially welcome them into the St. Paul family. We will be using a new liturgy from the worship supplement All Creation Sings (Setting 12). This is a bilingual liturgy with very singable, but new, music. Anyone who would like to practice the liturgy ahead of time is invited to stay after worship on November 10. ~Terry Cole
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
Have you noticed the name tags on some of our newest community? Help them learn our names too! Please wear your name tag - they are found in the display box just inside the narthex (ask directions, if needed). Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
We collect dry and canned goods for The Storehouse. Don't forget about the hungry in the midst of all our other collections. Pet food is also appreciated. ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Ally Event: Gathering for Gaza. Today, Sunday, 10/20 from 1-4 PM, Chispas Farm: 229 Saavedra Rd SW. Celebrate the Jewish Harvest Festival of Sukkot with the ABQ Tzedek Collective and build community and raise funds for Healing Our Homeland, a Palestinian-led, grassroots project providing direct aid in Gaza. For info and to rsvp: bit.ly/gather-for-gaza-rsvp. ~Jewish Voices for Peace Albuquerque
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will meet for the annual World Community Day celebration on Friday, November 1st at St. Luke Lutheran Church at 9100 Menaul Blvd NE. The meeting will begin at 9:30am for coffee fellowship, followed by the program which concentrates on the theme of “Humility” from Matthew 5:5. Rev. Patty Davison will lead a Bible study, followed by a presentation of the work of the Compassion Services Center in the International District by Pastor Joanne Landry. A collection of bath towels and feminine hygiene products will be gathered for the Center. Join us and bring a friend! Questions? Please contact Shirley Nilsson at 505-463-3657.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Greetings and gratitude from Bishop Johnston Aelabouni:
I thank you God for most this amazing day…
Dear friends in Christ, the celebration of my installation as bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod on October 5 truly echoed this verse sung by the installation choir. It was indeed an amazing day: a day of prayer and song in English and Spanish, scripture read in Bahasa Indonesian and Malagasy, and the proclamation of the Gospel from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. We gave thanks for the gift of baptism with water from the rivers of our synod, our camps, our New Beginnings community inside the Denver Women’s Correctional Facility, and synod partners in Wisconsin and Madagascar. Our congregation included members, deacons, and pastors from every area of our synod, from El Paso to Wyoming; and friends and partners from throughout and beyond the ELCA; as well as nine current ELCA bishops, three ecumenical bishops, two former bishops of our synod, and Presiding Bishop Eaton (and a partridge in a pear tree!) And while not everyone in our synod could be physically present, and the current war in the Holy Land prevented our invited preacher, Pastor Sally Azar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, from joining us, we also felt the presence of the body of Christ throughout our synod, the ELCA, and the global Lutheran communion who joined us on livestream.
In the ELCA congregation in California where I was a youth, a sign at the rear of our sanctuary read: “The worship has ended; let the service begin!” In that spirit, with the installation behind us, our shared service in the Gospel has only just begun! I am looking forward with excitement to all that God will call and equip us to do together. May the Holy Spirit who filled our worship continue to fill our hearts and minds with faith, courage, and inspiration as we embark on this season of ministry as one church!
In Christ, Bishop Meghan
A Special Bread For The World Strategy Briefing is on October 28th, at 6pm ET via Zoom. During the call, you will hear from a variety of speakers, including Managing Director Rev. Heather Taylor. You will be informed – and inspired – to hear about the impact you are having on Bread’s work to get Congress to do more to address global hunger and to help vulnerable families in the U.S. We will also update you on the Nourish Our Future campaign, post-election strategy, and what you can do by advocating in your own community. Register at: go.bread.org/page/74002/survey/1
Lutheran World Relief Urgent Response: In devastated communities throughout the Southeast, families are left without food, water or shelter. With you by our side, we're teaming up with local organizations to help meet the most urgent needs, including food, water and shelter. And we're rushing Personal Care Kits and Mission Quilts to families who've lost everything. Our teams — and your neighbors who are suffering — are counting on your love, prayers and support. Give by October 31 at: https://lwr.org/ (Emergency Alert).
Sacred Crossroads: Immigration and the 2024 Election. This new AMMPARO resource guide is posted in the Welcome Center. We can make copies in the Office (it is not available yet on the ELCA website). Use this nonpartisan resource to explore key facts about immigration (one of the most important issues informing the upcoming U.S. national election) reflect on how Christian values compel us to pursue justice, help the oppressed, promote human dignity and human flourishing, and pray for a government that serves all neighbors. This resource raises the importance of centering our values as well as the perspectives of others, includes guidance from ELCA social teaching, facts and statistics about immigration, offers prayer, questions for personal reflection, and questions for candidates for elected office, and more!
Updates Beginning 13 October 2024
Today we continue a three-part Bible Study entitled After Certainty by our new Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni. This gives us an opportunity to learn what it means to live in faith when it may feel like the days of predictability and stability are behind us in the wake of a worldwide pandemic, escalating climate change, political turmoil and a changing religious landscape. Last week’s focus was Curiosity, today’s is Community, and next week’s is Compassion. In the process of reviewing Bishop Aelabourni's studies, we will certainly learn more about the author, as well, which will be an added bonus to our work together. Come and join the discussions. A copy of each study will be available, but you don't need to study ahead to take part. Join us in the Conference Room at 11:15—all are welcome! ~Shirley Nilsson
Remembering the Saints, November 3. All Saints will be upon us before we know it! The Visual Choir will once again be hanging our All Saints photo banners. Many of you have loved ones (Our Saints) represented on these memorial collages. They have proven to be very effective in remembering those who have gone before us!
For anyone who would like to add a photo of someone who has died this year, please bring or email your photo with all of the pertinent information. Your photos will be printed in black and white for the banners and will be displayed on our "Dia de los Muertos" ofrenda, in color or as you provide. You will have your photo returned to you unharmed.
There will be a box in the Welcome Center for you to submit them (or hand them to me, Jo Browning, Jan Krakow, Karen Bunch, Shirley Nilsson, or Kathy Callahan) or email them to: janobowers68@gmail.com by October 20. Thank you! ~Jan Bowers
Trick or Treat Candy for Martineztown: For several years St. Paul has provided bags of wrapped candies for the annual Halloween event for our neighbors in Martineztown. This year our Martineztown Work Group is working with the new city-run Community Center there to have a Halloween gathering on Oct. 30. There will be a box in the entry area for bags of candies. Please bring bags by Oct. 20. (The Work Group is St. Paul, 2nd Presbyterian and San Ignacio Catholic Churches.) ~- Ivan Westergaard
Adopted Families: A client advocate from Healthcare for the Homeless called me looking for help with bus tickets for two of her clients. We had just enough money in our account to handle both tickets. The first was for a man who was highly motivated to relocate to the place where he could work with CYFD to regain custody of his two children who were recently removed from the care of their mother. The bus didn't go all the way to the town but he had a friend who would come get him and then put him up until he could get settled in an apartment. The second ticket was for another highly motivated man to move to the city where his mother is located; she has him booked in a treatment center. Together the tickets cost about $174. Thank you for enabling me to help these clients who are making a real effort to better their situations. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
October’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: Coat Drive for Dignity Mission. This month we are collecting new, or gently used and very clean, coats—for all sizes and all ages! Dignity Mission delivers a truckload of supplies to El Paso every six weeks for asylum seekers. St. Paul is partnering in this coat drive with All Saints Lutheran. There is a collection bin in the Welcome Center or you can drop them off in the Office. Thank you for supporting our neighbors to the south as we approach the colder months. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Opportunities to Donate:
Fires and floods have put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Please join us on Thursday, October 17 for Walk With Us: Building Friendship and Community! We are partnering with Hillel House UNM, Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, and #WeWalkWithShawn to host a community walk and talk. Yes, Shawn Dromgoole is walking with us! (WewalkwithShawn.org)
This is a designated time to walk with our neighbors and get to know each other better. We will gather at Luther House (1805 Las Lomas Rd. NE) at 5:30pm for snacks. The walk begins at 6:10pm and meanders through UNM central campus. We will take another snack break at the Student Union Building and walk and talk our way to Hillel House for a Sukkot Celebration! All are welcome to join us for this amazing event. ~Blessings, Pastor Rhonda, Luther House UNM & CNM
Ally Event: Gathering for Gaza. Sunday, 10/20 from 1-4 PM, Chispas Farm: 229 Saavedra Rd SW. Celebrate the Jewish Harvest Festival of Sukkot with the ABQ Tzedek Collective and build community and raise funds for Healing Our Homeland, a Palestinian-led, grassroots project providing direct aid in Gaza. For info and to rsvp: bit.ly/gather-for-gaza-rsvp
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
From Bp. Johnston Aelabouni: Hurricanes Helene & Milton - How Can You Respond?
Jesus, when you speak peace, your words calm storms and comfort fears.
Extend your power and grace to all impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
Speak peace and healing over bodies and spirits broken by the chaos.
Speak peace and hope over families and communities devastated by sudden loss.
Speak peace and unity over devastated populations and economies.
Speak peace and justice over distribution centers, insurance claims, and reconstruction efforts.
Speak peace and protection over rescue workers and all who are transporting aid to isolated areas.
Jesus, speak peace.
Into your hands, O Loving Savior, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy and your peace -- Amen.
Inspired by a prayer written by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia, "A Prayer for Storm Survivors" from the blog, "Turning the Word".
Donate to Lutheran Disaster Response which will support both short-and-long-term recovery across the Southeast: community.elca.org/givenow:
Choose “I would like to choose an area for this gift to support”
Choose “Lutheran Disaster Response”
Choose "Where Needed Most"
Write "Disaster Fund" in the memo field.
World Food Day is this Tuesday, 15 October. A Message from Bishop Eaton: “ELCA World Hunger is a great example of how we are church together and church for the sake of the world. I have witnessed firsthand the impact of ELCA World Hunger on communities around the world. During a trip to the Yunnan province of China, I had the opportunity to visit with the Lisu people at a farm where they grew medicinal herbs to help support their families with food and clothing. The partnership with ELCA World Hunger changed traditional farming methods to help lift people out of poverty. We are grateful for the generosity of ELCA members and others who have responded to God’s promise of a just world where all are fed. We look forward to the next 50 years of transformational work through ELCA World Hunger.” ~Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Bread for the World has set a goal to raise $15,000 for World Food Day to support our advocacy to end hunger. This year’s World Food Day theme is “Right to food for a better life and a better future.” At Bread, we believe wholeheartedly in this message. Hunger is not inevitable, and that’s why we advocate tirelessly for good policy decisions to get food to those who need it: https://www.bread.org/
West, Southwest, and Midwest Regional Online Meeting. This Wednesday, October 16 at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET: In addition to a full report on Nourish Our Future, we will share an update on the farm bill and bring you up to speed on Bread advocacy in your region. Don’t miss it! Register at: https://www.bread.org/event/2024-october-regional-online-meetings/
A special strategy briefing via Zoom on Monday, October 28th, at 6:00 p.m. (ET). During the call, you will hear from a variety of speakers, including Managing Director Rev. Heather Taylor. You and other Bread for the World leaders will be informed – and I hope, inspired – to hear about the impact you are having on our work to get Congress to do more to address global hunger and to help vulnerable families in the U.S. We will also update you on our ongoing Nourish Our Future campaign, post-election strategy, and what you can do by advocating in your own community. Register at: https://go.bread.org/page/74002/survey/1
Urgent Response: Disasters Continue to Strike God’s Children. In devastated communities throughout the Southeast, families are left without food, water or shelter. With you by our side, we're teaming up with local organizations to help meet the most urgent needs, including food, water and shelter. And we're rushing Personal Care Kits and Mission Quilts to families who've lost everything. Our teams — and your neighbors who are suffering — are counting on your love, prayers and support. Give by October 31 at: https://lwr.org/ (Emergency Alert).
Lutheran World Relief’s Autumn Special Report is posted in the Welcome Center and available at https://lwr.org/
You're invited to nominate students for Lutheran Summer Music 2025. LSM is the nation's premier faith-based residential music academy for high school students. Each year, young musicians come together from around the country to immerse themselves in musical excellence and build a supportive and fun community, sharing musical gifts in performance and in worship. Priority Enrollment is open now through December 1. Application fees increase and spots fill through the year, so we encourage students to apply early. https://www.lsmacademy.org/nominate
The ELCA Conference of Bishops met Sept. 24-28 in Chicago. To read a recap of that week’s actions, visit: https://elca.org/News-and-Events/8248
Reconciling Works October newsletter is posted in the Welcome Center and available here: https://www.reconcilingworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/October-2024-RWKS-Newsletter-1.pdf
Updates Beginning 6 October 2024
Thank You! to everyone who made Monday night’s dinner for the Malagasy Presidents so special! We had 50 in attendance, and representatives from 3 other Lutheran congregations as well as Luther Place and St. Paul! A special thank you to Mino, Sara and Terry for all their efforts to make this visit happen. ~Pr. Koppel
Today in Adult Faith Development: We will get to know our newly installed RMS bishop, Meghan Johnston Aelabouni, through her three-part Bible study, After Certainty, from the Women of the ELCA’s Gather magazine. Shirley Nilsson will lead this session. This series focuses on what it means to live in faith after certainty. In these years of a worldwide pandemic, escalating climate change, political turmoil and a changing religious landscape, it may feel like the days of predictability and stability are behind us. What will the future bring now? Join us in the Conference Room at 11:15—all are welcome! ~Deborah Ash
Trick or Treat Candy for Martineztown: For several years St. Paul has provided bags of wrapped candies for the annual Halloween event for our neighbors in Martineztown. This year our Martineztown Work Group is working with the new city-run Community Center there to have a Halloween gathering on Oct. 30. There will be a box in the entry area for bags of candies. Please bring bags by Oct. 20. (The Work Group is St. Paul, 2nd Presbyterian and San Ignacio Catholic Churches.) ~- Ivan Westergaard
Sewing Machine Update: We are pleased to announce that the two sewing machines that have been residents of the St. Paul sewing closet for at least the past ten years have found new homes.
The newer 1960-ish Singer Rocket model has found a home with Diana Mullen, who is thrilled to have it.
The antique Singer treadle machine has found a home at the Albuquerque Little Theatre. Dana Mullen reached out to them to see if they might be interested. They are excited to be able to add it to their collection of props. It is expected to make its debut in the Beauty and the Beast play in a couple of months.
While we appreciate your gifts and thoughtfulness, because of our limited storage space, the St. Paul Sewing Group will no longer be accepting sewing machine donations. ~Peggy Burnett, Susan Latella, Marsha Kearney
October’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: Coat Drive for Dignity Mission. This month we are collecting new, or gently used and very clean, coats—for all sizes and all ages! Dignity Mission delivers a truckload of supplies to El Paso every six weeks for asylum seekers. St. Paul is partnering in this coat drive with All Saints Lutheran. There is a collection bin in the Welcome Center or you can drop them off in the Office. Thank you for supporting our neighbors to the south as we approach the colder months. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
Adopted Families: We have become aware of several families (refugees) who are in need of blankets. If you can donate new, or gently used and very clean, blankets for them, please put them in the narthex coatroom or call Kay if you need someone to pick them up. Thank you! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
Fires and floods have put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Today at St. Paul:
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
This Saturday, RMS Creation Care Team : Zoom Nature Connection Workshop October 12th, 10am. An opportunity to pause “business as usual” and allow a reconnection with ourselves, our surroundings, and our source. As Nigerian philosopher, Bayo Akomolafe, says, “The times are urgent, let us slow down.” During our time together, participants will reflect on the current state of the world, and practice honoring our pains for our world as we practice moving that pain while reconnecting with the Earth and each other. It's a chance to remember that we are part of nature and learn practices for how to have the ability to draw wisdom from the Earth for guidance, resilience, and inspiration. I am excited to share this experience with you as we navigate these challenges together. Please RSVP at sheri@yourpathcoach.org no later than Friday, October 11 will aid in preparing for the event and provide you with more information. Feel free to reach out in the meantime as well, with any questions.
Lutheran Disaster Response to Hurricane Helene: “We can't yet know what we're facing in terms of damage … but I do know [this],” says the Rev. Timothy Smith, bishop of the North Carolina Synod. “Lutheran Disaster Response, in partnership with our synod, along with other helpers, will be there for the long haul, and we will rally around our congregations, camps and communities.” LDR has strong relationships in the region and is already at work on the ground. Working alongside synods and other partners, Lutheran Disaster Response is prepared to provide support throughout the impacted region: ELCA.org/hurricanes
World Food Day is Tuesday, October 15! Join ELCA World Hunger at 7pm Central that day for an online celebration of World Food Day and the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger. Hear firsthand stories from partners at ELCA World Hunger projects — including Educación Popular en Salud (EPES), a community health organization in Chile founded over 40 years ago, and more recent starts such as Tapestry Farms, a Midwestern urban farm system in the “Quad Cities” of Iowa and Illinois. You’ll see the impact of 50 years of ELCA World Hunger work and get excited and equipped to be a part of the next 50 years! Zoom registration: elca.org/wh50
Updates Beginning 29 September 2024
Today, 29 September: Sometimes it seems like doomsday. We are surrounded by wars, famine, and death. Climate change is raging ahead unchecked. And we seem to be powerless to do anything about any of it. This Sunday morning, the adult class will see and hear Brian McLaren talking about his new book Life after Doom: wisdom and courage for a world falling apart. There will be time for discussion on this crucial topic. Join us after the service at 11:15 in the Conference Room. Everyone (and we do mean everyone) is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
Tomorrow, 30 September at 6pm: Please plan to attend!
~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
This week will be the First Tuesday of October! Come join us at SW Grape and Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE any time between 4-6pm, to share conversation over snacks and drinks. See you then! ~Nancy Matthews
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
Adopted Families: We have become aware of several families (refugees) who are in need of blankets. If you can donate new or gently used and very clean blankets for them, please put them in the narthex coatroom or call Kay if you need someone to pick them up. We appreciate the blankets donated to date. Thank you! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Thank you for your support for September’s God’s Work Our Hands project! We continue to collect donations through tomorrow for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in October at Hope Works. Next week we will announce the details of our October project supporting Dignity Mission. ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods have put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Tomorrow 30 September at 7pm: Speaking of Genocide with Dr. Omer Bartov. UNM Anthropology Bldg, Rm 163. Dr. Bartov is the Samuel Pisar Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University. He has written widely on war crimes, interethnic relations, and genocide. ~Jewish Voice for Peace
This Wednesday, 2 October: National Coffee with a Cop Day. Hosted by Christy Mae’s, 1400 San Pedro Dr NE, 10:30-12:30pm. Join your neighbors and police officers for coffee and conversation. ~Albuquerque Police
Next Sunday at St. Paul:
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
If you would like to make a donation as a gift to Bishop Meghan, please select "New Bishop Celebration Fund" from the drop-down menu here: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/64074
RMS Creation Care Team : Zoom Nature Connection Workshop Saturday, October 12th, 10am. An opportunity to pause “business as usual” and allow a reconnection with ourselves, our surroundings, and our source. As Nigerian philosopher, Bayo Akomolafe, says, “The times are urgent, let us slow down.” During our time together, participants will reflect on the current state of the world, and practice honoring our pains for our world as we practice moving that pain while reconnecting with the Earth and each other. It's a chance to remember that we are part of nature and learn practices for how to have the ability to draw wisdom from the Earth for guidance, resilience, and inspiration. I am excited to share this experience with you as we navigate these challenges together. Please RSVP at sheri@yourpathcoach.org no later than Friday, October 11 will aid in preparing for the event and provide you with more information. Feel free to reach out in the meantime as well, with any questions.
Pastor Howard Corry: It is with both sadness and confidence in the promise of Jesus Christ that we share the news of the death of Pastor Howard Corry. Pastor Corry served for many years as the campus minister at Luther House at the University of New Mexico, as well as in Hawaii, Utah, and New Zealand. Please pray for Pastor Howard's family and friends. ~Deacon Sarah Bjornebo, RMS
Updates Beginning 22 September 2024
Today, 22 September: Come to Adult Faith Development this morning (11:15 in the Conference Room) for a continuation of our conversation on civic life and our faith in these crucial times and for information about Dignity Mission and its work with asylum seekers in El Paso and Juarez. ~Ivan Westergaard
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
Adopted Families: We have become aware of several families (refugees) who are in need of blankets. If you can donate new or gently used and very clean blankets for them, please put them in the narthex coatroom or call Kay if you need someone to pick them up. Thank you! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
September’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in October at Hope Works. (Note “October FFF” on your check.) Thank you for supporting this monthly project for our neighbors! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Please sign up in the Welcome Center! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Jewish Voice for Peace: Speaking of Genocide with Dr. Omer Bartov, 9/30, 7pm. UNM Anthropology Bldg, Rm 163. Dr. Bartov is the Samuel Pisar Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University. He has written widely on war crimes, interethnic relations, and genocide.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
A Letter from Bishop Johnston Aelabouni:
September 14, 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Here in the office of the bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod, it’s been a full and fruitful six weeks of ministry since my first day in office. While I have begun building relationships and learning the landscape of our synod ministries, one of my key priorities and goals has been to develop staffing plans for the office of the bishop (OOB) moving forward; and I’d like to update you now on how these plans are developing.
From my first day as bishop, I invited all current staff in the OOB to remain in their positions for a three-month period (through October 31) to allow for discernment regarding God’s calling for the Rocky Mountain Synod in this new season of ministry with a new bishop. In various spaces of this synod, I have been asking, “What is the role of the office of the bishop in accompanying the people and ministries of this part of the church? What should our team keep doing, start doing, stop doing, or change? What is the help that is actually helpful?” The insight provided so far by lay members and leaders, deacons and pastors, council members and current staff has been invaluable (and is always welcome!) Based on our learning so far, the synod council executive committee has affirmed the following plan:
Continuity of Operations: I have asked our Administrative Assistant for Leadership, Yvonne Wilken, and our Finance Director, Jon Johnson, to remain in their positions. This will bring our office some important continuity of operations, especially in areas such as property, finance, and technology that the team has worked hard to improve. I have also asked our Special Assistant to the Bishop for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Pr. Barbara Berry-Bailey, to remain in her role as part of our synod’s commitment to racial justice.
Strategic Planning for Advocacy: I have invited our Advocacy Directors, Peter Severson (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado) and Kurt Rager (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry New Mexico) to remain in their positions for a year of strategic planning to determine how advocacy ministry in the RMS can become more sustainable and more inclusive of the whole territory of our synod.
Open Positions: For the work that currently falls under called positions as Assistant to the Bishop (including transitions/call processes, candidacy and first call, communications and events, and Director for Evangelical Mission work), we are formulating a group of positions that will be posted in an open call/hiring process. Anyone with a sense of call and gifts for the posted positions is invited to apply (including current staff as well as new applicants.) The goal of this approach is to build our OOB team in a process that is open, transparent, and equitable, in collaboration with elected and representative leadership of the synod. To that end, I will be working with a small hiring team representing our synod council executive committee (VP Ruth Hoffman and Pr. Matthew Weber) and conference deans (Pr. Stephanie Lord and Pr. Jeff Carlson). This team will work with me on finalizing job descriptions, interviewing candidates, and making recommendations; as bishop, I will make the final appointments to this position. (In the case of Director for Evangelical Mission positions, synods work in collaboration with the ELCA Churchwide Office on posting applications, interviewing applicants, and hiring.)
In the weeks to come, we will share more information as we have it available, including job descriptions, compensation ranges, and information on how to apply. We anticipate this process extending at least through the end of October—and we will strive to work as diligently as possible, while also leaving room for the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding our discernment and decisions. Please feel free to contact me (maelabouni@rmselca.org) or our synod vice-president, Ruth Hoffman (vp@rmselca.org) with questions or to share ideas or concerns.
I invite your prayers (and patience) for this process and for all who will take part in it. I am grateful to our current OOB staff for their faithful dedication and their openness to living and serving in a season of uncertainty; and I also ask your prayers for them over these coming weeks of discernment. As you pray for me and for our team, I will also be praying for you: for strength and health, joy and courage, and wisdom in the ways God has called and sent you into your communities and the world as bearers of the good news of Jesus.
In Christ,
Bishop Meghan
Updates Beginning 15 September 2024
Today: What Does it Mean to be Lutheran in a Crucial Election Year? Ruth Hoffman, Synod Vice President, will facilitate our Adult Faith Development session, as we look at how our faith interacts with our citizen responsibilities. Join us for stimulating conversation at 11:15 in the Conference Room. The draft ELCA "Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith" will be part of the discussion. ~Ivan Westergaard
Next Sunday, 22 September: Dignity Mission seeks to support asylum seekers in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez. Rae VanDeMotter, of All Saints Lutheran, will share concerns about the difficult times these people have as they seek legal entry to the U.S., on Sunday, Sept. 22, after worship at St. Paul. Dignity Mission is made up of a variety of congregations (ecumenical) and other institutions who gather personal care items, basic needs, food and water and deliver to a physician in El Paso who has access to these folks. Learn more: come to the Conference Room by 11:15 am on the 22nd.
Stewardship: During these days leading up to November 10th, we ask you to think and pray about what this church means to you and how you can support it in the coming year? Why November 10th? That Sunday during worship we’ll receive your commitment of financial support for 2025. Grouped together, our intentions will enable us to do another year of faithful and creative ministry. November 10th also happens to be the anniversary of Luther’s birth. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, on November 10, 1483. Though Luther disliked having a church named after him, we bear his name—and, more importantly, his proclamation of God’s generous grace—in our very identity. ~Hal Nilsson, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee
Adopted Families: We have become aware of several families (refugees) who are in need of blankets. If you can donate new blankets for them, please put them in the narthex coatroom or call Kay if you need someone to pick them up. Thank you! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
September’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in October at Hope Works. (Note “October FFF” on your check.) Thank you for supporting this monthly project for our neighbors! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Please sign up in the Welcome Center! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
A Thank You! to St. Paul:
On behalf of The Storehouse of New Mexico family, thank you for your gift of $230. Your donation will provide 1,150 meals for those in need. Across the board, higher food costs, the end of COVID benefits, and inflation have impacted many people in our community. As a result, we’ve seen a substantial increase in the number of people visiting the pantry over the last several months. The Storehouse is committed to provide food to every person who walks through our doors. Your support allows us to honor our commitment to our community and ensure that families facing food insecurity always have a place to turn. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. ~Amy Lavender, VP of Development
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
A Huge Thank You! to everyone who made last Sunday’s Rally Sunday picnic luncheon so special! We appreciated all those helping hands in Fellowship Hall! ~Deborah Ash
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Bread for the World Workshop is this Saturday, September 21, 8:30am-12pm, All Saints Lutheran Church, 4800 All Saints Road NW. "Nourish Our Future" is the campaign of BFW to fully fund and modernize the SNAP and WIC programs, expand the Child Tax Credit to cut poverty and hunger, develop solutions to college student hunger and develop an international "Children's Jubilee." The "Farm Bill" now facing Congress will be a focus as well a study on college student hunger, that was conducted by some UNM professors, one of whom will discuss the study at this workshop. You are encouraged to attend this workshop. Go to breadnm@gmail.com to register or talk to me or Buzz Lenander. ~Ivan Westergaard
Jewish Voice for Peace: Speaking of Genocide with Dr. Omer Bartov, 9/30, 7pm. UNM Anthropology Bldg, Rm 163. Dr. Bartov is the Samuel Pisar Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University. He has written widely on war crimes, interethnic relations, and genocide.
Upcoming Event Sponsored by New Mexico Conference of Churches: Pilgrimage To Beauty, 6 October: Embark on a journey with Reverend Tiffany Curtis, a recent pilgrim on the Caminos de Santiago and Kumano Kodo pilgrimages, as she guides us through an afternoon pilgrimage to explore autumn beauty. Engage in contemplative prompts, foster community connections, and practice mindful walking in this local pilgrimage opportunity. Participants of all ages and abilities are welcome. Participants must be able to walk up to 4 miles at a slow pace, at high altitude, with a slow ascent and descent. The Pilgrimage to Beauty is part of The Journey Project: https://www.nmchurches.org/annual-pilgrimage. RSVP by 9/28 to Rev. Tiffany Curtis at rev.tiffany@theopencirclesantafe.org.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
RMS AMMPARO Climate Change, Displacement & Conflict: Migrants Speak. This Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 3:00 pm ET. This webinar will explore the human impact of climate change, environmental degradation, and inadequate environmental protections on conflict and mobility, centering the voices of those most affected. Environmental defenders, Indigenous groups, and frontline communities share their stories and struggles, exposing the intersections of extractive industries, displacement, and the climate crisis. Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1chvSKynTi-XZ1xOl7kxqw#/registration.
Indigenous Thought & Theology, Oct. 24, 2-4pm Central. Indian people have unique and beautiful ways of understanding the world. Indigenous wisdom – as it relates to living in relationship with the Creator, Mother Earth and other created beings – should be centered if we want to provide better care for our home and all our relatives. Indigenous Thought & Theology introduces participants to this wisdom and examines Indigenous ways of understanding, respecting and interacting with this wondrous world we inhabit. No pre-registration is required to participate. Just click "join the class" to attend. https://elca.org/Our-Work/Congregations-and-Synods/Ministries-of-Diverse-Cultures-and-Communities/Indigenous-Ministries-and-Tribal-Relations/Truth-and-Healing-Movement
Updates Beginning 8 September 2024
Today! Join us in Fellowship Hall for our Picnic Luncheon and Piñata to celebrate Rally Sunday and God’s Work Our Hands. ~Pr. Koppel
Next Sunday, Sept. 15: What Does it Mean to be Lutheran in a Crucial Election Year? Ruth Hoffman, Synod Vice President, will facilitate our Adult Faith Development session, as we look at how our faith interacts with our citizen responsibilities. Join us for stimulating conversation at 11:15 in the Conference Room. The draft ELCA "Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith" will be part of the discussion. ~Ivan Westergaard
September’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in October at Hope Works. (Note “October FFF” on your check.) Thank you for supporting this monthly project for our neighbors! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Adopted Families: We recently helped a single man with rent and bought Amtrak tickets for a single mom. The man has a CDL and was most recently employed as a long haul driver; but he lost that job when he was no longer needed. He is in the process of applying for another job but was only able to pay a little toward his current rent (his rent is due after the middle of the month). We paid $600 to complete payment for his current rent. He has never had to ask for help and wasn't sure where or how to ask; he also was quite embarrassed to ask. The landlady/owner says he is a very good person but she couldn't wait because she needed the money to pay the mortgage on the dwelling. The man was very grateful.
A client advocate from Healthcare for the Homeless emailed me about a mom with two small kids who needs to get to a safe shelter in another state; the mom's grandmother is in the same town as the shelter and will help as much as she can. We bought train tickets for mom and kids for $280. The mother was extremely excited and thankful to be on her way.
We were able to help these people because of the generous donations we received - thank you for helping us help others! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Mark Your Calendars for Monday evening, 30 September! Potluck and worship at St. Paul with the Malagasy bishops/presidents when they visit Albuquerque. Stay tuned for details! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
A Thank You to St. Paul:
Many thanks for the generosity of St. Paul Lutheran! As we move through our transition from Bishop Jim to Bishop Meghan, the support of the congregations in the work we are doing is more important than ever. ~Jon Johnson, Finance Director, Rocky Mountain Synod
Communion Bread Bakers: I am working on the schedule for bread baking for the coming year. Do you like to bake bread? We are looking for a few more bakers. The bread recipe is easy and will be provided. The recipe makes 4 loaves which are frozen in baggies marked with the baked date and one is used each Sunday. We currently have 5 faithful bakers so we only have to bake 2 or 3 times a year. Please let me know if you would like to join this wonderful group! Contact me at 505-269-0855 and leave a message. ~Nancy Jenkins
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Sabbatical 2025
Dear St. Paul Community,
In 2025 we will celebrate seven years walking with Pastor Koppel. In honor of this, our Council has granted her a three-month sabbatical, starting May of 2025. A sabbatical is a time of one or more of the following: respite, study, spiritual growth, skill development, research, and renewal. And as stated in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) guidelines for sabbatical planning, “The mission of the congregation benefits from the rostered person who returns to ministry with new experiences and abilities, as well as being refreshed and renewed.” In other words, this is a time of enrichment for pastor and us as a congregation. And that while she makes plans, so too, do we.
We have formed a team to help think through the details, both for Pastor and us. And we’ve already begun assessing the administrative, pastoral care, worship, and financial support necessary to keep our church life moving forward and growing.
Over the next few months, you are invited to engage by making suggestions and joining the conversations about what you might like during these three months. Perhaps it is something to do with worship, Bible study, and/or engaging the mission of our call in some new way. Will we reach beyond our Sunday morning worship? Will we listen to new ideas to help plant seeds for our future? Will we sing, and possibly dance to a beat we are being called to discover?
If you have ideas or desires to express, please connect with anyone of us on the Sabbatical Team. Commit to participate when asked for ideas to grow our sabbatical time with ideas for themes or bible study topics or even activities beyond our normal. This is a time for all of us to witness and grow together. Watch for updates, plans and announcements about this growing opportunity.
How blessed we are as a community of faith, how blessed we are to have been given the past seven years of growing our community of faith led by a strong pastor who believes in the work we have chosen. Above all, keep this sabbatical process in your prayers for growing and witnessing God’s amazing love.
Blessings as we breathe into a time of rest and renewal,
Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash, Sara Love, Hal Nilsson, and Pastor Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
This Tuesday: Dunkin’ Donut Cruiser x Coffee with a Cop! We are excited to announce that the Dunkin' Donut Cruiser will be visiting Albuquerque to show their appreciation for the APD and the community. We will be hosting a large-scale Coffee with a Cop event at the University Substation (1009 Bradbury Dr SE) on September 10th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. There will be free coffee and refreshers for everyone. ~Angelina Navarro, Community Engagement Manager, APD
Bread for the World Workshop is set for Saturday, September 21, 8:30 AM to Noon, at All Saints Lutheran Church, 4800 All Saints Road NW. "Nourish Our Future" is the campaign of BFW to fully fund and modernize the SNAP and WIC programs, expand the Child Tax Credit to cut poverty and hunger, develop solutions to college student hunger and develop an international "Children's Jubilee." The "Farm Bill" now facing Congress will be a focus as well a study on college student hunger, that was conducted by some UNM professors, one of whom will discuss the study at this workshop. You are encouraged to attend this workshop. Go to breadnm@gmail.com to register or talk to me or Buzz Lenander. ~Ivan Westergaard
3 Upcoming Events Sponsored by New Mexico Conference of Churches:
Becoming Good News in a Weary World: Fostering Prophetic Imagination, Courageous Conversations, Sabbath Circles, Kin-dom Projects, and Communities of Contrast. A half-day interfaith event, 9am-1pm, Friday, 13 September, in Taos. Respond now, space is limited! Register at:
https://www.eventcreate.com/e/goodnewsinawearyworld. Contact: toddwynward@gmail.com
Covenanted Kinship & Prophetic Imagination--these are threads that run deep through nearly all spiritual traditions. How might the ancient practices of covenanted kinship and prophetic imagination transform our culture today? How might they be paths each of us can start upon right now, to embody healing and good news in a society that so often seems so full of division, discord, disparity, and despair? Come engage with other allies from communities up and down the Rio Grande to embark on a path that fosters these practices and nurtures courageous conversations, sabbath circles, kin-dom projects and communities of contrast. Join the half day...and stay for the two-day workshop if you want, 13-14 September.
To register: contact toddwynward@gmail.com. Cost: $25. An informal lunch will be provided after the session. Location: 215 La Posta Rd, Taos, NM 87571. Hosted at & by TiLT [Taos Initiative for Life Together]. Supported by the NM Conference of Churches/Thriving Congregations Initiative.
Pilgrimage To Beauty, 6 October: Embark on a journey with Reverend Tiffany Curtis, a recent pilgrim on the Caminos de Santiago and Kumano Kodo pilgrimages, as she guides us through an afternoon pilgrimage to explore autumn beauty. Engage in contemplative prompts, foster community connections, and practice mindful walking in this local pilgrimage opportunity. Participants of all ages and abilities are welcome. Participants must be able to walk up to 4 miles at a slow pace, at high altitude, with a slow ascent and descent.
The Pilgrimage to Beauty is part of The Journey Project – New Mexico Conference of Churches: https://www.nmchurches.org/annual-pilgrimage. RSVP by 9/28 to Rev. Tiffany Curtis at rev.tiffany@theopencirclesantafe.org. You can read more about Rev. Tiffany here: https://theopencirclesantafe.org/ourteam
Further details will be sent prior to October 6th to all participants who RSVP.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
This Tuesday: God’s Love Made Real is a movement encouraging the ELCA to create a world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation. During this discussion the presiding bishop will share why God’s Love Made Real is meaningful to her and the future of the church. Participants will have the opportunity to share experiences and ask questions. “The Spirit is calling us to move together as one church to share the grace and love we experience every day,” said Eaton. Join the discussion Sept. 10th, 12pm Pacific! You can learn more about God’s Love Made Real at lovemadereal.elca.org.
RMS AMMPARO: Please register and attend Climate Change, Displacement & Conflict: Migrants Speak on Sept. 18th, at 3:00 pm ET. This webinar will explore the human impact of climate change, environmental degradation, and inadequate environmental protections on conflict and mobility, centering the voices of those most affected. Environmental defenders, Indigenous groups, and frontline communities share their stories and struggles, exposing the intersections of extractive industries, displacement, and the climate crisis. Join us as we work together towards policy solutions and environmental justice. Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1chvSKynTi-XZ1xOl7kxqw#/registration
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-New Mexico’s annual Fall Advocacy Conference: Save the Date! The conference will be held on Saturday, November 16th, at All Saints Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, beginning at 9am. Refreshments and fellowship will begin at 8:30am. Lunch is included. This will be a hybrid event with in-person and online options. More information in September. ~ Kurt A. Rager, Director, LAM-NM
Lutheran Disaster Relief: Crisis in the Middle East. ELCA has donated $250,000 to go toward children and schools. Additional funds went to fund the psycho-social support efforts for the children in the Holy Land. You can also give by clicking this link: https://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Relief-and-Development/Lutheran-Disaster-Response/Our-Impact/Middle-East-Crisis and choosing the “Crisis in the Middle East” option. Thank you for your voice and advocacy. It makes all the difference in the world!
Updates Beginning 1 September 2024
See the signup sheet in the Welcome Center to bring a salad or dessert, and/or to help with setup and cleanup. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
September’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in October at Hope Works. (Note “October FFF” on your check.) Thank you for supporting this monthly project for our neighbors! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Communion Bread Bakers: I am working on the schedule for bread baking for the coming year. Do you like to bake bread? We are looking for a few more bakers. The bread recipe is easy and will be provided. The recipe makes 4 loaves which are frozen in baggies marked with the baked date and one is used each Sunday. We currently have 5 faithful bakers so we only have to bake 2 or 3 times a year. Please let me know if you would like to join this wonderful group! Contact me at 505-269-0855 and leave a message. ~Nancy Jenkins
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Mark Your Calendars for Monday evening, 30 September! Potluck and worship at St. Paul with the Malagasy bishops/presidents when they visit Albuquerque. Stay tuned for details! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
Adopted Families: We recently helped a single man with rent and bought Amtrak tickets for a single mom. The man has a CDL and was most recently employed as a long haul driver; but he lost that job when he was no longer needed. He is in the process of applying for another job but was only able to pay a little toward his current rent (his rent is due after the middle of the month). We paid $600 to complete payment for his current rent. He has never had to ask for help and wasn't sure where or how to ask; he also was quite embarrassed to ask. The landlady/owner says he is a very good person but she couldn't wait because she needed the money to pay the mortgage on the dwelling. The man was very grateful.
A client advocate from Healthcare for the Homeless emailed me about a mom with two small kids who needs to get to a safe shelter in another state; the mom's grandmother is in the same town as the shelter and will help as much as she can. We bought train tickets for mom and kids for $280. The mother was extremely excited and thankful to be on her way.
We were able to help these people because of the generous donations we received - thank you for helping us help others! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
August 2024
Dear St. Paul Community,
In 2025 we will celebrate seven years walking with Pastor Koppel. In honor of this, our Council has granted her a three-month sabbatical, starting May of 2025. A sabbatical is a time of one or more of the following: respite, study, spiritual growth, skill development, research, and renewal. And as stated in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) guidelines for sabbatical planning, “The mission of the congregation benefits from the rostered person who returns to ministry with new experiences and abilities, as well as being refreshed and renewed.” In other words, this is a time of enrichment for pastor and us as a congregation. And that while she makes plans, so too, do we.
We have formed a team to help think through the details, both for Pastor and us. And we’ve already begun assessing the administrative, pastoral care, worship, and financial support necessary to keep our church life moving forward and growing.
Over the next few months, you are invited to engage by making suggestions and joining the conversations about what you might like during these three months. Perhaps it is something to do with worship, Bible study, and/or engaging the mission of our call in some new way. Will we reach beyond our Sunday morning worship? Will we listen to new ideas to help plant seeds for our future? Will we sing, and possibly dance to a beat we are being called to discover?
If you have ideas or desires to express, please connect with anyone of us on the Sabbatical Team. Commit to participate when asked for ideas to grow our sabbatical time with ideas for themes or bible study topics or even activities beyond our normal. This is a time for all of us to witness and grow together. Watch for updates, plans and announcements about this growing opportunity.
How blessed we are as a community of faith, how blessed we are to have been given the past seven years of growing our community of faith led by a strong pastor who believes in the work we have chosen. Above all, keep this sabbatical process in your prayers for growing and witnessing God’s amazing love.
Blessings as we breathe into a time of rest and renewal,
Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash, Sara Love, Hal Nilsson, and Pastor Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will be meeting for their Human Rights Day Celebration on Friday, September 6th at Second Presbyterian Church, 812 Edith Blvd NE. The theme is Act Justly, based on Matthew 5:9—“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called God’s children.” Rev. Jesse Dompreh, pastor of Grant Chapel A.M.E. Church, will be sharing information on the Martin Luther King Day breakfast held annually with a noted speaker, the Grant Chapel choir, the awarding of scholarships to deserving students, etc. In addition, Rev. Billiejune Simmons, CWU Southwest Regional Coordinator, will also be with us and participating in the program Coffee fellowship begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by the program. After the service, plan to stay for a light New Mexican luncheon served by the women of Second Presbyterian. Please join us and bring a friend! Questions? Contact Marilyn Stoops 505-265-8358 or mstoops@swcp.com.
JVP Event: Tabling at Downtown Growers' Market: Sat, 9/7 from 8 AM-Noon. Robinson Park: 810 Copper Ave NW. Allies are welcome. We stand on the main path between the two entrances. ~Jewish Voice for Peace Albuquerque
Dunkin’ Donut Cruiser x Coffee with a Cop! We are excited to announce that the Dunkin' Donut Cruiser will be visiting Albuquerque to show their appreciation for the APD and the community. We will be hosting a large-scale Coffee with a Cop event at the University Substation (1009 Bradbury Dr SE) on September 10th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. There will be free coffee and refreshers for everyone. ~Angelina Navarro, Community Engagement Manager, APD
Founders of Roots, a Palestinian/Israeli Peace Organization on the West Bank: United Church of Santa Fe and Temple Beth Shalom are cosponsoring a community-wide presentation on Monday, Sept. 16th, 7pm at United with the founders of "Roots," Orthodox Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Palestinian activist Noor A'war. They are on a U.S. tour this September and United has invited them to Santa Fe for several different presentations. ~Rev. Talitha Arnold, Senior Minister, The United Church of Santa Fe
Bread for the World Workshop is set for Saturday, Sept. 21, 8:30 AM to Noon, at All Saints Lutheran Church, 4800 All Saints Road NW. "Nourish Our Future" is the campaign of BFW to fullly fund and modernize the SNAP and WIC programs, expand the Child Tax Credit to cut poverty and hunger, develop solutions to college student hunger and develop an international "Children's Jubilee." The "Farm Bill" now facing Congress will be a focus as well a study on college student hunger, that was conducted by some UNM professors, one of whom will discuss the study at this workshop. You are encouraged to attend this workshop. Go to breadnm@gmail.com to register or talk to me or Buzz Lenander. ~Ivan Westergaard
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
RMS AMMPARO: Please register and attend Climate Change, Displacement & Conflict: Migrants Speak on Sept. 18th, at 3:00 pm ET. This webinar will explore the human impact of climate change, environmental degradation, and inadequate environmental protections on conflict and mobility, centering the voices of those most affected. Environmental defenders, Indigenous groups, and frontline communities share their stories and struggles, exposing the intersections of extractive industries, displacement, and the climate crisis. Join us as we work together towards policy solutions and environmental justice. Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1chvSKynTi-XZ1xOl7kxqw#/registration
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-New Mexico’s annual Fall Advocacy Conference: Save the Date! The conference will be held on Saturday, November 16th, at All Saints Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, beginning at 9am. Refreshments and fellowship will begin at 8:30am. Lunch is included. This will be a hybrid event with in-person and online options. More information in September. ~ Kurt A. Rager, Director, LAM-NM
Updates Beginning 25 August 2024
Communion Bread Bakers: I am working on the schedule for bread baking for the coming year. Do you like to bake bread? We are looking for a few more bakers. The bread recipe is easy and will be provided. The recipe makes 4 loaves which are frozen in baggies marked with the baked date and one is used each Sunday. We currently have 5 faithful bakers so we only have to bake 2 or 3 times a year. Please let me know if you would like to join this wonderful group! Contact me at 505-269-0855 and leave a message. ~Nancy Jenkins
Save the Date – Sept. 8th! St. Paul Rally Sunday & God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. An exciting day, when we will lift up St. Paul’s GWOH “season of service” in 2024, bless the backpacks for our school age youth, enjoy special music from Strange Holler Bluegrass Band, and lunch together after service. Stay tuned for more details! ~Pr. Koppel
Mark Your Calendars for Monday evening, 30 September! Potluck and worship at St. Paul with the Malagasy bishops/presidents when they visit Albuquerque. Stay tuned for details! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
Do You Maze? Lists St. Paul’s Labyrinth as #1! We are listed first of the “Nine Labyrinths to Visit in New Mexico” – check it out at: https://www.doyoumaze.com/blog/9-labyrinths-to-visit-in-new-mexico
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods are putting a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will be meeting for their Human Rights Day Celebration on Friday, September 6th at Second Presbyterian Church, 812 Edith Blvd NE. The theme is Act Justly, based on Matthew 5:9—“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called God’s children.” Rev. Jesse Dompreh, pastor of Grant Chapel A.M.E. Church, will be sharing information on the Martin Luther King Day breakfast held annually with a noted speaker, the Grant Chapel choir, the awarding of scholarships to deserving students, etc. In addition, Rev. Billiejune Simmons, CWU Southwest Regional Coordinator, will also be with us and participating in the program Coffee fellowship begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by the program. After the service, plan to stay for a light New Mexican luncheon served by the women of Second Presbyterian. Please join us and bring a friend! Questions? Contact Marilyn Stoops 505-265-8358 or mstoops@swcp.com.
Dunkin’ Donut Cruiser x Coffee with a Cop! We are excited to announce that the Dunkin' Donut Cruiser will be visiting Albuquerque to show their appreciation for the APD and the community. We will be hosting a large-scale Coffee with a Cop event at the University Substation (1009 Bradbury Dr SE) on September 10th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. There will be free coffee and refreshers for everyone. ~Angelina Navarro, Community Engagement Manager, APD
~Pastor Rhonda Newby-Torres, Luther House UNM & CNM, The Open Table Connection
Founders of Roots, a Palestinian/Israeli Peace Organization on the West Bank: United Church of Santa Fe and Temple Beth Shalom are cosponsoring a community-wide presentation on Monday, Sept. 16th, 7pm at United with the founders of "Roots," Orthodox Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Palestinian activist Noor A'war. They are on a U.S. tour this September and United has invited them to Santa Fe for several different presentations. ~Rev. Talitha Arnold, Senior Minister, The United Church of Santa Fe
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
View Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop Meghan’s greetings at: https://vimeo.com/999355020?share=copy
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-New Mexico’s annual Fall Advocacy Conference: Save the Date! The conference will be held on Saturday, November 16th, at All Saints Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, beginning at 9am. Refreshments and fellowship will begin at 8:30am. Lunch is included. This will be a hybrid event with in-person and online options. More information in September. ~ Kurt A. Rager, Director, LAM-NM
Microenterprise Development First Newsletter Available. The MED program, short for Microenterprise Development, through Lutheran Family Services Albuquerque, provides funding and technical assistance to refugee start-up businesses. LFS resettles hundreds of refugees to the city each year, and for many of these newcomers, owning a business is the ultimate dream. The newsletter is posted in the Welcome Center.
AMMPARO’s Quarterly Report Now Available. AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrants with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities) has released their latest report, which is posted in the Welcome Center.
National Lutheran Choir's 2024-2025 Season, Healing: A Sacred Story, will explore five dimensions of wholeness and wellness. The season will feature collaborations with guest artists such as Cantus, Brian Newhouse, composers Melissa Dunphy and Hans Bridger Heruth: nlca.com
National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day: Celebrated today, August 25th, NFHAAD highlights the role faith-based communities play in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, treatment, care, and support–while also ending stigmas and stereotypes toward people living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS. https://www.hiv.gov/events/awareness-days/faith
Updates Beginning 18 August 2024
Today: August 18, 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of my consecration as a deaconess. Join me in celebrating this momentous occasion with refreshments after worship. Thanks. ~Diane Remer-Thamert
Stewardship: We’re looking for a few people…
...to help the people of St. Paul share their gifts with the church and the world. This is a vital ministry aimed at the future of the church and the good of the world. Anyone is welcome. If you are a veteran member of St. Paul, your knowledge will be greatly helpful; if you are new to St. Paul, this could be a good way to find your way to belonging. If this sounds interesting to you, please see any of the current team members, Paula Eglinton, Will Hoffman, Jan Krakow, Bob Matthews, or Hal Nilsson. ~Bob Matthews
Save the Date – Sept. 8th! St. Paul Rally Sunday & God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. An exciting day, when we will lift up St. Paul’s GWOH “season of service” in 2024, have special music from Strange Holler Bluegrass Band, bless the backpacks for our school age youth, and lunch together after service. Stay tuned for more details! ~Pr. Koppel
Mark Your Calendars for Monday evening, 30 September! Potluck and worship at St. Paul with the Malagasy bishops/presidents when they visit Albuquerque. Stay tuned for details! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Do You Maze? Lists St. Paul’s Labyrinth as #1! We are listed first of the “Nine Labyrinths to Visit in New Mexico” – check it out at: https://www.doyoumaze.com/blog/9-labyrinths-to-visit-in-new-mexico
Would you help?? Bob and Nancy Matthews will be gone 8/25-9/22. Would you sit in the Welcome Center during church service for one of those Sundays to greet latecomers? For more information, just talk to them after church any Sunday before 8/25. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods are putting a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Founders of Roots, a Palestinian/Israeli Peace Organization on the West Bank: United Church of Santa Fe and Temple Beth Shalom are cosponsoring a community-wide presentation on Monday, Sept. 16th, 7pm at United with the founders of "Roots," Orthodox Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Palestinian activist Noor A'war. They are on a U.S. tour this September and United has invited them to Santa Fe for several different presentations. ~Rev. Talitha Arnold, Senior Minister, The United Church of Santa Fe [Note: more info on Roots posted in Welcome Center.]
JVP Event: Not Another Bomb Rally. Today: Sun, Aug 18, 10am
Tiguex Park: 1800 Mountain Rd NW
Jewish Voice for Peace: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/about/
A few Nob Hill congregations back in 2019 had the notion that faith communities could and should be doing more for the precariously housed than giving out water bottles and granola bars. They worked together to start the non-profit ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative.
Since then, the organization has responded to the emerging needs in our community with different levels of programming all faithful to this vision. In this time, FaithWorks has grown to over 15 faith communities. In just the last 18 months, with your support, we have achieved the following:
Ended the experience of homelessness for 21 families through our partnership with the City of Albuquerque
Prevented homelessness for 132 people with our combined emergency rental and utility assistance totaling over $40,000.
Delivered food, household goods, and furniture to recently housed families in our community - both citizens and asylum seekers.
Connected over 50 asylum-seeking families with resources to navigate complex legal paperwork in partnership with the New Mexico Immigrant Law Center.
Connected asylum seekers and people experiencing homelessness with 230 state-issued IDs.
This summer, FaithWorks is right-sizing and re-focusing our mission to align with current funding availability and the post-covid landscape for non-profits. We on the board and staff of FaithWorks are grateful for the continued engagement and collaboration of member congregations. As part of this re-set, we expect to be working even more closely with you in the coming months!
Thanks for your continued partnership in this good work.
Jane McGuire, President of the Board
Pastor Rhonda Newby-Torres, Luther House UNM & CNM, The Open Table Connection
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Dear Partners in Advocacy,
With so much attention focused on the general election in November, you will find lots of information below to fully immerse yourself in civic engagement. As our ELCA Advocacy shares, "This church understands government as a means through which God works to preserve creation and build a more peaceful and just social order in a broken world. Our “civic participation is not simply voluntary, idealistic, or altruistic. The ELCA holds to the biblical idea that God calls God’s people to be active citizens and to ensure that everyone benefits from the good of government (Jeremiah 29:7, Romans 13:1-7)” Participate, be an informed voter, support fully our election process, challenge the overabundance of false and misleading information, and encourage others in your faith community to do the same. Each opportunity shared below, even if Lutheran-specific, can be used in any denominational setting or faith community.
LAM-NM has vigorously maintained a non-partisan stance in its work, choosing instead to make change through influencing policy through our advocacy and congregational organizing. We do not and cannot endorse candidates in elections. Yet, significant change can occur in policy through elections. Commit to being fully attentive and informed as we move towards November. With each candidate seeking your vote, ask about their positions as they relate to our key areas of focus. How would they address and solve hunger and poverty in New Mexico? What would they do to solve the affordable housing crisis and what is their position on turning the tide on the growing population of those with no place to call home? Are they committed to affordable healthcare for all New Mexicans? The list is long, but you get the idea. More simply put and spot-on, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, and a long partner in advocacy efforts with the ELCA, shares, "The principle on which Christians must vote is the principle: Does this look like love of neighbor?" Post that reminder everywhere and share it widely!
There's never a slow time of year for LAM-NM. Summer is filled with monitoring legislative interim committee hearings, working within the various coalitions we are a part of on policy and upcoming legislative proposals, and drafting our specific advocacy agenda for 2025. We have also spent much time in thought and conversation as we discern what the future holds for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico after a long and distinguished 40 years of ministry. The seasons are changing and the Spirit is always active and calling. LAM-NM continues to discern our purpose and what we are called to, and, consider all options for what that context might look like. Continue to pray for our ministry.
Finally, planning for our annual Fall Advocacy Conference continues and I invite you to save the date! The conference will be held on Saturday, November 16th, at All Saints Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, beginning at 9 a.m. Refreshments and fellowship will begin at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be included. This will be a hybrid event with in-person and online options. More information will be available in September.
May the peace of Christ be with you, Kurt A. Rager, Director, LAM-NM
Election Challengers, Watchers, Observers, and Poll Workers! Are you interested in what you can do as a non-partisan influence in this election cycle? Take your energy to the #ELCAElectionActivator network - an opportunity for individuals and our congregations to share in our communities' love in action. ELCA Election Activators from various parts of our ELCA faith community are invited to a call once a month for updates and to hear from each other about local initiatives. Because the ELCA does not endorse a particular candidate, party, or form of government or strive for a Christian one, participation requires sign-up and a non-partisan pledge. "Lutherans care about government because it is a gift from God intended for the safety and flourishing of human life" (from ELCA social message "Government & Civic Engagement in the United States: Discipleship in a Democracy"). The next virtual meeting is August 27th. Learn more at: https://blogs.elca.org/advocacy/
Here in New Mexico, there are a variety of ways you can get involved in the upcoming election. New Mexico law permits properly designated individuals to serve as challengers and watchers during early voting and on Election Day. Being a challenger or watcher gives the individual access to a specified early voting center or polling place to observe voting activities. Learn more at: https://www.sos.nm.gov/voting-and-elections/voter-information-portal-nmvote-org/election-challengers-watchers-observers-information/
Updates Beginning 11 August 2024
Just a Reminder: the Ice Cream Group continues to meet! Every second Wednesday at 1pm, the DQ at Louisiana/Montgomery. Next meeting is this week on August 14. ~Julie Ambrogi
Stewardship: We’re looking for a few people…
...to help the people of St. Paul share their gifts with the church and the world. This is a vital ministry aimed at the future of the church and the good of the world. Anyone is welcome. If you are a veteran member of St. Paul, your knowledge will be greatly helpful; if you are new to St. Paul, this could be a good way to find your way to belonging. If this sounds interesting to you, please see any of the current team members, Paula Eglinton, Will Hoffman, Jan Krakow, Bob Matthews, or Hal Nilsson. ~Bob Matthews
Mark Your Calendars for Monday evening, 30 September! Potluck and worship at St. Paul with the Malagasy bishops/presidents when they visit Albuquerque. Stay tuned for details! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
Would you help?? Bob and Nancy Matthews will be gone 8/25-9/22. Would you sit in the Welcome Center during church service for one of those Sundays to greet latecomers? For more information, just talk to them after church any Sunday before 8/25. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods are putting a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
JVP Film Screening: Where Olive Trees Weep
Today: Sun, Aug 11 from 12:30-2 PM
Guild Cinema: 3405 Central Ave NEJVP Event: Not Another Bomb Rally
Sun, Aug 18 in the PM –stay tuned for details
Tiguex Park: 1800 Mountain Rd NW
Jewish Voice for Peace: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/about/
Upcoming Storehouse of New Mexico Fundraising Events:
Saturday, 28 September: Albuquerque Empty Bowls at St. John’s United Methodist Church, 11am-3pm
Thursday, 24 October: 2024 Charity Golf Tournament at Santa Ana Golf Club
Details are at: https://storehousenm.org/ (and posted in the Welcome Center).
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
A Greeting from Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
Dear friends in Christ in the Rocky Mountain Synod,
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Earlier this week, these verses were spoken over me by Pr. Ruth Ann Loughry as part of our Liturgy of sending and transition. As we blessed Bishop Jim Gonia and Pr. Kim Gonia, giving thanks for Bishop Jim’s faithful accompaniment of our synod for the past twelve years, and released Bishop Jim from his call as bishop of our Rocky Mountain Synod, the staff of the office of the bishop also surrounded me and prayed for me through these words.
Isaiah 55 has been a guiding text for me throughout my ministry. The whole chapter is a vision of holy abundance for all: a vision of justice, wholeness, and joy. And as I begin my call as your bishop, I offer these verses as a word of calling and promise—not only for me, but for all of us as the church, formed and sent by God’s word.
And God’s word, we Christians proclaim, is Jesus: the Word made flesh, God with us. In his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus is the Word of God to the world. But, as Paul reminds the early church in Rome, “How are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14b-15). This is our calling as church and our mission statement as the Rocky Mountain Synod: Together we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world! This is the joyful calling given by God to us in our time, in the places of this synod where we “live and move and have our being.” We are not here accidentally! We are here for a purpose. We do not merely go into the world: we are sent, by the One who so loved the world that Jesus came to share our human life, to die and rise, to defeat the powers of sin, evil, and death.
This is a holy and humbling calling. On days when worry, exhaustion, or heartbreak (of both global and personal proportion) make our outlook bleak and steal our hope from us, this calling feels impossible. And so God reminds us that we are never given a calling alone—our calling always comes with God’s promise. As the rain and snow bring water to the earth, nourish life, and return to the atmosphere (the water cycle is biblical and scientific!) so God declares: “so shall my word be… it shall not return to me empty.” Jesus Christ, God’s Word incarnate, did not return to God empty, but full of resurrection life. We, God’s beloved children and Christ’s own body in the world, will not return empty either. Whatever this season brings, I know this: God’s Word will not fail. God will accomplish what God purposes: with us, through us, and even in spite of us if need be! May this calling and promise inspire and sustain us as church: better together.
In Christ,
Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni
Prayers for Wildfire Season
We pray for first responders, firefighters, civic leaders, the family and friends of the person who died in the Stone Canyon Fire, for those who lost property and structures, all those who have evacuated or prepare for evacuation…
Let us pray,
O God, our refuge and strength, our help in times of trouble. Have mercy on the lands and lives damaged or destroyed by fires. Have mercy on the wildlife and domestic animals who shelter in these lands. Protect all who stand in harm's way in order to protect others. Accompany all who are particularly vulnerable or alone in dangerous conditions. We know that you are with us in fire, wind, and storm. Today, we pray for rain and relief. Drench the soil and our lives with your hope.
Thank you for your prayers. If you would like to donate to the RMS Disaster Response Fund, please go to the RMS website, https://www.rmselca.org/, scroll to the bottom, click on the Give button, and select, "RMS Disaster Response" from the dropdown menu -- Thank you.
Updates Beginning 4 August 2024
This Week: First Tuesday! And mark your calendars for more than one date, both the first Tuesday of August and September, 8/6 and 9/3, starting at 4:00 pm at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE. It is still time to be inside during the afternoons, so bring a snack to share and spend time visiting with other folks from church. Just make the September gathering an extension of Labor Day! ~Nancy Matthews’
Just a Reminder: the Ice Cream Group continues to meet! Every second Wednesday at 1pm, the DQ at Louisiana/Montgomery. Next meeting is August 14. ~Julie Ambrogi
Stewardship: We’re looking for a few people…
...to help the people of St. Paul share their gifts with the church and the world. This is a vital ministry aimed at the future of the church and the good of the world. Anyone is welcome. If you are a veteran member of St. Paul, your knowledge will be greatly helpful; if you are new to St. Paul, this could be a good way to find your way to belonging. If this sounds interesting to you, please see any of the current team members, Paula Eglinton, Will Hoffman, Jan Krakow, Bob Matthews, or Hal Nilsson. ~Bob Matthews
Mark Your Calendars for Monday evening, 30 September! Potluck and worship at St. Paul with the Malagasy bishops/presidents when they visit Albuquerque. Stay tuned for details! ~Sara Love & Mino Rakotoarijaona
Sanctuary Infill Project: It has begun! Thank you to everyone who was able to come on Friday and Saturday to help with demo-ing the infill area, and to Jim Graf, our project lead. We are also thankful for Brian, our contractor, and his team, who welcomed us to work alongside them. ~Deborah Ash
Shareback from the West Bank available on St. Paul’s Facebook page. iusti Remer-Thamert’s presentation this past Monday evening is available for viewing at https://www.facebook.com/stpaulabq/. Thank you, iusti! ~Deborah Ash
Would you help?? Bob and Nancy Matthews will be gone 8/25-9/22. Would you sit in the Welcome Center during church service for one of those Sundays to greet latecomers? For more information, just talk to them after church any Sunday before 8/25. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods are putting a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Thank You’s! to St. Paul:
On behalf of the Storehouse family, thank you for your gift of $230. Your donation will provide 1,150 meals for those in need. Across the board, higher food costs, the end of COVID benefits, and inflation have impacted many people in our community. As a result, we’ve seen a substantial increase in the number of people visiting the pantry over the last several months. The Storehouse is committed to provide food to every person who walks through our doors. Your support allows us to honor our commitment to our community and ensure that families facing food insecurity always have a place to turn. Thank you again for supporting The Storehouse New Mexico. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Amy Lavender, VP of Development
On behalf of Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico, thank you for your generosity! All of the items and dollars donated by St. Paul are so helpful at this time. The increase in clients has been tremendous this year. We also appreciate your continued support through pop-top donations! ~Michaela Wood, Volunteer and Program Coordinator
[Note: Our July God’s Work Our Hands project.]
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
JVP Film Screening: Where Olive Trees Weep
Sun, Aug 11 from 12:30-2 PM
Guild Cinema: 3405 Central Ave NEJVP Event: Not Another Bomb Rally
Sun, Aug 18 in the PM –stay tuned for details
Tiguex Park: 1800 Mountain Rd NW
Jewish Voice for Peace: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/about/
Upcoming Storehouse of New Mexico Fundraising Events:
Saturday, 28 September: Albuquerque Empty Bowls at St. John’s United Methodist Church, 11am-3pm
Thursday, 24 October: 2024 Charity Golf Tournament at Santa Ana Golf Club
Details are at: https://storehousenm.org/ (and posted in the Welcome Center).
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Prayers for Fire Season: Dear RMS Community, three wildfires are currently burning on Colorado's Front Range: The Alexander Mountain Fire in Larimer County west of Loveland; The Stone Canyon Fire in Boulder County north of Lyons; and the Quarry Fire in Jefferson County near Deer Creek Canyon.
Bishop Gonia and Bishop-elect Johnston Aelabouni have contacted the ministries and clergy near the active burn areas. The Office of the Bishop will continue to monitor the situation and communicate as needed. The RMS Disaster Response Team is available as the situation develops.
As wildfires are part of our lives in the Rocky Mountain Synod, please contact us if your area or ministry is affected. In June, the New Mexico Deans actively monitored the South Fork and Salt Fires near Ruidoso, NM. Although we're not aware of any direct impacts to our ministries or leaders, we hold these areas, lands, and people in prayer.
Today, we pray for first responders, firefighters, civic leaders, the family and friends of the person who died in the Stone Canyon Fire, for those who lost property and structures, all those who have evacuated or prepare for evacuation . . .
Let us pray,
O God, our refuge and strength, our help in times of trouble. Have mercy on the lands and lives damaged or destroyed by fires. Have mercy on the wildlife and domestic animals who shelter in these lands. Protect all who stand in harm's way in order to protect others. Accompany all who are particularly vulnerable or alone in dangerous conditions. We know that you are with us in fire, wind, and storm. Today, we pray for rain and relief. Drench the soil and our lives with your hope. Amen.
Thank you for your prayers. If you would like to donate to the RMS Disaster Response Fund, please go to the RMS website, https://www.rmselca.org/, scroll to the bottom, click on the Give button, and select, "RMS Disaster Response" from the dropdown menu -- Thank you.
A Final Word from Bishop Jim Gonia:
Dear Beloved of the Rocky Mountain Synod, as I prepare to conclude my call as your bishop on July 31, I want to express my profound thanks for the opportunity to be on the journey with you these last twelve years. A full one third of my 36 years of ordained ministry has been spent as synod – literally on the way together – with you. I am grateful not only for the celebrations and milestone moments we have experienced, but for the challenges that have helped us grow and learn together.
It is with immense joy that I welcome the Rev Dr Meghan Aelabouni to her call as our next bishop. Her leadership, insights and passion will be a tremendous gift in this new season. I trust that you will surround her with your prayers, love and support.
For those who are wondering what comes next for me, I am retiring from ministry in the church and will use this next chapter of life to explore other interests and opportunities, including my love of photography and time with my family. I am excited to see what new ventures may lie ahead.
It’s been my practice when presiding at a blessing of transition for a pastor or deacon, to invite the minister and Council leaders to share words of affirmation and encouragement. In closing, I leave you with a few of my own heartfelt affirmations and encouragements.
My Affirmations:
This is a healthy synod, full of vital congregations and ministries, served by faithful and talented rostered ministers. Thank you for the countless ways you proclaim and embody the gospel every day.
This is a synod with a rich diversity of contexts, with a proven commitment to being connected across the miles and to serving the neighbor. I am grateful for how you live out church better together for the sake of the world.
This is a synod open to new ideas, to new ways of being and becoming church. I appreciate your willingness to experiment and take risks for the sake of the gospel.
My Encouragements:
Keep God’s inclusive unconditional love in Jesus front and center – a gospel of grace matters more than ever to our neighbors and world. Don't be shy to share it!
Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you into new horizons of being the Body of Christ. Be bold to explore paths as yet untrodden.
Remember your call to be God's both/and people in this either/or world. It will mark your witness and service as Christ's Church.
And now, dear friends, all that remains is to offer these words of blessing:
May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Yours in Faith, Bishop Jim Gonia
Uplifting Video, Week in Review, from the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering! Take a look back at the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering where 16,000 youth met in New Orleans for an inspiring week of faith formation under the theme “Created to Be.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6tkL7DyXnw (link is also posted at elca.org).
$250,000 Summer Matching Gift Challenge: Bread for the World members have recently been given a remarkable chance to triple your impact to end hunger. Thanks to a $250,000 matching gift from a group of generous supporters, your gift today will go 3X as far! This match comes at a critical moment for Bread’s advocacy work, as we are currently working on August in-district meetings with members of Congress. This is one of the key times we connect with legislators each year and urge them to increase funding for hunger programs. Visit bread.org.
And read about the Food For Peace program as it celebrates its 70th anniversary at: https://www.bread.org/article/food-for-peace-70th-anniversary/
Recent updates highlighting LWR’s impact around the world are at: https://lwr.org/news, including the following:
LWR Quilts & Kits arrive immediately after attack on Ukrainian children’s hospital. Imagine if an enemy unleashed missiles on a children’s hospital like St. Jude’s. It’s hard to fathom the cruelty of targeting sick children and hardworking hospital staff... But that's exactly what happened in Ukraine on July 8. Okhmatdyt hospital is one of Ukraine’s largest facilities for children with cancer, and it was badly damaged by Russian missiles. As soon as the attack stopped, Lutheran World Relief staff — who were working nearby and sheltering in subway tunnels — rushed to provide support.
Updates Beginning 28 July 2024
Tomorrow, 7/29 at 6pm in the Sanctuary: Shareback from the West Bank. iusti Remer-Thamert will share about their recent solidarity trip to the West Bank, working with a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the long-entrenched oppression of Palestinians. We will explore how the war against Gaza and the ongoing land grabs in the West Bank are tied in to the legacy of colonization and Christian Zionism within the U.S. iusti will uplift first hand experiences of colonial encroachment, harassment, and land theft by settlers and occupation forces in the South Hebron Hills, as well as ongoing Indigenous Palestinian existence and resistance. ~ iusti Remer-Thamert
This Week: Our Sanctuary Project Starts! Come Help with the Demo on Friday and Saturday, 9am-5pm. There is a signup sheet in the Welcome Center—pick a two-hour slot and come work alongside fellow members and the construction crew. Many hands make light work! ~Deborah Ash
First Tuesdays - Yep, more than one. Both will be on the first Tuesday of August and September starting at 4:00 pm at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE. It is still time to be inside during the afternoons, so bring a snack to share and spend time visiting with other folks from church. The dates you should circle on your calendar are 8/6 and 9/3. Just make the September gathering an extension of Labor Day! ~Nancy Matthews
Our July God’s Work Our Hands project wraps up this week. We are collecting items for the Ronald McDonald House of NM (https://www.rmhc-nm.org/). They are finding themselves very low on all paper goods: paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates and bowls. They are currently seeing around 1500 more people this year than last, and their stock has been quickly depleted and is costing a lot. Also welcome are travel-size toiletries, individually wrapped snacks, juice boxes, and any new toys. There is a box for donations in the Welcome Center through July. Thank you for responding to their request for assistance! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Would you help?? Bob and Nancy Matthews will be gone 8/25-9/22. Would you sit in the lobby during church service for one of those Sundays to welcome latecomers? For more information, just talk to them after church any Sunday before 8/25. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires and floods will put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
RMS Prayer Cycle for July is the North New Mexico Conference. Each month we pray for the rostered ministers, congregations, and ministries throughout the Rocky Mountain Synod and our Churchwide expression.
ELCA Youth Gathering Wraps Up in New Orleans: Read about it at https://www.livinglutheran.org/2024/07/2024-elca-youth-gathering-kicks-off-in-new-orleans/.
Bishop Eaton Addresses Political Violence: ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton has written on recent events at https://elca.org/News-and-Events/8244.
Bach’s St. John Passion from Lutheran Summer Music available to stream at: https://www.youtube.com/@lutheransummermusic, as well other July recordings!
ELCA Truth and Healing Movement-Upcoming Opportunities: Visit
Updates Beginning 21 July 2024
Today: Congregational Informational/Ask All Your Questions Meeting-Sanctuary Infill Project. We will meet with our contractor, Brian O’Connell. Grab some refreshments and return to the Sanctuary. ~Pr. Koppel
Our July God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting items for the Ronald McDonald House of New Mexico (https://www.rmhc-nm.org/). They are finding themselves very low on all paper goods: paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates and bowls. They are currently seeing around 1500 more people this year than last, and their stock has been quickly depleted and is costing a lot. Also welcome are travel-size toiletries, individually wrapped snacks, juice boxes, and any new toys. There is a box for donations in the Welcome Center through July. Thank you for responding to their request for assistance! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Adopted Families: Our Adopted Families community has just increased by one 4lb. baby boy. Noelia, a committee member, has a longtime friend who is in the hospital with her newborn baby and is in desperate need of items for her tiny son: diapers, wipes, and clothes. Knowing that even tiny babies grow quickly, we ask you to think about how little he is now but that his needs will change as he grows over the next months before she can get back to work. There will be a collection box in the Welcome Center for your contributions. Thank you! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
This Week: Calico Butterfly Preschool Picnic! Dear congregation, you are welcome to come to our 1st End of the Summer Picnic on Thursday, July 25th from 5-7pm. We are going to meet in the area west of the playground. We are going to provide hot dogs and buns. We are asking the families to bring drinks, fruit, baby carrots, ranch dip, chips, or cookies. If you would like to bring something, please feel free to do so. Please bring your lawn chairs. Dinner will be at 5pm. From 5:30 pm to 5:45 pm or 6pm there are going to be games for the children in which the parents will participate. After the games are over, we are going to end with a “foam party” hour. I hope that you can make it! ~Marisol Flores-Gutierrez, Preschool Director
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires downstate will put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Note: Luther House’s 2023-2024 Year End Report is posted in the Welcome Center.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
RMS Prayer Cycle for July is the North New Mexico Conference. Each month we pray for the rostered ministers, congregations, and ministries throughout the Rocky Mountain Synod and our Churchwide expression.
Updates Beginning 14 July 2024
Next Sunday, 21 July: Congregational Informational/Ask All Your Questions Meeting. Following worship we will meet with our contractor, Brian O’Connell. Grab some refreshments and return to the Sanctuary. ~Pr. Koppel
Our July God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting items for the Ronald McDonald House of New Mexico (https://www.rmhc-nm.org/). Michaela Wood, Volunteer and Program Coordinator, reached out to St. Paul directly. They are finding themselves very low on all paper goods: paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates and bowls. They are currently seeing around 1500 more people this year than last, and their stock has been quickly depleted and is costing a lot. Also welcome are travel-size toiletries, individually wrapped snacks, juice boxes, and any new toys. There is a box for donations in the Welcome Center through July. Thank you for responding to their request for assistance! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Adopted Families: Our Adopted Families community has just increased by one 4lb. baby boy. Noelia, a committee member, has a longtime friend who is in the hospital with her newborn baby and is in desperate need of items for her tiny son: diapers, wipes, and clothes. Knowing that even tiny babies grow quickly, we ask you to think about how little he is now but that his needs will change as he grows over the next months before she can get back to work. There will be a collection box in the Welcome Center for your contributions. Thank you! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Calico Butterfly Preschool Picnic! Dear congregation, you are welcome to come to our 1st End of the Summer Picnic on Thursday, July 25th from 5-7pm. We are going to meet in the area west of the playground. We are going to provide hot dogs and buns. We are asking the families to bring drinks, fruit, baby carrots, ranch dip, chips, or cookies. If you would like to bring something, please feel free to do so. Please bring your lawn chairs. Dinner will be at 5pm. From 5:30 pm to 5:45 pm or 6pm there are going to be games for the children in which the parents will participate. After the games are over, we are going to end with a “foam party” hour. I hope that you can make it! ~Marisol Flores-Gutierrez, Preschool Director
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Prayer Shawls. Our basket is empty. I am putting out a call for all prayer shawl makers. If you are able, we would appreciate it if you could get your knitting or crochet needles out and make some more prayer shawls. If you need yarn, we have lots in the sewing room. Check at the front desk for the key and take what you need to make a shawl or two. I am counting on all you talented people to fill up our prayer shawl basket! ~Sharon Hamilton, Prayer Shawl Chairperson
Love kids? Love sharing God’s love? Maybe you are feeling a nudge to share a Children’s Message during Sunday worship! Here are some things to help you think about it:
· The key takeaways: God’s love for us, our love for God and neighbor, AND having fun!
· There are four scripture passages prescribed for each Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary. Messages may be based on one of these or something altogether different. There are loads of resources, and we’re happy to help.
· Since we have a broad age-range of youth, brief (5 minutes or so) is best.
· You can do it as often as you like. Once a year, great! More than once a year, great!
Thank you for considering! If you’d like more information, please be in touch with pastor and/or sign up in the Welcome Center. ~Worship & Music Team: Terry Cole (chair), Jan Bowers, Jo Browning, Raul Manjarrez, Karin Urban, Janet Vrudny, and Pastor Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires downstate will put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
National Youth Gathering Update. It's time for the 2024 Gathering in New Orleans! The MYLE and tABLE events begin this weekend, and the Gathering begins on July 16th. Please continue to hold Gathering staff and volunteers, youth and leaders, bus drivers and pilots, all of the people who will be in attendance or connected to the event in your prayers.
RMS Prayer Cycle for July is the North New Mexico Conference. Each month we pray for the rostered ministers, congregations, and ministries throughout the Rocky Mountain Synod and our Churchwide expression. Please pray for the congregations and clergy of the North New Mexico Conference.
Livestream LSM 2024 throughout July! Lutheran Summer Music invites you to livestream over 30 inspiring concerts, recitals, and worship services throughout the entire month of July. Performances and services are shared by over 250 students, faculty, fellows, worship staff, and guest artists who come together to create a vibrant community of music-makers. You won't want to miss this! To explore the schedule and access the livestream and video archive, go to: https://www.youtube.com/@lutheransummermusic
Updates Beginning 7 July 2024
Adopted Families: Our Adopted Families community has just increased by one 4lb. baby boy. Noelia, a committee member, has a longtime friend who is in the hospital with her newborn baby and is in desperate need of items for her tiny son: diapers, wipes, and clothes. Knowing that even tiny babies grow quickly, we ask you to think about how little he is now but that his needs will change as he grows over the next months before she can get back to work. There will be a collection box in the Welcome Center for your contributions. Thank you! ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Our July God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting items for the Ronald McDonald House of New Mexico (https://www.rmhc-nm.org/). Michaela Wood, Volunteer and Program Coordinator, reached out to St. Paul directly. They are finding themselves very low on all paper goods: paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates and bowls. They are currently seeing around 1500 more people this year than last, and their stock has been quickly depleted and is costing a lot. Also welcome are travel-size toiletries, individually wrapped snacks, juice boxes, and any new toys. There is a box for donations in the Welcome Center through July. Thank you for responding to their request for assistance! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp is Now! Please see the dates and address information in the July at St. Paul calendar on the back. If you would like to give cash for our campers’ “Pop Shop” accounts, please leave with the office and we will make sure it is credited there. And please consider dropping our campers a note via email or snail mail or send along something fun that shows you are thinking of them! ~Deborah Ash
Calico Butterfly Preschool Picnic! Dear congregation, you are welcome to come to our 1st End of the Summer Picnic on Thursday, July 25th from 5-7pm. We are going to meet in the area west of the playground. We are going to provide hot dogs and buns. We are asking the families to bring drinks, fruit, baby carrots, ranch dip, chips, or cookies. If you would like to bring something, please feel free to do so. Please bring your lawn chairs. Dinner will be at 5pm. From 5:30 pm to 5:45 pm or 6pm there are going to be games for the children in which the parents will participate. After the games are over, we are going to end with a “foam party” hour. I hope that you can make it! ~Marisol Flores-Gutierrez, Preschool Director
Prayer Shawls. Our basket is empty. I am putting out a call for all prayer shawl makers. If you are able, we would appreciate it if you could get your knitting or crochet needles out and make some more prayer shawls. If you need yarn, we have lots in the sewing room. Check at the front desk for the key and take what you need to make a shawl or two. I am counting on all you talented people to fill up our prayer shawl basket! ~Sharon Hamilton, Prayer Shawl Chairperson
Love kids? Love sharing God’s love? Maybe you are feeling a nudge to share a Children’s Message during Sunday worship! Here are some things to help you think about it:
· The key takeaways: God’s love for us, our love for God and neighbor, AND having fun!
· There are four scripture passages prescribed for each Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary. Messages may be based on one of these or something altogether different. There are loads of resources, and we’re happy to help.
· Since we have a broad age-range of youth, brief (5 minutes or so) is best.
· You can do it as often as you like. Once a year, great! More than once a year, great!
Thank you for considering! If you’d like more information, please be in touch with pastor and/or sign up in the Welcome Center. ~Worship & Music Team: Terry Cole (chair), Jan Bowers, Jo Browning, Raul Manjarrez, Karin Urban, Janet Vrudny, and Pastor Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires downstate will put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
RMS Prayer Cycle for July is the North New Mexico Conference. Each month we pray for the rostered ministers, congregations, and ministries throughout the Rocky Mountain Synod and our Churchwide expression. Please pray for the congregations and clergy of the North New Mexico Conference.
Update from Border Servant Corps: Thank you for your support, advocacy, and contributions -- you made a difference! Border Servant Corps' EFSP-H funding extended through September 2024 to continue to support the ministry of welcome for newly-arrived migrants in El Paso and New Mexico. We cannot express our gratitude enough – many, many thanks! ~Kari Lenander, Executive Director, https://www.borderservantcorps.org/
Help Supply Items for Hurricane Relief Kits. You can be part of our exciting ELCA 2024 Youth Gathering in New Orleans (16-20 July) even if you aren't sending youth from your adults. We invite you to help be part of our Service Learning Day by donating small personal battery operated fans from the Target Gift Registry. In the aftermath of a storm, hurricane or tornado, New Orleans residents can find themselves without electricity and in a crisis. Each of the 9 Regions of the ELCA is sending to New Orleans items to make disaster relief kits. Your donation of our Region 2 in-kind offering (the small fans) will be used to make up 3000 kits. It is simple to make this donation. Donations are sent right to New Orleans follow this link https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift-giver?registryId=e7018790-eb8c-11ee-8811-17f737ff4d39&type=CHARITY to make your donation.
Bread for the World. Join staff and advocates in your area for your next regional online meeting. Our July meetings will include a recap of our recent Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C., an update on the farm bill and the Nourish our Future campaign, and preparation to meet with candidates and members of Congress in August and September. Southwest Regional Online Meeting (AZ, NM, OK, TX)hosted by Ken Fujimoto on Thursday, July 11 at 3 p.m. (CT) https://www.bread.org/event/2024-july-regional-online-meetings/
Updates Beginning 30 June 2024
First Tuesday will be July 2nd at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE between 4:00 - 6:00pm. This is a time to gather together socially without having to run off to church meetings or education class. Come join us. Bring a snack to share!
Love kids? Love sharing God’s love? Maybe you are feeling a nudge to share a Children’s Message during Sunday worship! Here are some things to help you think about it:
· The key takeaways: God’s love for us, our love for God and neighbor, AND having fun!
· There are four scripture passages prescribed for each Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary. Messages may be based on one of these or something altogether different. There are loads of resources, and we’re happy to help.
· Since we have a broad age-range of youth, brief (5 minutes or so) is best.
· You can do it as often as you like. Once a year, great! More than once a year, great!
Thank you for considering! If you’d like more information, please be in touch with pastor and/or sign up in the Welcome Center. ~Worship & Music Team: Terry Cole (chair), Jan Bowers, Jo Browning, Raul Manjarrez, Karin Urban, Janet Vrudny, and Pastor Koppel
Adopted Families: A client advocate from Healthcare for the Homeless contacted me again looking for help for two more bus tickets. In the first case, the client had come to Albuquerque for a funeral and while he was here he had all of his stuff stolen. We had the funds so I paid $104 for a ticket to get him back home. In the second case, the advocate told me that the client is an electrician that had been working on rehabbing houses in another state. After a divorce he came here to try to reconnect with his children. That didn't work out so he needed to get back to where he has a job and a place to stay waiting for him. His ticket cost $102. Both clients (and the client advocate) were very grateful for our help. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp is Coming Up! Please see the dates and address information in the July at St. Paul calendar on the back. If you would like to give cash for our campers’ “Pop Shop” accounts, please leave with the office and we will make sure it is credited there. And please consider dropping our campers a note via email or snail mail or send along something fun that shows you are thinking of them! ~Deborah Ash
Prayer Shawls. Our basket is empty. I am putting out a call for all prayer shawl makers. If you are able, we would appreciate it if you could get your knitting or crochet needles out and make some more prayer shawls. If you need yarn, we have lots in the sewing room. Check at the front desk for the key and take what you need to make a shawl or two. I am counting on all you talented people to fill up our prayer shawl basket! ~Sharon Hamilton, Prayer Shawl Chairperson
A Thank You to St. Paul:
Dear Friends, thank you for your generous contribution of $5,000. Your contribution is important to ABQ FaithWorks and helps us achieve our vision that “All people are safely housed and integrated into healthy communities of their choice”. As you may know, ABQ FaithWorks provides a variety of direct services in both our Asylum Program and our Unhoused Program. We rely on volunteers and financial support like yours to continue to serve some of our most vulnerable neighbors. Your support is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Hannah Albee, Executive Director
Our June’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in July at Hope Works. (Note “July FFF” on your check.) Thank you for helping to help others provide that 4th of July meal next week! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Opportunities to Donate:
· Fires downstate will put a strain on the food banks. We have Storehouse collection barrels in the Narthex for food items for people and pets. Please share what you can.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Historic Neighborhood Gets New Multigenerational Center. The new Santa Barbara Martineztown Multigenerational Center has opened less than a year after groundbreaking. This 5,000 square foot building features a large multi-purpose space that converts to an indoor pickleball court, computer lab, classroom, warming kitchen, lobby, and office area. Available services include senior meals, out-of-school programs, and a wide variety of opportunities for fitness, recreation, and social enrichment. https://www.cabq.gov/seniors/news/legacy-neighborhood-gets-new-multigenerational-center
New Young Adult Housing Navigation Center On The Way. The City of Albuquerque’s vision for a specialty housing navigation center for young adults age 18-25 is one step closer to reality. The City closed on the purchase of the San Mateo Inn at 2424 San Mateo Blvd NE, in City Council District 7. The hotel will be renovated into a housing navigation center providing age-appropriate wraparound services to help young adults access permanent housing and become self-sufficient.
“Operation Cooldown 2024” Activated to Help Beat the Heat. The City’s Parks & Recreation Department (PRD) activated “Operation Cooldown 2024” as temperatures hit the triple digits. The program was first launched in mid-July 2023. The City also announced available resources for the unsheltered and at-risk populations. During Operation Cooldown 2024, every day that the temperature is predicted to reach 100 degrees or above, PRD will offer sprinkler play in four parks across the City from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. for the community to enjoy. https://www.cabq.gov/parksandrecreation/news/201coperation-cooldown-2024201d-activated-to-help-beat-the-heat
Albuquerque Community Safety (ACS) Headquarters Now Open. The ACS Department now has a permanent home at San Mateo near Kathryn. The new dedicated headquarters are the first for a behavioral health response department in the nation and will allow ACS to grow roots to better serve the community. ACS is the city’s third branch of first responders, sending trained professionals with backgrounds in behavioral and mental health and social services to non-violent and non-medical calls.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Interpreting the Bible with Grace, Saturday, July 13 - 10 am-3 pm, All Saints Lutheran Church, 4800 All Saints Rd. NW 87120. Join us for a half-day conversation about the Bible with Rev. Dr. Mark Allen Powell! We’ll talk about where the Bible comes from, how to interpret it in context, and how we are to understand the Bible for our own times. The session reflects on seven questions about Lutherans and the Bible. He does not prescribe “the Lutheran way" to read the Bible nor does he dismiss the way you may have come to understand the Bible. Instead, Dr. Powell presents a variety of Lutheran perspectives for interpreting the Bible.
Dr. Powell was a Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio until his retirement in 2018. He is editor of the HarperCollins Bible Dictionary and author of more than 100 articles and 35 books on the Bible and religion. He has also worked as a professional music critic, with more than 1000 published reviews in the fields of rock and pop music. The two fields of music criticism and religious scholarship come together in the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music, his critical survey and analysis of artists in both the religious and mainstream markets who have produced faith-oriented products.
RSVP to Krysta at All Saints by phone (505-898-3932) or email (office@allsaintsabq.org) by July 1. Lunch is included. When you RSVP, please let Krysta know if you have any dietary needs.
Tres Hermanas Farm Program Purpose: Empowering newcomers (refugees + asylees) through our agricultural programming—providing resources, education, and training to cultivate self-sufficiency, community integration, and strengthen cultural food security within New Mexico’s food landscape.
In late May, twenty-three students completed NMSU ICAN's gardening course. This was a six-week course teaching best practices for gardening in New Mexico. Students designed and planted the learning garden at our office and will continue to maintain and harvest from the garden throughout the growing season. All of our graduates received grow bags, soil, tools, plant starts, and seeds so they can continue to grow vegetables at home.
We have five groups of avid gardeners growing at Project Feed the Hood Community Garden and Grow Your Own Garden/Le Jardin Verde this season--they've been busy filling their gardens with summer vegetables!
To join our volunteer listserv or explore other ways to support our program, please email us at treshermanasfarm@lfsrm.org
As always--we appreciate your support! If you'd like to make a monetary donation, kindly make your check payable to "Tres Hermanas Farm" and mail it to Tres Hermanas Farm/Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, 230 Truman St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. Or you can donate through the LFSRM donate page and write “Tres Hermanas Farm” in the comment section. Thank you for contributing to our program! give.lfsrm.org
Our friends at Border Servant Corps recently hosted a wonderful group of young adults from across the country for our Young Adult Border Immersion in partnership with ELCA Young Adults, AMMPARO and ELCA Advocacy. It was an incredible week of learning, growing and community building in the borderlands. Now, Border Servant Corps needs our help. Unless the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) addresses transition issues with grant funding, Border Servant Corps will be forced to close the two largest 24/7 migrant shelters in El Paso and southern New Mexico, the only Port Reception Site for all CBP One process migrants in the El Paso Sector, and the only Airport Reception Team in the region. Urge CBP, FEMA, and the EFSP National Board to provide an extension to allow for the full expenditure of awarded funding. Sign on today: https://lirs.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1ba26e3c84448d9ea4814c790&id=1aac22b288&e=2f360c0226
Join Global Refuge President and CEO Krish O'Mara Vignarajah as she marks our 85th anniversary with a special video message!
ELCA Sumud: A Request for Advocacy. From Sumud (formerly Peace Not Walls) comes a request for advocacy regarding bills that are currently under consideration by the Senate regarding the tax-exempt status of organizations that "support terrorism." The terms of the bill have been applied subjectively and indiscriminately in attempts to revoke the tax-exempt status of organizations that have advocated for Palestinian rights.
Help Supply Items for Hurricane Relief Kits. You can be part of our exciting ELCA 2024 Youth Gathering in New Orleans (16-20 July) even if you aren't sending youth from your adults. We invite you to help be part of our Service Learning Day by donating small personal battery operated fans from the Target Gift Registry. In the aftermath of a storm, hurricane or tornado New Orleans residents can find themselves without electricity and in a crisis. Each of the 9 Regions of the ELCA is sending to New Orleans items to make disaster relief kits. Your donation of our Region 2 in-kind offering (the small fans) will be used to make up 3000 kits. It is simple to make this donation. Donations are sent right to New Orleans follow this link https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift-giver?registryId=e7018790-eb8c-11ee-8811-17f737ff4d39&type=CHARITY to make your donation.
Each issue of Lutheran World Relief Special Reports is a testament to the incredible difference compassionate neighbors like you can make when we come together for a common cause. Thank you for joining us on this mission. Your love makes a real difference. https://lwr.org/downloads
I hope you will join Bread for the World staff and advocates in your area for your next regional online meeting, where you will be encouraged and equipped to pursue a world without hunger! Our July meetings will include a recap of our recent Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C., an update on the farm bill and the Nourish our Future campaign, and preparation to meet with candidates and members of Congress in August and September. Don’t miss it!
Earlier this month, more than 200 Bread advocates from across the country came to Washington, D.C., to share their stories and urge Congress to pass a farm bill that prioritizes families facing hunger. At your July regional meeting, we’ll bring you up to speed on the stories and impact of this year’s Summit! Southwest Regional Online Meeting (AZ, NM, OK, TX) hosted by Ken Fujimoto on Thursday, July 11 at 3 p.m. (CT)
During the 2024 Advocacy Summit – Nourish Our Future, we were honored to feature a video from USAID Administrator Samantha Power highlighting the vital impact of Bread’s work. With 164 million people facing severe or crisis levels of food insecurity, our advocacy has never been more crucial. https://give.bread.org/s/2631037/5bSzYV6W
Bread For The World’s 2023 Impact Report is now available: https://www.bread.org/impact-report/
While these are challenging and even exhausting times, may we be reminded by these words from Galatians 6:9 - “Let us not become weary in doing good....” Together, we are making a difference every single day. ~Rev. Eugene Cho, President and CEO
Read Presiding Bishop Eaton’s article this month, We Are Also Citizens. “Active participation in public life has been part of the Lutheran movement from its beginning. Lutherans don’t withdraw from public life.”
Jennifer Hockenbery, Ph.D., a college dean, philosophy professor, and editor of the Journal of Lutheran Ethics, will serve as interim churchwide executive director of Women of the ELCA, beginning July 1. Hockenbery is serving a 12-month term following the retirement of Linda Post Bushkofsky, who served 22 years in the role.
Updates Beginning 23 June 2024
Our June God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in July at Hope Works. (Note “July FFF” on your check.) Thank you for helping to help others provide that 4th of July meal! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Adopted Families: Heartfelt thanks to all who donated adult diapers and related items. Noelia (our committee member who knows many folks in need) reports that she has handed out everything and the recipients were very appreciative. On another note, I received a call from a woman who had a "hospital" bed she wanted to donate. With the planning and help of Noelia and Paula Eglinton, the bed was retrieved from the woman's storage unit and delivered to a woman in her 90's who is very frail and bedridden. I know this will make life a little better for her as well as for her daughter and grandchildren who are her caregivers. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Have a favorite short Bible verse to share? We are looking for ideas for our electronic sign. Please email info@stpaulabq.org. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Interpreting the Bible with Grace, Saturday, July 13 - 10 am-3 pm, All Saints Lutheran Church, 4800 All Saints Rd. NW 87120. Join us for a half-day conversation about the Bible with Rev. Dr. Mark Allen Powell! We’ll talk about where the Bible comes from, how to interpret it in context, and how we are to understand the Bible for our own times. The session reflects on seven questions about Lutherans and the Bible. He does not prescribe “the Lutheran way" to read the Bible nor does he dismiss the way you may have come to understand the Bible. Instead, Dr. Powell presents a variety of Lutheran perspectives for interpreting the Bible.
Dr. Powell was a Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio until his retirement in 2018. He is editor of the HarperCollins Bible Dictionary and author of more than 100 articles and 35 books on the Bible and religion. He has also worked as a professional music critic, with more than 1000 published reviews in the fields of rock and pop music. The two fields of music criticism and religious scholarship come together in the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music, his critical survey and analysis of artists in both the religious and mainstream markets who have produced faith-oriented products.
RSVP to Krysta at All Saints by phone (505-898-3932) or email (office@allsaintsabq.org) by July 1. Lunch is included. When you RSVP, please let Krysta know if you have any dietary needs.
Dear church,
In response to the horrific, ongoing violence in and around Gaza, I recently shared a new message (https://elca.org/News-and-Events/8228) calling on us to continue to pray for those who suffer and grieve, advocate for an immediate cease-fire and walk with all who long for a just peace.
The ELCA is walking with many partners in the region, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and Augusta Victoria Hospital, to address the most pressing needs for people in the areas surrounding Gaza, including the West Bank and other Occupied Territories. Right now, we are helping meet many essential needs such as food, water, health care, shelter, keeping schools open, mental health care and providing medical supplies. There is so much yet to be done.
When the cease-fire comes and when, God willing, our partners can reestablish work in Gaza, our church stands ready to continue our response. A gift today will equip Lutheran Disaster Response to walk with neighbors to rebuild their lives and communities. To give, visit: https://elca.org/Our-Work/Relief-and-Development/Lutheran-Disaster-Response
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Updates Beginning 16 June 2024
Adopted Families: Heartfelt thanks to all who donated adult diapers and related items. Noelia (our committee member who knows many folks in need) reports that she has handed out everything and the recipients were very appreciative. On another note, I received a call from a woman who had a "hospital" bed she wanted to donate. With the planning and help of Noelia and Paula Eglinton, the bed was retrieved from the woman's storage unit and delivered to a woman in her 90's who is very frail and bedridden. I know this will make life a little better for her as well as for her daughter and grandchildren who are her caregivers. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Our June’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in July at Hope Works. (Note “July FFF” on your check.) Thank you for helping to help others provide that 4th of July meal! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Have a favorite short Bible verse to share? We are looking for ideas for our electronic sign. Please email info@stpaulabq.org. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Announcing: Facility Use Rental Agreement-Parking Lot
June 14, 2024
Hello wonderful SPLC community,
Your congregational council would like to let you know about a facility use/rental opportunity that has recently been signed and approved.
SPLC was approached earlier this month by construction firm, Bradbury & Stamm, with the announcement the UNM Cancer Center is beginning construction on an expansion in the vacant lot just north of their current building - east of our parking lot. Their representatives at that time inquired about the possibility of renting parking from SPLC. This seemed like an almost no brainer and a wonderful opportunity!
For minimal impact, SPLC agreed and negotiated to receive $3,000 per month - $36,000 annual - for rental of 38 parking spots. What a blessing this is as we look toward the (very) soon construction of the sanctuary infill/ramp and building repairs.
You'll notice the curb of the easternmost row of parking spots are painted green, as well as a few additional spots (see FAQ below), and soon signage will be posted designating the spaces for use by Bradbury & Stamm.
Rental Highlights Include:
- 13 month contract with possibility for extension
- $3,000 per month for: 38 parking spaces
- Monday - Thursday, 6am to 5 pm
- Painting, signage, and liability insurance all provided by Bradbury & Stamm
They will construct and provide all necessary walkways, gates, trash receptacles, and anything else needed.
All of this should have minimal impact on our community. All precautions will be taken to ensure safety at Calico Preschool. Bradbury & Stamm is more than amenable and willing to work with SPLC as we navigate this new relationship. Including, being flexible to accommodate any events SPLC may need the rented parking spaces for taking place during business hours.
As a congregation we are gifted with the stewardship opportunities this magnificent physical location can provide. My hope as congregation president is this new relationship is just the beginning for SPLC to expand our community, stabilize, and grow.
I would like to thank Dave Kelly for spearheading the contract process, Chris Moody for offering his legal guidance, the Finance Team, and Pr. Kristi and Congregational Council for their support and leadership.
Good and Godly things are happening - alleluia!
Peace and Light be with you,
Sara Love
SPLC Council President
From Local Partner Organizations
Jewish Voice for Peace Event: Study & Action for Palestine - an online course from White Awake. Mondays, beginning June 17 from 6-7:30 PM, sessions recorded. For more information and to register: https://mailchi.mp/whiteawake/palestine-solidarity-summer-2024-online-course
Please join ABQ FaithWorks between now and June 20th to support the asylum seekers we walk with through our World Refugee Day campaign. Donate, share, or create your own fundraising page to widen our community of support for all newcomers! Simply go to www.abqfaithworks.org and click on "Start Now".
And on June 21st at 6:00 pm, we will be celebrating the culmination of this campaign with a simple potluck supper at First Unitarian Universalist Church, Memorial Hall. To sign up for the potluck, go to: https://bit.ly/3XjywK1 (This potluck form will also be on the campaign page at abqfaithworks.org.) Thank you! ~Dora Gallegos
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Help Supply Items for Hurricane Relief Kits: You can be part of our exciting ELCA 2024 Youth Gathering (16-20 July) in New Orleans even if you aren't sending youth from your church. We invite you to help be part of our Service Learning Day by donating small personal battery operated fans from the Target Gift Registry. In the aftermath of a storm, hurricane or tornado, New Orleans residents can find themselves without electricity and in a crisis. Each of the 9 Regions of the ELCA is sending to New Orleans items to make disaster relief kits. Your donation of our Region 2 in-kind offering (the small fans) will be used to make up 3000 kits. Donations are sent right to New Orleans. To make your donation, follow this link:
Interpreting the Bible with Grace, Saturday, July 13 - 10 am-3 pm, All Saints Lutheran Church, 4800 All Saints Rd. NW 87120. Join us for a half-day conversation about the Bible with Rev. Dr. Mark Allen Powell! We’ll talk about where the Bible comes from, how to interpret it in context, and how we are to understand the Bible for our own times. The session reflects on seven questions about Lutherans and the Bible. He does not prescribe “the Lutheran way" to read the Bible nor does he dismiss the way you may have come to understand the Bible. Instead, Dr. Powell presents a variety of Lutheran perspectives for interpreting the Bible.
Dr. Powell was a Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio until his retirement in 2018. He is editor of the HarperCollins Bible Dictionary and author of more than 100 articles and 35 books on the Bible and religion. He has also worked as a professional music critic, with more than 1000 published reviews in the fields of rock and pop music. The two fields of music criticism and religious scholarship come together in the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music, his critical survey and analysis of artists in both the religious and mainstream markets who have produced faith-oriented products.
RSVP to Krysta at All Saints by phone (505-898-3932) or email (office@allsaintsabq.org) by July 1. Lunch is included. When you RSVP, please let Krysta know if you have any dietary needs.
2024 Summer Women of the ELCA Gather Bible study is by the Rev. Dr. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni (our new RMS Bishop!). A global pandemic, political upheaval, a changing climate… these days, the future is more uncertain than it has ever been. Or is it? For the people of the Bible, life was often shaped by deep uncertainty. Encounters with God sparked awe, confusion or courage, but rarely certainty. Instead, God’s people have always been called to follow God into the unknown, trusting in God’s certain grace and love. This three-session summer Bible study explores God’s invitation to the people of the Bible and to us, to take the holy journey beyond certainty to curiosity, community and compassion, where we find abundant life in Christ. Visit: https://www.gathermagazine.org/summer-2024-after-certainty-a-biblical-guide-by-the-rev-dr-meghan-johnston-aelabouni/
Bishop Eaton Issues Message on the War in Gaza: “Like the prophet Isaiah, we lament, ‘How long, O Lord?’” Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA, has issued a message on the war in Gaza, reiterating the church’s commitments: https://elca.org/News-and-Events/8228
Updates Beginning 9 June 2024
Thank You! to everyone from St. Paul who participated in yesterday’s Pride Parade – what a celebration! ~Jan Bowers
June’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be collecting donations for the Friends Feeding Friends’ “First Thursday” meal in July at Hope Works. (Note “July FFF” on your check.) Thank you to Hal Schultz and his team who provided June’s meal this past week! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Thank You! to Buzz Lenander, St. Paul’s Bread For The World Coordinator, for delivering the letters from our congregation directly to New Mexico’s congressional offices. ~Pr. Koppel
Our Margo is Turning 101 in June and we are collecting birthday cards! Pick up an updated information sheet in the Welcome Center for her party (new date!) hosted by daughter Cyndy, and leave your card off in the office by this Wednesday for delivery. Thanks! ~Julie Ambrogi
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Have a favorite short Bible verse to share? We are looking for ideas for our electronic sign. Please email info@stpaulabq.org. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Join ABQ FaithWorks to honor the Asylum Seekers we serve by taking part in our campaign for World Refugee Day. Simply give online or create your own fundraising page to widen the circle of support between now and June 20th. The more donors sign on with small gifts, the stronger our collaborative community becomes. The ambitious goal is 100 new donors, and $10,000, by June 20th. $3,000 will be matched by our generous Board of Directors! Give or start fundraising at https://bit.ly/4dBDtU5 (or see the link at www.abqfaithworks.org). ~Dora Gallegos
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
2024 Summer Gather Bible study is by the Rev. Dr. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni (our new RMS Bishop!). A global pandemic, political upheaval, a changing climate… these days, the future is more uncertain than it has ever been. Or is it? For the people of the Bible, life was often shaped by deep uncertainty. Encounters with God sparked awe, confusion or courage, but rarely certainty. Instead, God’s people have always been called to follow God into the unknown, trusting in God’s certain grace and love. This three-session summer Bible study explores God’s invitation to the people of the Bible and to us, to take the holy journey beyond certainty to curiosity, community and compassion, where we find abundant life in Christ. Visit: https://www.gathermagazine.org/summer-2024-after-certainty-a-biblical-guide-by-the-rev-dr-meghan-johnston-aelabouni/ [Note: St. Paul has Gather available in Friendship Corner.]
Bishop Eaton Issues Message on the War in Gaza: “Like the prophet Isaiah, we lament, ‘How long, O Lord?’” Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA, has issued a message on the war in Gaza, reiterating the church’s commitments: https://elca.org/News-and-Events/8228
Support storm and tornado survivors: Severe storms across the Midwestern and Southern United States have brought deadly tornadoes and flash flooding to millions of people. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response ensure that survivors don't have to face the road to recovery alone. https://community.elca.org/lutherandisasterresponse
Please give by June 28 to double your impact! Provide hardworking families with the farming tools and healthy food they need to survive: lwr.org
Updates Beginning 2 June 2024
Congratulations to the Calico Butterfly Preschool graduates! The graduation ceremony and luncheon for the students and their families were held Friday in Fellowship Hall. ~Pr. Koppel
The Chancel Choir is off for the summer. We want to extend a huge Thank You! to them for “making a joyful noise unto the Lord” during our worship services, leading the congregation in song and providing special music. Janet and choir members, enjoy your break! ~Deborah Ash
Thank You! to everyone who helped to make Barbara Maxwell’s memorial service and reception so special yesterday. ~Sharon Hamilton
A Shareback from the West Bank: June 6th, 6-8pm in Santa Fe/Oga'Pogeh at Travel Bug, 839 Paseo de Peralta. Hear from two community members about their recent solidarity trip to the West Bank of Occupied Palestine, where they spent 3 weeks working with a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the long-entrenched and systematic oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian population using non-violent, direct-action methods and principles. This community share back will focus on first hand, on the ground experiences of daily colonial encroachment, harassment, and land theft by settlers and occupation forces in the South Hebron Hills of the West Bank, as well as ongoing Indigenous Palestinian existence and resistance. Sponsored by Southwest Coalition for Palestine, Abq Anti War Coalition, ABQ SURJ, NNM SURJ, Jewish Voices for Peace Albuquerque, Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine, Santa Fe Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine, and NM Jews for a Free Palestine. ~ iusti remer-thamert
The Pride Parade is this Saturday, 8 June: Those of you walking in the Pride Parade, meet here at St. Paul at 7:15am. We will carpool to the starting point. Bring water, sunscreen and whatever you need for your comfort, as it will be a few hours in the sun. We will have a wagon for toting our “stuff” and Pride umbrellas for additional shade. ~Jan Bowers
Thank You! to everyone who supported our May God’s Work Our Hands project. A wealth of senior supplies has been provided for the Adopted Families program to distribute. Stay tuned for details on our June project! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Our Margo is Turning 101 in June and we are collecting birthday cards! Pick up an information sheet in the Welcome Center for her party hosted by daughter Cyndy and leave your card off in the office for delivery. Thanks! ~Julie Ambrogi
Adopted Families: A caseworker at Healthcare for the Homeless emailed me about another client who needed a bus ticket. The client is 45 years old and has been on the streets on and off for about five years. He has a chance to reunite with his family who live in a different part of the country. The client happened to be in the office with the caseworker when I called the caseworker, so I was able to complete the transaction for the online ticket purchase ($118) right away. The client was very grateful, thanking me twice and saying "God bless" just before hanging up. The caseworker explained to me some time ago that it's not easy to find transportation help like this, so it's a good feeling to be able to play a crucial role a client's effort to help himself. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Adopted Families Project Coordinator
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Join ABQ FaithWorks to honor the Asylum Seekers we serve by taking part in our campaign for World Refugee Day. Simply give online or create your own fundraising page to widen the circle of support between now and June 20th. The more donors sign on with small gifts, the stronger our collaborative community becomes. The ambitious goal is 100 new donors, and $10,000, by June 20th. $3,000 will be matched by our generous Board of Directors! Give or start fundraising at https://bit.ly/4dBDtU5 (or see the link at www.abqfaithworks.org). ~Dora Gallegos
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Lutheran Summer Music announces its 42nd season. All events take place this July at Valparaiso University, and most will be livestreamed. Performances and services are shared by over 250 students, faculty, fellows, worship staff, and guest artists who come together to create a vibrant community of music-makers. The LSM 2024 season will culminate during Festival Week (July 21-28), featuring the LSM Festival Band, Choir, and Orchestra, a Festival of Hymns, and closing each day with sung Evening Prayer. Of special note, the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) will join the LSM community and offer an intergenerational performance of J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion. Visit LSMacademy.org/2024 for a full list of events and to access the livestream.
Updates Beginning 26 May 2024
Today: After service, we will sort the senior supplies received this month for May’s God’s Work Our Hands Project for Adopted Families. We have been collecting the following items, which are always in high demand: adult diapers (such as Depends)-both male and female, all sizes; disposable bed pads; adult wet wipes; and no-rinse bathing wipes. There is still time for you to bring in items this week as well, or you can make a check out to St. Paul with the note: Senior Supplies. Thank you! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
This Week: On May 28th at 6pm, iusti remer-thamert and another community member who recently joined a solidarity trip to the West Bank of occupied Palestine will share their experience. They spent 3 weeks working with a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the long-entrenched and systematic oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian population using non-violent, direct-action methods and principles. This community share back will focus on first hand, on the ground experiences of daily colonial encroachment, harassment, and land theft by settlers and occupation forces in the South Hebron Hills of the West Bank, as well as ongoing Indigenous Palestinian existence and resistance. Hosted by the Minara Muslim Community at First Unitarian Social Hall 3701 Carlisle NE in Albuquerque on May 28th at 6pm. You are also welcome to join online at bit.ly/WBshare.
Or: Join on June 6th for a Santa Fe/Oga'Pogeh Shareback at 6pm at Travel Bug, 839 Paseo de Peralta. Sponsored by Southwest Coalition for Palestine, Abq Anti-War Coalition, ABQ SURJ, NNM SURJ, Jewish Voices for Peace Albuquerque, Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine, Santa Fe Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine, and NM Jews for a Free Palestine. ~ iusti remer-thamert
Barbara Maxwell’s Memorial Service is this coming Saturday 1 June at 2pm. Barbara’s memorial service here at St. Paul will be followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall. Her obituary is found at: https://www.frenchfunerals.com/obituaries/barbara-maxwell
Our Margo is Turning 101 in June and we are collecting birthday cards! Pick up an information sheet in the Welcome Center for her party hosted by daughter Cyndy and leave your card off in the office for delivery. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Our Pride Parade involvement on 8 June is a go! We will be walking the Parade route this year! It's approx. a 2-mile walk, so if you're interested in joining us, please be in touch with me. Details on carpooling, lineup, etc. to come in next Sunday’s bulletin. We'll be carrying our St. Paul banner and very large Pride flag, etc., and we'll be tossing a St. Paul card with a Jolly Rancher attached to all of the onlookers. We believe that this is a really valuable and positive way to reach a lot of people! If you don't particularly want to be involved, we would sure appreciate any help in paying for the supplies we need to make our presence known! (We will plan ahead for next year and request that there be funds in the Outreach budget.)Thank you! ~Jan Bowers
Adopted Families: A caseworker at Healthcare for the Homeless emailed me about another client who needed a bus ticket. The client is 45 years old and has been on the streets on and off for about five years. He has a chance to reunite with his family who live in a different part of the country. The client happened to be in the office with the caseworker when I called the caseworker, so I was able to complete the transaction for the online ticket purchase ($118) right away. The client was very grateful, thanking me twice and saying "God bless" just before hanging up. The caseworker explained to me some time ago that it's not easy to find transportation help like this, so it's a good feeling to be able to play a crucial role a client's effort to help himself. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Adopted Families Project Coordinator
Fall Semester 2024 St. Paul Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted. Because of the caring generosity of St. Paul members and friends, two endowed scholarships are available for active members of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, NM, who are or will be students in post-secondary education in the 2024-2025 school year.
The St. Paul Endowed Scholarship fund is comprised of contributions made by families in honor and/or memory of loved ones. Scholarships from this fund are available to qualified students of any age pursuing college degrees in any field at the associate, undergraduate or advanced levels. Scholarship funds have been combined to create this endowed fund: the Dr. Paul Mutschman Scholarship fund, with a view of encouraging those pursuing education in a scientific field, funds provided by the Voida family, and the Maynard Meuli and Janie Meuli Moseley Memorial Scholarship.
The Harold and Jane Olson Family Scholarship fund was created by their daughter to honor her parents. Harold and Jane were faithful church and community leaders for many years. The scholarship is available to a member of St. Paul attending a Lutheran or Baptist college or seminary.
In addition to meeting the specific criteria attached to the above scholarships, applications will be evaluated on the applicant’s statement of faith, financial need, and academic record; community service and church involvement will also be considered. [Please note that members of St. Paul who are also paid employees of this congregation are not eligible for any scholarships.]
Note: Application forms may be downloaded from the St. Paul website. Go to www.stpaulabq.org and select the link to the application.
Deadline for returning applications and all supporting documents is 4 p.m. Monday, July 15, 2024 – no exceptions. Applications must be returned to St. Paul church office by mail (St. Paul Lutheran Church, 1100 Indian School Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102) or may be sent to info@stpaulabq.org in PDF format by the same July 15, 2024 deadline.
Applicants will be notified of the Scholarship Committee’s decision by the end of July, 2024. Funds will be awarded to the students upon proof of enrollment for the upcoming semester/term.
For further information, please contact a member of the St. Paul Scholarship Committee: Omar Durant, Paula Eglinton.
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Coffee with a Cop: May 28, 9-10am, the Albuquerque Police Department invites you to join us for coffee and conversation, hosted by McDonald’s, 2200 Central Ave SE. ~ Laura Kuehn, Crime Prevention/Crime Free Programs
Help ABQ FaithWorks Reach Their Goal! ABQ FaithWorks invites you to join with them to honor the Asylum Seekers they serve by taking part in their campaign for World Refugee Day. Simply give online, or create your own fundraising page to widen the circle of support between now and June 20th. The more donors sign on with small gifts, the stronger our collaborative community becomes. ABQ FaithWorks has the ambitious goal of 100 new donors, and $10,000, by June 20th. The best news is, $3,000 will be matched by their generous Board of Directors! Give or start fundraising at https://bit.ly/4dBDtU5 The link will also be found on their website at www.abqfaithworks.org ~ Dora Gallegos
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Lutheran Summer Music announces its 42nd season, offering over 30 free and open-to-the-public concerts and recitals. All events take place this July at Valparaiso University, and most will be livestreamed. Performances and services are shared by over 250 students, faculty, fellows, worship staff, and guest artists who come together to create a vibrant community of music-makers. The LSM 2024 season will culminate during Festival Week (July 21-28), featuring the LSM Festival Band, Choir, and Orchestra, a Festival of Hymns, and closing each day with sung Evening Prayer. Of special note, the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) will join the LSM community and offer an intergenerational performance of J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion. Visit LSMacademy.org/2024 for a full list of events and to access the livestream.
Resources for the Crisis in the Holy Land. In response to the Hamas attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel's declaration of war against Hamas, including the ongoing siege of Gaza, the ELCA offers statements from some of our Lutheran and global partners in the region. Included are ELCA resources for a deeper understanding of the context, the humanitarian crises of the current war, and the ELCA's work for a just peace in Palestine and Israel. Visit: https://elca.org/crisis-holy-land
After the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed in March, there were 11 ships stuck in the Port of Baltimore. Unable to leave their ships for over a month, the crews relied on local organizations to bring food, fresh water and other necessities. Because this disaster happened just miles from our headquarters, Lutheran World Relief provided handmade quilts and Personal Care Kits to the stranded seafarers. After all, these hardworking neighbors make our worldwide distribution of LWR Quilts & Kits possible! Watch the video to visit a ship and learn more about this unique response at https://lwr.org/
Updates Beginning 19 May 2024
Today: Bread for the World Sunday. We are presenting our letters today during worship. It’s not too late if you still want to participate—samples are available in the Welcome Center. St. Paul has been a member of Bread for the World for over 40 years! ~Buzz Lenander
Today: Join the Adult Faith Development class this Sunday as we learn more about happenings at the recent Rocky Mountain Synod assembly. St. Paul was well represented at the assembly even though it was held in northern Colorado. St. Paul attendees will share their impressions and insights, and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask your questions. This assembly was a momentous one for the synod with the election of a new bishop joining the usual synod business on the agenda. Come and learn what's new and what we can expect in the future. 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. All are welcome. ~Bob Matthews
May’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: Senior Supplies for Adopted Families. This month we are collecting the following items, which are always in high demand: adult diapers (such as Depends)-both male and female, all sizes; disposable bed pads; adult wet wipes; and no-rinse bathing wipes. We will compile the kits after worship on May 26. There is a box in the Welcome Center to collect these items, or you can make a check out to St. Paul with the note: Senior Supplies. Thank you! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Our Pride Parade involvement on 8 June is a go! We will be walking the Parade route this year! It's approx. a 2-mile walk, so if you're interested in joining us, please be in touch with me. If you don't particularly want to be involved, we would sure appreciate any help in paying for the supplies we need to make our presence known! (We will plan ahead for next year and request that there be funds in the Outreach budget.) We'll be carrying our St. Paul banner and very large Pride flag, etc., and we'll be tossing a St. Paul card with a Jolly Rancher attached to all of the onlookers. We believe that this is a really valuable and positive way to reach a lot of people! Thank you! ~Jan Bowers
Barbara Maxwell’s Memorial Service is Saturday 1 June at 2pm. Barbara’s memorial service here at St. Paul will be followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall. Her obituary is found at: https://www.frenchfunerals.com/obituaries/barbara-maxwell
Fall Semester 2024 St. Paul Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted.
Because of the caring generosity of St. Paul members and friends, two endowed scholarships are available for active members of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, NM, who are or will be students in post-secondary education in the 2024-2025 school year.
The St. Paul Endowed Scholarship fund is comprised of contributions made by families in honor and/or memory of loved ones. Scholarships from this fund are available to qualified students of any age pursuing college degrees in any field at the associate, undergraduate or advanced levels. Scholarship funds have been combined to create this endowed fund: the Dr. Paul Mutschman Scholarship fund, with a view of encouraging those pursuing education in a scientific field, funds provided by the Voida family, and the Maynard Meuli and Janie Meuli Moseley Memorial Scholarship.
The Harold and Jane Olson Family Scholarship fund was created by their daughter to honor her parents. Harold and Jane were faithful church and community leaders for many years. The scholarship is available to a member of St. Paul attending a Lutheran or Baptist college or seminary.
In addition to meeting the specific criteria attached to the above scholarships, applications will be evaluated on the applicant’s statement of faith, financial need, and academic record; community service and church involvement will also be considered. [Please note that members of St. Paul who are also paid employees of this congregation are not eligible for any scholarships.]
Note: Application forms may be downloaded from the St. Paul website. Go to www.stpaulabq.org and select the link to the application.
Deadline for returning applications and all supporting documents is 4 p.m. Monday, July 15, 2024 – no exceptions. Applications must be returned to St. Paul church office by mail (St. Paul Lutheran Church, 1100 Indian School Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102) or may be sent to info@stpaulabq.org in PDF format by the same July 15, 2024 deadline.
Applicants will be notified of the Scholarship Committee’s decision by the end of July, 2024. Funds will be awarded to the students upon proof of enrollment for the upcoming semester/term.
For further information, please contact a member of the St. Paul Scholarship Committee: Omar Durant, Paula Eglinton.
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
As of May 13, we have helped 100 household people stay in their homes through rental and utility assistance. Our volunteers are instrumental in answering calls, fielding questions and referrals, and helping our staff coordinate financial help. If you’d like to volunteer and make a difference by answering phones at our front desk, please contact us at 505-457-1728. In Asylum news, we are seeking family liaison volunteers to help newcomers feel welcome in Albuquerque. We have also started to help asylum seekers attend their court hearings remotely at our offices, so that they don’t have to make the expensive trip to El Paso. Stay tuned to learn more about our upcoming fundraising campaign for World Refugee Day in June! You can always learn more about all of our activities on our blog at www.abqfaithworks.org ~ Dora Gallegos
Refugee Services in Albuquerque. To learn about the programs and services in the Albuquerque area, visit: https://www.lfsrm.org/Refugee-Asylee-Albuquerque
ABQ Asylum Seekers Welcome. We received a bus on May 9th and will be receiving buses every other week now. If you are interested in joining the welcoming group, there is some training involved. Please contact me at revdm1950@gmail.com. ~Rae VanDeMotter
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Read about the 2024 RMS Assembly. Information on resolutions, actions, voting results, and photos are found at:
Resources for the Crisis in the Holy Land. In response to the Hamas attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel's declaration of war against Hamas, including the ongoing siege of Gaza, the ELCA offers statements from some of our Lutheran and global partners in the region. Included are ELCA resources for a deeper understanding of the context, the humanitarian crises of the current war, and the ELCA's work for a just peace in Palestine and Israel. Visit: https://elca.org/crisis-holy-land
A group of compassionate donors who care deeply about God's suffering children has come together to offer a Love Thy Neighbor Matching Gift Challenge! Any gift you can offer today will be matched — dollar for dollar up to $130,000. https://lwr.org/
We've been welcoming newcomers for 85 years...and we're not stopping now. As many of our supporters know, this year marks 85 years of Global Refuge (formerly LIRS)! We’re proud of our rich history of making a meaningful impact in the lives of newcomers as they seek safety, support, and a share of the American dream. info@globalrefuge.org
Updates Beginning 12 May 2024
Today: The Adult Faith Development class has the periodic treat of hearing from our own Jim Sattler about the City of Albuquerque Open Space program. He will talk about what is new in the program and how we can be involved. As we Christians consider our responsibilities to care for the Earth, having Jim share his passion for open space is a real privilege. We'll see you after the service at 11:15 in the Conference Room. ~Bob Matthews
May’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: Senior Supplies for Adopted Families. This month we are collecting the following items, which are always in high demand: adult diapers (such as Depends)-both male and female, all sizes; disposable bed pads; adult wet wipes; and no-rinse bathing wipes. We will compile the kits after worship on May 26. There is a box in the Welcome Center to collect these items, or you can make a check out to St. Paul with the note: Senior Supplies. Thank you! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Our Pride Parade involvement on 8 June is a go! We will be walking the Parade route this year! It's approx. a 2-mile walk, so if you're interested in joining us, please be in touch with me. If you don't particularly want to be involved, we would sure appreciate any help in paying for the supplies we need to make our presence known! (We will plan ahead for next year and request that there be funds in the Outreach budget.) We'll be carrying our St. Paul banner and very large Pride flag, etc., and we'll be tossing a St. Paul card with a Jolly Rancher attached to all of the onlookers. We believe that this is a really valuable and positive way to reach a lot of people! Thank you! ~Jan Bowers
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Next Sunday, May 19, is St. Paul’s Bread For The World Sunday! This is an invitation to participate in the Offering of Letters--join with thousands of others in urging Congress to pass a family-friendly farm bill. The impact of the farm bill is significant. It not only affects the agriculture and food sectors - it can play a huge role in reducing food insecurity and hunger in the U.S. and abroad. Congress is still working to renew farm bill programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and international food aid programs. Among the measures that should be included are strengthening nutrition security in domestic and international programs, creating a more equitable SNAP program, and increasing food systems sustainability.
See the sample letter and tips below and bring your letters next week! Thank you. ~Buzz Lenander
A Thank You to St. Paul:
On behalf of the Storehouse family, thank you St. Paul Community for your gift of $950! We are grateful for your support and your help in getting food to families in need. ~Amy Lavender, VP of Developmen
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Happy Spring from Tres Hermanas Farm, a program of Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains! We are entering our 8th season as a farm program in Albuquerque supporting New American families, and we are excited to grow together again this year.
This season there are 10 farmers enrolled in our farmer training program, and 15 (& growing) gardeners in our gardener training program--gardening at partner community gardens and home gardens throughout ABQ. Stay tuned for farm to table events facilitated by our farmers & other farm events planned for this season!
To join our volunteer listserv or explore other ways to support our program, please email us at treshermanasfarm@lfsrm.org.
ABQ Asylum Seekers Welcome. We received a bus on May 9th and will be receiving buses every other week now. If you are interested in joining the welcoming group, there is some training involved. Please contact me at revdm1950@gmail.com. ~Rae VanDeMotter
Greetings from ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative! In March, we welcomed our new Executive Director, Hannah Albee. She looks forward to visiting all the collaborating congregations and getting to know us. You can learn more about Hannah on our website at www.abqfaithworks.org. We are looking for volunteers to be family liaisons for the newcomer program, which helps asylum seekers navigate their journey in Albuquerque. There are other volunteer opportunities as well. Please contact us at 505-457-1728 to learn more. ~Dora Gallegos
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Meghan Johnston Aelabouni Elected Bishop of Rocky Mountain Synod. The Rev. Johnston Aelabouni was elected April 27 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the RMS. The election took place during the synod assembly in Loveland, CO.
Johnston Aelabouni was elected on the fifth ballot, with 232 votes. The Rev. Barbara Berry-Bailey, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Denver, and special assistant to the synod bishop for diversity, equity and inclusion, received 148 votes.
The bishop-elect has served as pastor of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem and as theologian in residence with the ELCA Middle East and North Africa Desk since 2021. Previously she has served as country coordinator for Jerusalem and the West Bank with ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (2019-2021); co-pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, CO (2010-2016); and associate pastor of Christus Victor Lutheran Church, Elk Grove Village, IL (2007-2010).
Johnston Aelabouni earned her Bachelor of Arts in religion and English from California Lutheran University (CLU), Thousand Oaks, CA, in 2001, and a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) in 2006. CLU is one of 26 ELCA colleges and universities; LSTC is one of seven ELCA seminaries. In 2021 she earned a doctorate in religion from the Iliff School of Theology and the University of Denver.
Johnston Aelabouni will take office Aug. 1. She will be installed Oct. 5 at Augustana Lutheran Church in Denver. The Rev. James W. Gonia is retiring after serving as bishop since 2012. His last day will be July 31.
A group of compassionate donors who care deeply about God's suffering children has come together to offer a Love Thy Neighbor Matching Gift Challenge! Any gift you can offer today will be matched — dollar for dollar up to $130,000. https://lwr.org/
We've been welcoming newcomers for 85 years...and we're not stopping now. As many of our supporters know, this year marks 85 years of Global Refuge (formerly LIRS)! We’re proud of our rich history of making a meaningful impact in the lives of newcomers as they seek safety, support, and a share of the American dream. info@globalrefuge.org
Updates Beginning 5 May 2024
Today: St. Paul 101 continues in Fellowship Hall at 11:15. Please pick up your snacks and join us there! ~Pr. Koppel
Today: Calico Preschool Announces Earth Day Family Recycling Contest-please vote! Made out of recycled or reusable items from around the home, families can be as creative as they'd like and surprise us with their projects! The projects are on display in the Welcome Center, and St. Paul members can vote for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. ~Marisol Flores, Director
Today: Albuquerque Pride Parade Planning. We will be meeting after worship in the Sanctuary to discuss the many details for 8 June. St. Paul is registered for the Pride Parade, so save the date! If you would like to participate in any way, be it marching, riding, or helping to decorate our float, please be in touch with me. ~Jan Bowers
Today: Last Chance to Purchase Madagascar Merch! Rijasoa has brought some wonderful items to sell in support of this year’s Girls Camp. Get your Mother’s Day gifts or do your Christmas shopping early! ~Deborah Ash
First Tuesday is This Week! May 7th, 4:00 - 6:00 pm we'll meet at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE. There is beer to purchase but if that is not your preference, bring your own beverage. They have chips to buy, but most folks bring a snack to share. This is just a time to visit and catch up on news. Come join us! For those who are still working at this time, we urge you to find a time and place that will work for you and your families. Church friends are often friends we keep for life, no matter where in the world we end up going. ~Nancy Matthews
May’s God’s Work Our Hands Project: Senior Supplies for Adopted Families. This month we are collecting the following items, which are always in high demand: adult diapers (such as Depends)-both male and female, all sizes; disposable bed pads; adult wet wipes; and no-rinse bathing wipes. We will compile the kits after worship on May 26. There is a box in the Welcome Center to collect these items, or you can make a check out to St. Paul with the note: Senior Supplies. Thank you! ~Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
St. Paul’s Bread For The World Sunday is May 19! This is an invitation to participate in the Offering of Letters--join with thousands of others in urging Congress to pass a family-friendly farm bill. The impact of the farm bill is significant. It not only affects the agriculture and food sectors - it can play a huge role in reducing food insecurity and hunger in the U.S. and abroad. Congress is still working to renew farm bill programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and international food aid programs. Among the measures that should be included are strengthening nutrition security in domestic and international programs, creating a more equitable SNAP program, and increasing food systems sustainability.
See the sample letter and tips below and bring your letters May 19! Thank you. ~Buzz Lenander
Attention Assisting Ministers and Communion Assistants: The current schedules for assisting ministers and communion assistants end at the end of May. Shortly (after I return from Synod Assembly), I will be making the new schedules. This schedule will cover June through November-- up to Advent. This is your chance to tell me of any dates you know you will not be able to serve. Of course, as always, if you find that a date does not work for you, please find a replacement or trade with someone. The roster of servers is always included on the schedule I send out, plus it is posted in the sacristy. Please do not call me, Deb or Kristi to find you a replacement unless it is a last minute emergency.
Everyone: Have you ever considered becoming more involved with the worship service? We are always in need of more communion assistants and assisting ministers. Over the last months, we have lost people in these positions. Please consider serving in this way. Those of us who do this find it very meaningful. Personalized training available! Please see me to find out more information or sign up! ~Peace, Terry Cole, tecole51@comcast.net
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
ABQ Asylum Seekers Welcome-Heads Up!! We will be receiving a bus on May 9th. We will be receiving buses every other week. If you are interested in joining the group, there is some training involved. Please contact me at revdm1950@gmail.com. ~Rae VanDeMotter
Greetings from ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative! In March, we welcomed our new Executive Director, Hannah Albee. She looks forward to visiting all the collaborating congregations and getting to know us. You can learn more about Hannah on our website at www.abqfaithworks.org. We are looking for volunteers to be family liaisons for the newcomer program, which helps asylum seekers navigate their journey in Albuquerque. There are other volunteer opportunities as well. Please contact us at 505-457-1728 to learn more. ~Dora Gallegos
Updates Beginning 28 April 2024
Today: St. Paul 101 continues in Fellowship Hall at 11:15. Please pick up your snacks and join us there! ~Pr. Koppel
Attention Assisting Ministers and Communion Assistants: The current schedules for assisting ministers and communion assistants end at the end of May. Shortly (after I return from Synod Assembly), I will be making the new schedules. This schedule will cover June through November-- up to Advent.
This is your chance to tell me of any dates you know you will not be able to serve. Of course, as always, if you find that a date does not work for you, please find a replacement or trade with someone. The roster of servers is always included on the schedule I send out, plus it is posted in the sacristy. Please do not call me, Deb or Kristi to find you a replacement unless it is a last minute emergency.
Everyone: Have you ever considered becoming more involved with the worship service? We are always in need of more communion assistants and assisting ministers. Over the last months, we have lost people in these positions. Please consider serving in this way. Those of us who do this find it very meaningful. Personalized training available! Please see me to find out more information or sign up! ~Peace, Terry Cole, tecole51@comcast.net
Albuquerque Pride Parade-Save the Date! 8 June. St. Paul is registered for the Pride Parade! If you would like to participate in any way, be it marching, riding, or helping to decorate our float, please be in touch with me. Any help would be greatly appreciated! We will be meeting 5 May after worship to discuss the many details. Please attend! ~Jan Bowers
First Tuesday is coming soon! May 7th, 4:00 - 6:00 pm we'll meet at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE. There is beer to purchase but if that is not your preference, bring your own beverage. They have chips to buy, but most folks bring a snack to share. This is just a time to visit and catch up on news. Come join us! For those who are still working at this time, we urge you to find a time and place that will work for you and your families. Church friends are often friends we keep for life, no matter where in the world we end up going. ~Nancy Matthews
Calico Preschool Announces Earth Day Family Recycling Contest. Made out of recycled or reusable items from around the home, families can be as creative as they'd like and surprise us with their projects! On May 5, the projects will be on display in the Welcome Center, and St. Paul members can vote for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. ~Marisol Flores-Gutierrez, Director
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will be celebrating May Friendship Day on Friday, May 3rd at Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church, 1004 24th St. SE. The morning will begin at 9:30 a.m. with brunch. The program will begin at 10:00 and focus on Health and Wellness. State Representative Natalie Figueroa will speak on health issues in New Mexico. Hygiene items will be collected for Haven House, a domestic violence shelter in Rio Rancho. For those wishing to carpool, be at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church parking lot at 5301 Ponderosa Ave NE by 8:30 a.m. Come join us and bring a friend! Questions? Contact Marilyn Stoops at mstoops@swcp.com or call at 505-265-8358.
Lutherhaven Lodge at Fenton Lake Spring Event. May 4, 9am-2pm.
What are we doing? Seasonal start up at the Lodge.
What is involved? Various activities including cleaning inside, external ground clearing, initial seasonal startup duties, general maintenance, and anything else needing attention.
How can you help? Consider coming up to help with any needed activities and or to learn about becoming a member and how to reserve/utilize the lodge. (Please RSVP via contact options below.) Lunch provided!
Are there other ways to help? Absolutely! We accept monetary donations, and please pray for us! 280 Lake Fork Road, Jemez Springs, NM 87025
(505) 275-2436, lutherhavennm@gmail.com, www.nmlutherhaven.com
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Civic Life and Faith: The ELCA is developing a social statement on civic life and faith, the relationship of church and state, and related matters, as called for by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. At this time the task force encourages you to study and give feedback on a draft version of the social statement. You can participate by filling out a survey, or by participating in a hearing in your synod, if available. Hearings are public gatherings where participants share their specific affirmations or concerns about a draft statement. The feedback period will be open until Sept. 30, 2024. Visit https://elca.org/civicsandfaith to download the draft statement.
Bread for the World. On May 2 at 8pm ET, the Interfaith Campaign for Food and Nutrition Security invites you to unite in spirit and action with members of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths, along with all other faith communities. During this National Day of Prayer, we will collectively commit to eradicating food and nutrition insecurity throughout the United States.
The virtual event will feature religious leaders, anti-hunger activists, and public health advocates from around the country who will discuss these critical issues as we pray for an end to hunger and nutrition insecurity. Mobilizing communities of faith is critical to the success of these efforts. https://www.bread.org/
Episcopal, Lutheran partnership focuses on asylum-seeker sponsor training. Building on a shared vision for gospel-centered hospitality and inclusion, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) and AMMPARO, the migrant ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), have entered into a partnership to better train and support asylum-seeker sponsors.
Accompanying Migrants with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities (AMMPARO) is the ELCA's strategic commitment to accompany migrants. In this new collaboration AMMPARO will use the Neighbor to Neighbor program designed by EMM to provide training for community sponsors.
The two groups will coordinate efforts as they work with sponsors who welcome new neighbors by offering friendship and fostering community connections. The work will focus on providing practical support such as housing, accessing services, enrolling children in school and supporting adults as they learn English and secure employment. Read more at: https://elca.org/News-and-Events/8220
Updates Beginning 21 April 2024
Today after Service: Spring Congregational Meeting & Ice Cream Social. Please join us in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship for this year’s Spring meeting. ~Pr. Koppel
Thank You St. Paul, for making yesterday’s fundraising luncheon a success! We appreciate all your support for this year’s Madagascar Girls Camp! ~Rijasoa Andriamanana
Thank You to everyone who baked, set up, and served for Betty Jo Allen’s memorial service on Friday! Betty Jo was the mother of Debbie Bolling, a long-time St. Paul member with her husband and daughter. ~Deborah Ash
First Tuesday is coming soon! May 7th, 4:00 - 6:00 pm we'll meet at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE. There is beer to purchase but if that is not your preference, bring your own beverage. They have chips to buy, but most folks bring a snack to share. This is just a time to visit and catch up on news. Come join us! For those who are still working at this time, we urge you to find a time and place that will work for you and your families. Church friends are often friends we keep for life, no matter where in the world we end up going. ~Nancy Matthews
Calico Preschool Announces Earth Day Family Recycling Contest. Made out of recycled or reusable items from around the home, families can be as creative as they'd like and surprise us with their projects! On May 5, the projects will be on display in the Welcome Center, and St. Paul members can vote for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. ~Marisol Flores-Gutierrez, Director
Albuquerque Pride Parade-Save the Date! 8 June. St. Paul is registered for the Pride Parade! If you would like to participate in any way, be it marching, riding, or helping to decorate our float, please be in touch with me. Any help would be greatly appreciated! We will be meeting 5 May after worship to discuss the many details. Please attend! ~Jan Bowers
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will be celebrating May Friendship Day on Friday, May 3rd at Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church, 1004 24th St. SE. The morning will begin at 9:30 a.m. with brunch. The program will begin at 10:00 and focus on Health and Wellness. State Representative Natalie Figueroa will speak on health issues in New Mexico. Hygiene items will be collected for Haven House, a domestic violence shelter in Rio Rancho. For those wishing to carpool, be at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church parking lot at 5301 Ponderosa Ave NE by 8:30 a.m. Come join us and bring a friend! Questions? Contact Marilyn Stoops at mstoops@swcp.com or call at 505-265-8358.
Lutherhaven Lodge at Fenton Lake Spring Event. May 4, 9am-2pm.
What are we doing? Seasonal start up at the Lodge.
What is involved? Various activities including cleaning inside, external ground clearing, initial seasonal startup duties, general maintenance, and anything else needing attention.
How can you help? Consider coming up to help with any needed activities and or to learn about becoming a member and how to reserve/utilize the lodge. (Please RSVP via contact options below.) Lunch provided!
Are there other ways to help? Absolutely! We accept monetary donations, and please pray for us!
280 Lake Fork Road, Jemez Springs, NM 87025
(505) 275-2436, lutherhavennm@gmail.com, www.nmlutherhaven.com
[More information is available in the Welcome Center.]
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Civic Life and Faith: The ELCA is developing a social statement on civic life and faith, the relationship of church and state, and related matters, as called for by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. At this time the task force encourages you to study and give feedback on a draft version of the social statement. You can participate by filling out a survey, or by participating in a hearing in your synod, if available. Hearings are public gatherings where participants share their specific affirmations or concerns about a draft statement. The feedback period will be open until Sept. 30, 2024. Visit https://elca.org/civicsandfaith to download the draft statement.
Bread for the World. On May 2 at 8pm ET, the Interfaith Campaign for Food and Nutrition Security invites you to unite in spirit and action with members of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths, along with all other faith communities. During this National Day of Prayer, we will collectively commit to eradicating food and nutrition insecurity throughout the United States.
The virtual event will feature religious leaders, anti-hunger activists, and public health advocates from around the country who will discuss these critical issues as we pray for an end to hunger and nutrition insecurity. Mobilizing communities of faith is critical to the success of these efforts. https://www.bread.org/
Updates Beginning 14 April 2024
Starting Today: St. Paul 101! Want to know more about St. Paul (our congregation), our denomination (the Evangelical Church in America), and Christianity as a whole? Want to meet more people in our faith community and get connected? Then St. Paul 101 is for you! The next St. Paul 101 classes are scheduled for 14 & 28 April (skipping 21 April for our Spring Congregational Meeting - also a great way to get to know who we are and what we do!), and 5 May. We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall after worship each of those Sundays for about an hour and a half. Be sure to bring your coffee & goodies with you, as well as your curiosities and questions. Looking forward to seeing you there! ~ Pr. Koppel
Today, April 14: St. Paul is hosting the monthly Love God Love Neighbor ABQ Youth Collaborative, the last of the school year, with FaithWorks presenting an experiential program on poverty for attendees. Thank you to everyone who donated disinfecting wipes for FaithWorks! ~Pr. Koppel
Next Saturday, 20 April at Noon: 2024 Madagascar Girls Camp Fundraiser Luncheon. Join us for Malagasy food, music, and games in Fellowship Hall! Come and learn about St. Paul's impact in Madagascar Education through the Girls' stories and aspirations from the 2023 Girls Camp. A portion of the cost is already provided by St. Paul from the 2023 Benevolence Disbursement Fund, and the remainder still needs to be raised. Your attendance and support is really appreciated! (An RSVP would be helpful, but not required, to: rijakik@yahoo.fr) ~Rijasoa Andriamanana
Note: This month’s God’s Work Our Hands support is toward this project. Hope you can attend! If you wish to make a gift, please place it in the offering, made out to St. Paul and note it is for the Girls Camp. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Background: The Girls Camp is an opportunity for 24 elementary school girls and 6 teachers from rural remote areas of Madagascar to come to the Capital City of Antananarivo and learn about possibilities for the future (most of them have never left their villages and have limited knowledge about what women can do for professions). All expenses are covered, as the girls and their teachers come from high poverty communities with no clean water, electric power, or adequate food.
Thank You! We appreciate everyone who came out yesterday for the Outdoor Campus Cleanup. We are spruced up for Spring! ~Deborah Ash
Mark Your Calendars for Next Sunday, 21 April, 11am: Spring Congregational Meeting & Ice Cream Social. Please join us in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship for this year’s Spring meeting. ~Pr. Koppel
Albuquerque Pride Parade-Save the Date! 8 June. St. Paul is registered for the Pride Parade! If you would like to participate in any way, be it marching, riding, or helping to decorate our float, please be in touch with me. Any help would be greatly appreciated! We will be meeting 5 May after worship to discuss the many details. Please attend! ~Jan Bowers
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Today, 14 April at St. Paul: ABQ Chamber Soloists in Concert at 2pm. Pre-concert talk starting at 1:15 in Fellowship Hall.
Program: Benjamin Britten: Phantasy Quartet for Oboe and Strings, Trevor Weston: Verve Music (NM premiere), Dvořák: Piano Trio in E minor, "Dumky".
Kevin Vigneau, oboe: Judith Gordon, piano; Jesse Tatum, flute; Megan Holland, violin; Kimberly Fredenburgh, viola; James Holland, cello
Tickets at: https://www.ticketleap.events/tickets/albuquerque-chamber-soloists/april1424
Today, 14 April, 1-4pm at Luther House: Campus Ministry Sunday Open House. We will highlight the work of our campus ministry and provide information and opportunities to support the ministry. Luther House is the home base for Lutheran Campus Ministries of UNM and CNM. It provides:
· Welcome for all
· Faith exploration
· Service to the greater world and community
· Spiritual growth
· Justice engagement
· Community together
Visit and learn more at the open house, 1805 Lomas Rd NE, 87106.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
The Bishop Election Process: The focus of the 2024 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly will be the election of a new bishop. The discernment process for the next bishop began in fall 2023 at Conference Gatherings and the RMS Theological Conference. The process will conclude at Assembly April 25-27, 2024 with the final ballot for the election of a bishop. Discerning who will be called to be the next Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod is something that should be undertaken with prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Expectations for a Bishop, both in their gifts and in their character, are many. The hub for all information and documents surrounding the discernment and election of a new bishop is this website: https://www.rmselca.org/2024-bishop-election-process
Civic Life and Faith: The ELCA is developing a social statement on civic life and faith, the relationship of church and state, and related matters, as called for by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. At this time the task force encourages you to study and give feedback on a draft version of the social statement. You can participate by filling out a survey, or by participating in a hearing in your synod, if available. Hearings are public gatherings where participants share their specific affirmations or concerns about a draft statement. The feedback period will be open until Sept. 30, 2024. Visit https://elca.org/civicsandfaith to download the draft statement.
From RMS AMMPARO: The Spring 2024 ELCA Service and Justice Update is now available! You will find a copy posted in the Welcome Center. More on AMMPARO at: https://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Publicly-Engaged-Church/AMMPARO
Updates Beginning 7 April 2024
Today at Adult Faith Development: Plan on joining us for a presentation by a representative of the Labyrinth Society about labyrinths, where they come from, and how to use them. It should be an outstanding occasion. Meet us after church at 11:15 in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
This Wednesday, 10 April at 1pm: Ice Cream Social Hour at Dairy Queen, 4104 Louisiana Blvd NE, 87109. We meet for an hour-join us! ~Herb Korff
This coming Saturday, April 13, 9am-Noon: Outdoor Campus Cleanup. There is a signup sheet in the Welcome Center. Dana Mullen will be coordinating assignments that day. Bring your work gloves and be ready for a busy and fun time outdoors! Please let us know if you are coming so we have a head count for pizza. Thanks! ~Deborah Ash
Next Sunday, April 14: St. Paul is hosting the monthly Love God Love Neighbor ABQ Youth Collaborative, the last of the school year, with FaithWorks presenting an experiential program for attendees. If you would like to support our youth in collecting disinfecting wipes for FaithWorks, there is a box in the Welcome Center. Thanks! ~Pr. Koppel
Starting Next Sunday: Save the dates for the next St. Paul 101! Want to know more about St. Paul (our congregation), our denomination (the Evangelical Church in America), and Christianity as a whole? Want to meet more people in our faith community and get connected? Then St. Paul 101 is for you! The next St. Paul 101 classes are scheduled for 14 & 28 April (skipping 21 April for our Spring Congregational Meeting - also a great way to get to know who we are and what we do!), and 5 May. We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall after worship each of those Sundays for about an hour and a half. Be sure to bring your coffee & goodies with you, as well as your curiosities and questions. Looking forward to seeing you there! ~ Pr. Koppel
2024 Madagascar Girls Camp: Dear St. Paul family, the 2023 Madagascar Girls Camp was a huge success thanks to the generous support of the St. Paul community! In July 2024, we are doing it again. The Girls Camp is an opportunity for elementary school girls from rural remote areas of Madagascar to come to the Capital City of Antananarivo and learn about possibilities for the future (most of them have never left their villages and have limited knowledge about what women can do for professions). For five days, led by Rijasoa, 24 Girls and 6 female teachers will visit universities, listen to Church and Community leaders’ talks, and participate in Camp activities such as Bible stories, arts and crafts, songs and dances, and English language learning. All the expenses, including warm clothing, transportation, food, accommodation, and camp materials will be covered, as the girls and their teachers come from high poverty communities with no clean water, electric power, or adequate food. A portion of the cost is already provided by St. Paul from the 2023 Benevolence Disbursement Fund, and the remainder still needs to be raised.
A fundraiser luncheon featuring Malagasy food, music, and games is scheduled on Saturday April 20th at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. Come and learn about St. Paul's impact in Madagascar Education through the Girls' stories and aspirations from the 2023 Girls Camp. Your attendance and support is really appreciated! ~Rijasoa Andriamanana
[Note: April’s God’s Work Our Hands support is toward this project. Hope you can attend! ~Deborah Ash]
Mark Your Calendars for Sunday, 21 April, 11am: Spring Congregational Meeting & Ice Cream Social. Please join us in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship for this year’s Spring meeting. ~Pr. Koppel
Stephen Ministers continue to work at becoming better care givers by doing continuing education. We have studied several books these last couple of years and thought we would offer them to the congregation. We have a lending library in the foyer. If you see a book that sparks your interest, just sign it out on the notebook. There is no time limit for returning. We ask you to write your name, the book title, and the date you are borrowing it. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, contact Pastor Koppel, Terry Cole or Nancy Jenkins. ~Stephen Ministry
Albuquerque Pride Parade-Save the Date! 8 June. St. Paul is registered for the Pride Parade! If you would like to participate in any way, be it marching, riding, or helping to decorate our float, please be in touch with me. ~Jan Bowers
Adopted Families: We learned of another client at Healthcare for the Homeless who needed a bus ticket to a place where he has a support system (including his daughter). I couldn't understand everything the client told me but he said there had been a giant information breach that led to his taking improper medication which introduced all sorts of health issues. He is finally getting things corrected and just needs to get to a place that gives him more stability. He and his client advocator at Healthcare for the Homeless were very grateful when we bought the $125 ticket. Thank you for supporting our efforts to help those who are trying to help themselves. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
The Bishop Election Process: The focus of the 2024 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly will be the election of a new bishop. The discernment process for the next bishop began in fall 2023 at Conference Gatherings and the RMS Theological Conference. The process will conclude at Assembly April 25-27, 2024 with the final ballot for the election of a bishop. Discerning who will be called to be the next Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod is something that should be undertaken with prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Expectations for a Bishop, both in their gifts and in their character, are many. The hub for all information and documents surrounding the discernment and election of a new bishop is this website: https://www.rmselca.org/2024-bishop-election-process
Civic Life and Faith: The ELCA is developing a social statement on civic life and faith, the relationship of church and state, and related matters, as called for by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. At this time the task force encourages you to study and give feedback on a draft version of the social statement. You can participate by filling out a survey, or by participating in a hearing in your synod, if available. Hearings are public gatherings where participants share their specific affirmations or concerns about a draft statement. The feedback period will be open until Sept. 30, 2024. Visit https://elca.org/civicsandfaith to download the draft statement.
Watch Bishop Eaton’s 2024 Easter message. In her Easter message to the church, Bishop Eaton focuses on three words that describe what the women at the tomb experienced when the angel announced that Jesus had been raised from the dead: fear, amazement and feeling seized by: the Spirit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PcfM141gIQ
Updates Beginning 31 March 2024
This Week: First Tuesday on April 2nd will be the usual gathering to visit and share snacks and drinks at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE, 4:00 - 6:00pm. We should have all the dishes washed up by then so we can share our Easter stories and snacks. ~Nancy Matthews
Next Sunday: There is no Adult Faith Development class today. It's Easter, for heaven's sake, and the celebration won't wait for the adult class. Next week (April 7), however, plan on joining us for a presentation by a representative of the Labyrinth Society about labyrinths, where they come from, and how to use them. It should be an outstanding occasion. Meet us after church at 11:15 in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
On Sunday, April 14: St. Paul is hosting the monthly Love God Love Neighbor ABQ Youth Collaborative, the last of the school year, with FaithWorks presenting an experiential program for attendees. If you would like to support our youth in collecting disinfecting wipes for FaithWorks, there is a box in the Welcome Center. Thanks! ~Pr. Koppel
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Save the dates for the next St. Paul 101! Want to know more about St. Paul (our congregation), our denomination (the Evangelical Church in America), and Christianity as a whole? Want to meet more people in our faith community and get connected? Then St. Paul 101 is for you! The next St. Paul 101 classes are scheduled for 14 & 28 April (skipping 21 April for our Spring Congregational Meeting - also a great way to get to know who we are and what we do!), and 5 May. We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall after worship each of those Sundays for about an hour and a half. Be sure to bring your coffee & goodies with you, as well as your curiosities and questions. Looking forward to seeing you there! ~ Pr. Koppel
Sunday, 21 April, 11am: Spring Congregational Meeting & Ice Cream Social. Please join us in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship for this year’s Spring meeting. ~Pr. Koppel
2024 Madagascar Girls Camp: Dear St. Paul family, the 2023 Madagascar Girls Camp was a huge success thanks to the generous support of the St. Paul community! In July 2024, we are doing it again. The Girls Camp is an opportunity for elementary school girls from rural remote areas of Madagascar to come to the Capital City of Antananarivo and learn about possibilities for the future (most of them have never left their villages and have limited knowledge about what women can do for professions). For five days, led by Rijasoa, 24 Girls and 6 female teachers will visit universities, listen to Church and Community leaders’ talks, and participate in Camp activities such as Bible stories, arts and crafts, songs and dances, and English language learning. All the expenses, including warm clothing, transportation, food, accommodation, and camp materials will be covered, as the girls and their teachers come from high poverty communities with no clean water, electric power, or adequate food. A portion of the cost is already provided by St. Paul from the 2023 Benevolence Disbursement Fund, and the remainder still needs to be raised.
A fundraiser luncheon featuring Malagasy food, music, and games is scheduled on Saturday April 20th at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. Come and learn about St. Paul's impact in Madagascar Education through the Girls' stories and aspirations from the 2023 Girls Camp. Your attendance and support is really appreciated! ~Rijasoa Andriamanana
Hygiene Kits Available in the Church Office: Both men’s and women’s; please pick up one or two, if you would like to keep them in your car to share with our neighbors in need. ~Deborah Ash
Altar Project Update: The ad hoc committee for the altar project has been moving forward towards the realization of the work. A contractor has been identified, Brian O’Connell, to perform the work and give input as the project design proceeds. The primary components of the project, the infill between the two raised platforms of the altar area and the provision of ramp for accessibility have been located. (See below, plus additional images are in the Welcome Center.) One concept being explored is to have Chris Sandoval, husband of Angela Robbins and an accomplished woodworker, look at providing a decorative screen for the ramp, sympathetic to original wood elements. Chris has had experience with many churches providing similar features, and it turns out that he is a cousin of Max Chavez, who did the original wood elements for our church. We are targeting sometime after Easter to begin the construction, most likely June. One idea being considered is having the congregation participate in the demolition phase as a means of involvement (and saving some money, too!). ~Jim Graf
Stephen Ministers continue to work at becoming better care givers by doing continuing education. We have studied several books these last couple of years and thought we would offer them to the congregation. We have a lending library in the foyer. If you see a book that sparks your interest, just sign it out on the notebook. There is no time limit for returning. We ask you to write your name, the book title, and the date you are borrowing it. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, contact Pastor Koppel, Terry Cole or Nancy Jenkins. ~Stephen Ministry
Albuquerque Pride Parade-Save the Date! 8 June. St. Paul is registered for the Pride Parade! If you would like to participate in any way, be it marching, riding, or helping to decorate our float, please be in touch with me. ~Jan Bowers
Adopted Families: A patient advocate at Healthcare for the Homeless contacted St. Paul, asking for help for a client who had recently been released from prison and had walking pneumonia and COVID. He needed the fare to take a bus to a neighboring state where he would be on parole. The advocate's supervisor and I worked out the logistics and when the client heard that we had secured his ticket, he was very thankful. I can't remember his exact words but he said having strangers care enough about him to help him was a real boost and just further encouraged him to try to help others. He is determined to stay away from drugs and that world, and he plans to use his experience in some way to counsel others. Also, we recently paid $240 toward a PNM bill for a single father to avoid disconnection. He was laid off from his job and is actively seeking another job. He heartily thanked me multiple times for our help. Thank you for helping us help others. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Opportunities to Donate:
Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Thank You for Supporting Friends Feeding Friends! We delivered a $600 check to HopeWorks for the First Thursday meal in April. We so appreciate your support of our God’s Work Our Hands monthly projects! ~Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash, Nancy Jenkins
From Local Partner Organizations
ABQ FaithWorks New Executive Director Announced. ABQ FaithWorks is excited to announce and welcome its new Executive Director, Hannah Albee! Since moving to Albuquerque in 2021, Hannah continues her lifelong work serving individuals experiencing economic hardship here at ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative. Trained in School Counseling and Consultation, she has supported and advocated for students in the juvenile justice system as well as in schools. She has led fundraising and development programs at the largest soup kitchen in NYC, a community behavioral clinic in Connecticut, and most recently at Barrett Foundation here in Albuquerque, where she served as Interim Executive Director and Deputy Director. Having completed part of an MFA in Professional and Creative Writing, she continues to hone her craft with special memories from teaching a writers’ workshop at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen. The mother of 3 grown children she is tremendously proud of, Hannah has found fulfillment with her new friendships and community in Albuquerque.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s Easter Message: View at https://vimeo.com/928165765
Nominate a Student for LSM: Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM) is a residential academy for high school musicians. Students study with nationally recognized faculty, and are immersed in musical experiences through large ensembles (Choir, Band and Symphony Orchestra), chamber music, private lessons, elective classes, ongoing recitals and concerts. Students also experience a welcoming and joyful community that worships together daily, offering musical gifts through Lutheran liturgy and hymnody. LSM 2024 takes place at Valparaiso University in Indiana from June 30-July 28 and is open to students who have completed grades 8-12. Spots for LSM 2024 are filling fast! Nominate a student today at: LSMacademy.org/nominate.
Updates Beginning 24 March 2024
Today: We are delighted to welcome Kurt Rager, Director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry—New Mexico to the adult class this week. He will offer his insights on the recent legislative session—what was done, what was left undone, and how we can be involved in the interim before the next session in 2025. Bring your questions for Kurt and join us for a fascinating discussion. We meet after the Sunday service at 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. Everyone (and we do mean everyone) is welcome.~Bob Matthews
The Visual Choir is introducing a Cross of Flowers on Easter Sunday, 31 March, and we need your help! You are invited to bring cut flowers of any kind and color to tuck into the chicken wire-wrapped cross (in the Welcome Center) before the service begins. The cross will be moved into the Sanctuary during the opening of the worship service. Members of the Visual Choir Team will be there to assist you with placing the flowers. ~Jan Krakow, Visual Choir
On Sunday, April 14: St. Paul is hosting the monthly Love God Love Neighbor ABQ Youth Collaborative, the last of the school year, with FaithWorks presenting an experiential program for attendees. If you would like to support our youth in collecting disinfecting wipes for FaithWorks, please drop them off in the Church Office. Thanks! ~Pr. Koppel
2024 Madagascar Girls Camp: Dear St. Paul family, the 2023 Madagascar Girls Camp was a huge success thanks to the generous support of the St. Paul community! In July 2024, we are doing it again. The Girls Camp is an opportunity for elementary school girls from rural remote areas of Madagascar to come to the Capital City of Antananarivo and learn about possibilities for the future (most of them have never left their villages and have limited knowledge about what women can do for professions). For five days, led by Rijasoa, 24 Girls and 6 female teachers will visit universities, listen to Church and Community leaders’ talks, and participate in Camp activities such as Bible stories, arts and crafts, songs and dances, and English language learning. All the expenses, including warm clothing, transportation, food, accommodation, and camp materials will be covered, as the girls and their teachers come from high poverty communities with no clean water, electric power, or adequate food. A portion of the cost is already provided by St. Paul from the 2023 Benevolence Disbursement Fund, and the remainder still needs to be raised.
A fundraiser luncheon featuring Malagasy food, music, and games is scheduled on Saturday April 20th at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. Come and learn about St. Paul's impact in Madagascar Education through the Girls' stories and aspirations from the 2023 Girls Camp. Your attendance and support is really appreciated! ~Rijasoa Andriamanana
This month’s God’s Work Our Hands project: For our regular Friends Feeding Friends’1st Thursday meal at HopeWorks, we are asking for financial contributions toward that meal in April. We will provide those funds to them at the start of the month so that they can prepare the meal. As we have Holy Week the last week of March, we are choosing this option rather than preparing the food here. We aim for 30 serving pans each month; each pan runs approx. $20. Please note FFF on your check and place in the offering basket. We appreciate your support! Thank you! ~Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Altar Project Update: The ad hoc committee for the altar project has been moving forward towards the realization of the work. A contractor has been identified, Brian O’Connell, to perform the work and give input as the project design proceeds. The primary components of the project, the infill between the two raised platforms of the altar area and the provision of ramp for accessibility have been located. (See below, plus additional images are in the Welcome Center.) One concept being explored is to have Chris Sandoval, husband of Angela Robbins and an accomplished woodworker, look at providing a decorative screen for the ramp, sympathetic to original wood elements. Chris has had experience with many churches providing similar features, and it turns out that he is a cousin of Max Chavez, who did the original wood elements for our church. We are targeting sometime after Easter to begin the construction, most likely June. One idea being considered is having the congregation participate in the demolition phase as a means of involvement (and saving some money, too!). ~Jim Graf
Thank you to everyone who supported our midweek Lenten supper services with soup and bread and fellowship! And a thank you to everyone who came out Saturday to help with our Indoor Campus Cleanup! Stay tuned for Outside Campus Cleanup, 9am-Noon, on Saturday, April 13. ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Hygiene Kits Available in the Church Office: Both men’s and women’s; please pick up one or two, if you would like to keep them in your car to share with our neighbors in need. ~Deborah Ash
From Local Partner Organizations
Today, 24 March, 3pm: Bach and Tango. Performance by Dr. Chip Miller (St. Paul’s piano technician!). The first of a series, featuring tangos by Ernesto Nazareth, Eduardo Suoto, Astor Piazzolla, Marcelo Tupinambá, Carlos Gardel, and music from Bach’s Second Well-Tempered Clavier. Held at: Chatter, 912 3rd St NW, 87102.
HopeWorks Volunteer Opportunities:
Looking Ahead to 2024: Community Lunches + Tours: Interested in learning more about HopeWorks and the work that we do? Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming free Community Luncheons & Tours in 2024. We will be holding these tours every second Wednesday (April 10, May 8, etc.). Over a home-cooked meal, hear about our current work and campus expansion plans. Stay for a tour of campus, including Hope Village. RSVP are required; please contact Development Manager William Townley at wtownley@hopeworksnm.org or (505) 242- 4399 ext. 8213.
Donation Drive Opportunity: We are always in need of various supplies for our Day Shelter and other programs, and we are looking for groups to host donation drives! We are in need of the following: jeans (men’s size), socks and shoes, underwear, hats, jackets, blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, hot cocoa packets and travel size hand sanitizer. If you are interested in hosting a Donation Drive, please reach out to William, and he can send you a list of current needs and discuss further details, and help support your efforts. Items we accept:
· Men's clothing
· Cleaning supplies
· Pre-packaged, non-perishable food
· Meals from commercial-grade kitchens (arranged in advance)
Request for Gift Card Donations: HopeWorks is also seeking community donations of gift cards as a way to provide support to our loyal volunteers! We have a dedicated set of volunteers who consistently do what they can to provide quality services to our clients, so we are hoping to provide them support as well! Please contact William for more information.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Update from the Bishop Election Committee:
There are seven Ministers of Word and Sacrament who have indicated their openness to the call to be Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod. Those who are voting members at the upcoming Synod Assembly are encouraged to read their biographical forms at https://www.rmselca.org/leaders-in-discernment-24 and pray for all those who have submitted them.
The first ballot at the Assembly is an Ecclesiastical Ballot, meaning that anyone who has submitted a biography must still be nominated on that ballot in order to be considered. Other Word & Sacrament Ministers in the ELCA who have not submitted a biography may also be nominated on the first ballot, so voting members are not limited to the names listed on this page. (Please see the “timeline” at https://www.rmselca.org/2024-bishop-election-processon for more information regarding the process.)
The Bishop Election Committee joins the entire synod in praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this process, and thanks all those who have discerned, and are still discerning, their openness to this call.
RMS Synod Assembly – On Our Way, Together”:
The Synod Council includes the 4 officers of the synod and 17 other members elected by the Synod Assembly; Synod Council members shall be voting members of an RMS congregation. The 17 members, other than the officers, are designated as 1 per conference (either lay or rostered leader) plus 7 at-large positions with 1 each for lay male, lay female, rostered leader, youth (under the age of 18), young adult (18-30 years of age), and 2 people of color and/or whose primary language is other than English; terms are 4 years except for the youth member who is elected in even numbered years for 2 years; terms are limited to 2 consecutive terms and begin on August 15. Officers’ terms begin on August 1. There are 10 positions on the Synod Council to be filled by the 2024 Synod Assembly:
Metro South Conference representative
Boulder/Broomfield Conference representative
Southeast Colorado Conference representative
Border Conference representative
Wyoming Conference representative
Youth (under the age of 18)
Young Adult (18-30 years of age)
At-Large Rostered Leader
One Person of color or whose primary language is other than English
Committee positions to be filled:
The Congregational Ministries Committee, recognizing that the church is always being reformed, gives ear to the Holy Spirit to determine ways to invite and equip congregations to effectively and creatively participate in God’s mission in their diverse contexts. The Congregational Ministries Committee will relate to the Synod Council and collaborate with other synod ministries as well as churchwide ministries as appropriate. The Congregational Ministries Committee has at least 6 members either elected by the Synod Assembly or appointed by the Synod Council for 4-year terms (ideally staggered among the members). Attention will be given to inviting a diversity of perspective and gifts.
Positions to be filled:
Two lay or rostered leaders
The Discipline Committee consists of 12 persons, of whom 6 are rostered leaders and 6 are lay leaders elected for a term of 6 years without consecutive reelection. The functions of the Committee on Discipline are set forth in Chapter 20 of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Synod Council shall fill vacancies on the Committee on Discipline for any unexpired term.
Positions to be filled:
One lay leader
Three rostered leaders
The Mission Outreach Committee is responsible for promoting, extending and coordinating the mission outreach activity of the synod, both on its own territory and throughout the world. To accomplish this end, the Mission Outreach Committee will relate to the appropriate Churchwide unit. Members serve 4-year terms.
Position to be filled:
One lay or rostered leader
The Global Church Network promotes and supports connection between Rocky Mountain Synod ministries and individuals and the global church through communication, education, and immersion opportunities. The Network is composed of 6 voting members: 3 members who are appointed by the Synod Council for a term of four years with the possibility of one consecutive reelection, and 3 at-large members who are elected by the Synod Assembly for a four-year term with the possibility of reelection.
Position to be filled:
One lay or rostered leader
2025 Churchwide Assembly Voting Members will represent the RMS at the triennial Churchwide Assembly, which is scheduled to be held July 28-August 2, 2025, at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The Rocky Mountain Synod has been allocated ten voting members plus two additional voting members. CWA Voting Members to be elected (twelve total, reflecting the representational principles of the ELCA):
Six lay leaders including youth (under the age of 18) or young adult (18-30 years of age): One spot is designated for the RMS Vice-President and One spot is designated for a youth or young adult with 4 additional spots.
Four rostered leaders including the RMS bishop: One spot is designated for the RMS bishop with 3 additional spots.
One additional person of color or person whose primary language is other than English
One additional youth or youth adult
Links to nominate someone or yourself for any of these opportunities are at: https://www.rmselca.org/synod-assembly-2024-our-way-together
Nominate a Student for LSM: Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM) is a residential academy for high school musicians. Students study with nationally recognized faculty, and are immersed in musical experiences through large ensembles (Choir, Band and Symphony Orchestra), chamber music, private lessons, elective classes, ongoing recitals and concerts. Students also experience a welcoming and joyful community that worships together daily, offering musical gifts through Lutheran liturgy and hymnody. LSM 2024 takes place at Valparaiso University in Indiana from June 30-July 28 and is open to students who have completed grades 8-12. Spots for LSM 2024 are filling fast! Nominate a student today at: LSMacademy.org/nominate.
World Hunger 50th Anniversary: ELCA World Hunger is this church’s ministry to end hunger and poverty. For 50 years we have joined together as Lutherans to address the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world through ELCA World Hunger. Part of our church’s long tradition of meeting human needs, ELCA World Hunger testifies to our hope for and commitment to God’s promise of a time when we will hunger and thirst no more. In 2024 we will commemorate the 50th anniversary of this ministry. We have made great strides, but once again we face a startling increase in global hunger. See 50th anniversary resources at: https://elca.org/wh50.
The next few months will be especially critical for Bread’s work as we strive to live our faith and effectively advocate for those who are suffering. With the election approaching this fall, we have a limited time frame to ensure that we are able to advance our legislative priorities.
When you join other compassionate Bread members to further the progress we’re making to help children and families get the food they need to survive and thrive, you’re part of this critical work. Thank you so much for your support! ~Lauren Stuber, Giving Manager, https://www.bread.org/
Updates Beginning 17 March 2024
Today: Adult Faith Development wraps up a Lenten series entitled “Why Church?”. The series, originally developed by The Rocky Mountain Synod Congregational Ministry Committee, asks congregations a number of questions about what God is calling the church to become. In particular, it asks, "Why does the world need [St. Paul] church today and into the future." We'll be led by Scripture and prayer as we discuss these and other questions. Join Adult Faith Development after the service at 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
This Wednesday: Final Midweek Lent Soup, Song, and Scripture in Fellowship Hall. 6pm meal, 6:45 service. Link to the resource: https://saintpaul-lutheranchurch.squarespace.com/s/Why-Church-Lent-booklet.pdf
Next Saturday, 23 March: Indoor Campus Cleanup, 9am-Noon! A sign-up sheet is in the Welcome Center, so we have a head count (for pizza when we wrap up!) Bring cleaning gloves, we have the supplies. Thank you for helping to buff and polish our Church for the Easter Season! ~Deborah Ash
The Visual Choir is introducing a Cross of Flowers on Easter Sunday, 31 March, and we need your help! You are invited to bring cut flowers of any kind and color to tuck into the chicken wire-wrapped cross (in the Welcome Center) before the service begins. The cross will be moved into the Sanctuary during the opening of the worship service. Members of the Visual Choir Team will be there to assist you with placing the flowers. ~Jan Krakow, Visual Choir
This month’s God’s Work Our Hands project: For our regular Friends Feeding Friends’1st Thursday meal at HopeWorks, we are asking for financial contributions toward that meal in April. We will provide those funds to them at the start of the month so that they can prepare the meal. As we have Holy Week the last week of March, we are choosing this option rather than preparing the food here. We aim for 30 serving pans each month; each pan runs approx. $20. Please note FFF on your check and place in the offering basket. We appreciate your support! The health & wellness kits for FaithWorks (last month’s project) were dropped off and were very much appreciated. Thank you! ~Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
2024 Madagascar Girls Camp: Dear St. Paul family, the 2023 Madagascar Girls Camp was a huge success thanks to the generous support of the St. Paul community! In July 2024, we are doing it again. The Girls Camp is an opportunity for elementary school girls from rural remote areas of Madagascar to come to the Capital City of Antananarivo and learn about possibilities for the future (most of them have never left their villages and have limited knowledge about what women can do for professions). For five days, led by Rijasoa, 24 Girls and 6 female teachers will visit universities, listen to Church and Community leaders’ talks, and participate in Camp activities such as Bible stories, arts and crafts, songs and dances, and English language learning. All the expenses, including warm clothing, transportation, food, accommodation, and camp materials will be covered, as the girls and their teachers come from high poverty communities with no clean water, electric power, or adequate food. A portion of the cost is already provided by St. Paul from the 2023 Benevolence Disbursement Fund, and the remainder still needs to be raised.
A fundraiser luncheon featuring Malagasy food, music, and games is scheduled on Saturday April 20th at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. Come and learn about St. Paul's impact in Madagascar Education through the Girls' stories and aspirations from the 2023 Girls Camp. Your attendance and support is really appreciated! ~Rijasoa Andriamanana
A “Thank You” to St. Paul:
Your gift of $1,600 designated for Refugee Albuquerque is an open door to a new life. Like you, we are “rooted in the values of kindness, dignity, and social justice. Lutheran Family Services-Rocky Mountains strengthens communities by providing support, guidance, and resource coordination to individuals and families throughout the region.” Our clients have experienced many closed doors. Your support is a portal to a new life made possible by your generosity.
Sincerely, Margo Hatton, CFRE, LFS-RM VP, Resource Development
P.S. One world, one family. Thank you for joining us in our mission to serve.
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Next Sunday: Bach and Tango, 24 March, 3pm. Performance by Dr. Chip Miller (St. Paul’s piano technician!). The first of a series, featuring tangos by Ernesto Nazareth, Eduardo Suoto, Astor Piazzolla, Marcelo Tupinambá, Carlos Gardel, and music from Bach’s Second Well-Tempered Clavier. Held at: Chatter, 912 3rd St NW, 87102.
HopeWorks Volunteer Opportunities:
Tomorrow: Volunteers Needed on March 18th!
We are holding a client BBQ on March 18th, and we need your help! We need volunteers to help provide surveys to our clients in either paper or electronic formats. Can you join us on March 18th? We will provide food and beverages to those in attendance. Please contact William (see info below) to volunteer!
Donation Drive Opportunity
We are always in need of various supplies for our Day Shelter and other programs, and we are looking for groups to host donation drives! We are in need of the following: jeans (men’s size), socks and shoes, underwear, hats, jackets, blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, hot cocoa packets and travel size hand sanitizer. If you are interested in hosting a Donation Drive, please reach out to William, and he can send you a list of current needs and discuss further details, and help support your efforts. Items we accept:
· Men's clothing
· Cleaning supplies
· Pre-packaged, non-perishable food
· Meals from commercial-grade kitchens (arranged in advance)
Please contact Development Manager William Townley at wtownley@hopeworksnm.org or (505) 242- 4399 ext. 8213.
Request for Gift Card Donation
HopeWorks is also seeking community donations of gift cards as a way to provide support to our loyal volunteers! We have a dedicated set of volunteers who consistently do what they can to provide quality services to our clients, so we are hoping to provide them support as well! Please contact William if you would like more information.
Looking Ahead to 2024: Community Lunches + Tours
Interested in learning more about HopeWorks and the work that we do? Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming free Community Luncheons & Tours in 2024. We will be holding these tours every second Wednesday (April 10, May 8, etc.). Over a home-cooked meal, hear about our current work and campus expansion plans. Stay for a tour of campus, including Hope Village. RSVP are required; contact William Townley at wtownley@hopeworksnm.org or (505) 242- 4399 ext. 8213.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
From the AMMPARO Team: The Conference of Bishops of the ELCA have issued a statement of support “in solidarity with people of faith who respond to God’s call to serve their neighbor.” In the statement, the body said they “are deeply troubled by the actions of the Texas attorney general’s office against Annunciation House, a volunteer-run faith-based organization that has been a pillar of welcome and hospitality in El Paso for more than 40 years.”
Conference of Bishops Statement of Solidarity with Migrants in Texas here: https://www.elca.org/News-and-Events/8218
Living Lutheran article here: https://www.livinglutheran.org/2024/03/elca-conference-of-bishops-issues-statement-in-solidarity-with-migrants-in-texas/
ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza. See: https://www.elca.org/News-and-Events/8217
Update from the Bishop Election Committee:
There are seven Ministers of Word and Sacrament who have indicated their openness to the call to be Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod. Those who are voting members at the upcoming Synod Assembly are encouraged to read their biographical forms at https://www.rmselca.org/leaders-in-discernment-24 and pray for all those who have submitted them.
The first ballot at the Assembly is an Ecclesiastical Ballot, meaning that anyone who has submitted a biography must still be nominated on that ballot in order to be considered. Other Word & Sacrament Ministers in the ELCA who have not submitted a biography may also be nominated on the first ballot, so voting members are not limited to the names listed on this page. (Please see the “timeline” at https://www.rmselca.org/2024-bishop-election-processon for more information regarding the process.)
The Bishop Election Committee joins the entire synod in praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this process, and thanks all those who have discerned, and are still discerning, their openness to this call.
RMS Synod Assembly – On Our Way, Together”:
The Synod Council includes the 4 officers of the synod and 17 other members elected by the Synod Assembly; Synod Council members shall be voting members of an RMS congregation. The 17 members, other than the officers, are designated as 1 per conference (either lay or rostered leader) plus 7 at-large positions with 1 each for lay male, lay female, rostered leader, youth (under the age of 18), young adult (18-30 years of age), and 2 people of color and/or whose primary language is other than English; terms are 4 years except for the youth member who is elected in even numbered years for 2 years; terms are limited to 2 consecutive terms and begin on August 15. Officers’ terms begin on August 1.
There are 10 positions on the Synod Council to be filled by the 2024 Synod Assembly:
Metro South Conference representative
Boulder/Broomfield Conference representative
Southeast Colorado Conference representative
Border Conference representative
Wyoming Conference representative
Youth (under the age of 18)
Young Adult (18-30 years of age)
At-Large Rostered Leader
One Person of color or whose primary language is other than English
Committee positions to be filled:
The Discipline Committee consists of 12 persons, of whom 6 are rostered leaders and 6 are lay leaders elected for a term of 6 years without consecutive reelection. The functions of the Committee on Discipline are set forth in Chapter 20 of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Synod Council shall fill vacancies on the Committee on Discipline for any unexpired term.
Positions to be filled:
One lay leader
Three rostered leaders
The Mission Outreach Committee is responsible for promoting, extending and coordinating the mission outreach activity of the synod, both on its own territory and throughout the world. To accomplish this end, the Mission Outreach Committee will relate to the appropriate Churchwide unit. Members serve 4 year terms.
Position to be filled:
One lay or rostered leader
The Global Church Network promotes and supports connection between Rocky Mountain Synod ministries and individuals and the global church through communication, education, and immersion opportunities. The Network is composed of 6 voting members: 3 members who are appointed by the Synod Council for a term of four years with the possibility of one consecutive reelection, and 3 at-large members who are elected by the Synod Assembly for a four-year term with the possibility of reelection.
Position to be filled:
· One lay or rostered leader
The Congregational Ministries Committee, recognizing that the church is always being reformed, gives ear to the Holy Spirit to determine ways to invite and equip congregations to effectively and creatively participate in God’s mission in their diverse contexts. The Congregational Ministries Committee will relate to the Synod Council and collaborate with other synod ministries as well as churchwide ministries as appropriate. The Congregational Ministries Committee has at least 6 members either elected by the Synod Assembly or appointed by the Synod Council for 4-year terms (ideally staggered among the members). Attention will be given to inviting a diversity of perspective and gifts.
Positions to be filled:
Two lay or rostered leaders
2025 Churchwide Assembly Voting Members will represent the Rocky Mountain Synod at the triennial Churchwide Assembly, which is scheduled to be held July 28-August 2, 2025, at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The Rocky Mountain Synod has been allocated ten voting members plus two additional voting members.
CWA Voting Members to be elected (twelve total, reflecting the representational principles of the ELCA):
Six lay leaders including youth (under the age of 18) or young adult (18-30 years of age): One spot is designated for the RMS Vice-President and One spot is designated for a youth or young adult with 4 additional spots.
Four rostered leaders including the RMS bishop: One spot is designated for the RMS bishop with 3 additional spots.
One additional person of color or person whose primary language is other than English
One additional youth or youth adult
Links to nominate someone or yourself for any of these opportunities are at: https://www.rmselca.org/synod-assembly-2024-our-way-together
World Hunger 50th Anniversary: For 50 years we have joined together as Lutherans to address the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world through ELCA World Hunger. Part of our church’s long tradition of meeting human needs, ELCA World Hunger testifies to our hope for and commitment to God’s promise of a time when we will hunger and thirst no more. In 2024 we will commemorate the 50th anniversary of this ministry. We have made great strides, but once again we face a startling increase in global hunger. See 50th anniversary resources at: https://elca.org/wh50.
Updates Beginning 10 March 2024
Today: Adult Faith Development continues a Lenten series entitled “Why Church?”. The series, originally developed by The Rocky Mountain Synod Congregational Ministry Committee, asks congregations a number of questions about what God is calling the church to become. In particular, it asks, "Why does the world need [St. Paul] church today and into the future." We'll be led by Scripture and prayer as we discuss these and other questions. Join Adult Faith Development after the service at 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
Today: Are you a technology guru? Do you enjoy social media? Do you know what the following acronyms mean...SEO, WWW, URL, UX? Or, are you curious? Join the newly energized technology team directly after service today - let's meet in the church office to exchange contact information and schedule our first meeting! ~Sara Love
Mark Your Calendars! Easter is early this year, so we have split our Campus Cleanup to accommodate the weather: Saturday, March 23 (day before Palm Sunday) for cleanup inside, and Saturday, April 13 for cleanup outside. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer. ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
The Visual Choir is introducing a Cross of Flowers on Easter Sunday, 31 March, and we need your help! You are invited to bring cut flowers of any kind and color to tuck into the chicken wire-wrapped cross (in the Welcome Center) before the service begins. The cross will be moved into the Sanctuary during the opening of the worship service. Members of the Visual Choir Team will be there to assist you with placing the flowers. ~Jan Krakow, Visual Choir
This month’s God’s Work Our Hands project: For our regular Friends Feeding Friends’1st Thursday meal at HopeWorks, we are asking for financial contributions toward that meal in April. We will provide those funds to them at the start of the month so that they can prepare the meal. As we have Holy Week the last week of March, we are choosing this option rather than preparing the food here. We aim for 30 trays each month; each tray runs approx. $20. Please note FFF on your check and place in the offering basket. We appreciate your support! The health & wellness kits for FaithWorks were dropped off this past week and were much appreciated. Thank you! ~Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash & Nancy Jenkins
Save the dates for the next St. Paul 101! Want to know more about St. Paul (our congregation), our denomination (the Evangelical Church in America), and Christianity as a whole? Want to meet more people in our faith community and get connected? Then St. Paul 101 is for you! The next St. Paul 101 classes are scheduled for 14 & 28 April (skipping 21 April for our Spring Congregational Meeting - also a great way to get to know who we are and what we do!), and 5 May. We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall after worship each of those Sundays for about an hour and a half. Be sure to bring your coffee & goodies with you, as well as your curiosities and questions. Looking forward to seeing you there! ~ Pr. Koppel
Hold the Date: Saturday, 20 April - Fundraising Luncheon for the Madagascar Girls’ Camp! Details to come soon. ~Rijasoa Andriamanana
Else Tasseron is moving! For her new address and phone number, please contact Nancy Jenkins. ~Deborah Ash
Sign up for Flowers and/or Refreshments for 2024! It’s a new year and updated charts are available in Friendship Corner. We hope you will join us in providing coffeetime treats for after service and take the opportunity to recognize loved ones and events with flower dedications. ~Deborah Ash
Adopted Families: One of our "old" adoptees volunteers at an organization that is helping refugees from Central and South America. She was working with three men from Venezuela who were to start construction work but they needed work boots. We gave her $200 in cash and gift cards left from Christmas so she could take them to buy the boots. She also used a little of the money to buy toiletries and cleaning supplies for a family that had just moved into an apartment. There is no end to the need out there - we'll just keep trying to help where we can. Thanks for your support. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Prayer Walk. In this Lenten season, Greater Albuquerque Church of Christ (GACC) and St. Paul are partnering in a Prayer Walk along the hallway leading to Fellowship Hall. You will find a table with sticky notes and pens to write your prayers and post them on the long sheet of contact paper on the wall. Our goal is to share our prayers amongst both congregations. You can take a prayer with you to incorporate into your daily prayers and return it the next time. (Or take a picture.) Take a prayer and leave a prayer! Our hope is that our mutual Prayer Walk will reveal to each of us the power of prayer in our daily lives.
James 5:16b – “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
~Pr. Koppel & Karen Waggoner, GACC Board Member
A “Thank You” to St. Paul:
Thank you for your generous gift to the Center for Civic Policy for the New Mexico Dream Team! We have much work to do as we create the information needed to change the hearts and minds of New Mexicans. Thank you for your commitment as we strive for the values of family, honesty, and respect. Your gift will directly impact New Mexico. Thanks for supporting our work! Sincerely, Oriana Sandoval, Chief Executive Director
From Local Partner Organizations
Bach and Tango, Sunday, 24 March, 3pm. Performance by Dr. Chip Miller (St. Paul’s piano technician!). The first of a series, featuring tangos by Ernesto Nazareth, Eduardo Suoto, Astor Piazzolla, Marcelo Tupinambá, Carlos Gardel, and music from Bach’s Second Well-Tempered Clavier. Held at: Chatter, 912 3rd St NW, 87102.
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
From the AMMPARO Team: The Conference of Bishops of the ELCA have issued a statement of support “in solidarity with people of faith who respond to God’s call to serve their neighbor.” In the statement, the body said they “are deeply troubled by the actions of the Texas attorney general’s office against Annunciation House, a volunteer-run faith-based organization that has been a pillar of welcome and hospitality in El Paso for more than 40 years.”
Conference of Bishops Statement of Solidarity with Migrants in Texas here: https://www.elca.org/News-and-Events/8218
Living Lutheran article here: https://www.livinglutheran.org/2024/03/elca-conference-of-bishops-issues-statement-in-solidarity-with-migrants-in-texas/
ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza. See: https://www.elca.org/News-and-Events/8217
The ELCA's new initiative, Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel, presents Following the Way of Jesus: A Lenten Holy Land Journey. SUMUD means "resilience" in Arabic (formerly Peace Not Walls). This Lenten video series consists of six short videos that introduce people to the land, the theology of sumud and its significance through Scripture as the “way of Jesus.” Available in both English and Arabic. For additional information and to watch the video: https://www.elca.org/our-work/publicly-engaged-church/peace-not-walls
Join the Region 2 Lenten Challenge to benefit ELCA World Hunger! In honor of ELCA World Hunger’s 50th year in mission and ministry, the 5 synods in ELCA Region 2 are challenging one another to raise money for ELCA World Hunger. The challenge: Participate in some spiritual and physical practices during the 40 days of Lent, 2024. The synod with the most participants wins! More than 820 million people, about 11% of the world’s population today, are hungry. As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. Individuals can sign up here: https://www.lentenchallenge.org/
Updates Beginning 3 March 2024
Today: Adult Faith Development continues a Lenten series entitled “Why Church?”. The series, originally developed by The Rocky Mountain Synod Congregational Ministry Committee, asks congregations a number of questions about what God is calling the church to become. In particular, it asks, "Why does the world need [St. Paul] church today and into the future." We'll be led by Scripture and prayer as we discuss these and other questions. Join Adult Faith Development after the service at 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
This Week: First Tuesday on March 5th, 4:00 - 6:00 pm at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE. It seems like we just gathered there! Sometimes we just chat and other times we dive deeper. All are welcome. Bring your own snack if you want and if you don't drink beer, bring your beverage of choice. First Tuesday is a good way to get to know others. ~Nancy Matthews
Thank You, St. Paul, for all your cards and calls. You made my heart feel good. ~Carol Ann Sorensen
Else Tasseron is moving! For her new address and phone number, please contact Nancy Jenkins. ~Deborah Ash
Are you a technology guru? Do you enjoy social media? Do you know what the following acronyms mean...SEO, WWW, URL, UX? Or, are you curious? Join the newly energized technology team directly after service on Sunday, March 10th - let's meet in the church office to exchange contact information and schedule our first meeting! ~Sara Love
Save the dates for the next St. Paul 101! Want to know more about St. Paul (our congregation), our denomination (the Evangelical Church in America), and Christianity as a whole? Want to meet more people in our faith community and get connected? Then St. Paul 101 is for you! The next St. Paul 101 classes are scheduled for 14 & 28 April (skipping 21 April for our Spring Congregational Meeting - also a great way to get to know who we are and what we do!), and 5 May. We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall after worship each of those Sundays for about an hour and a half. Be sure to bring your coffee & goodies with you, as well as your curiosities and questions. Looking forward to seeing you there! ~ Pr. Koppel
Thank You for your recent gift of $250 to Church Women United in New Mexico. Your caring support is crucial to the CWU mission of working towards unity in diversity, and building a world of peace and justice.
~Ruth Tribou, Treasurer
Mark Your Calendars! Easter is early this year, so we have split our Campus Cleanup to accommodate the weather: Saturday, March 23 (day before Palm Sunday) for cleanup inside, and Saturday, April 13 for cleanup outside. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer. ~Deborah Ash
Sign up for Flowers and/or Refreshments for 2024! It’s a new year and updated charts are available in Friendship Corner. We hope you will join us in providing coffeetime treats for after service and take the opportunity to recognize loved ones and events with flower dedications. ~Deborah Ash
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome. (A full load was just picked up!)
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Join the Region 2 Lenten Challenge to benefit ELCA World Hunger! In honor of ELCA World Hunger’s 50th year in mission and ministry, the 5 synods in ELCA Region 2 are challenging one another to raise money for ELCA World Hunger. The challenge: Participate in some spiritual and physical practices during the 40 days of Lent, 2024. The synod with the most participants wins! More than 820 million people, about 11% of the world’s population today, are hungry. As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. Individuals can sign up here: https://www.lentenchallenge.org/
The ELCA's new initiative, Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel, presents Following the Way of Jesus: A Lenten Holy Land Journey. SUMUD means "resilience" in Arabic (formerly Peace Not Walls). This Lenten video series consists of six short videos that introduce people to the land, the theology of sumud and its significance through Scripture as the “way of Jesus.” Available in both English and Arabic. For additional information and to watch the video: https://www.elca.org/our-work/publicly-engaged-church/peace-not-walls
Updates Beginning 25 February 2024
Today: Adult Faith Development continues a Lenten series entitled “Why Church?”. The series, originally developed by The Rocky Mountain Synod Congregational Ministry Committee, asks congregations a number of questions about what God is calling the church to become. In particular, it asks, "Why does the world need [St. Paul] church today and into the future." We'll be led by Scripture and prayer as we discuss these and other questions. Join Adult Faith Development after the service at 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
Today: After service we will be packing up the health & wellness kits for FaithWorks. Thank you for your donations in support of this month’s God’s Work Our Hands project! ~Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash, Nancy Jenkins
First Tuesday will be March 5th, 4:00 - 6:00 pm at SW Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria NE. It seems like we just gathered there! Sometimes we just chat and other times we dive deeper. All are welcome. Bring your own snack if you want and if you don't drink beer, bring your beverage of choice. First Tuesday is a good way to get to know others. ~Nancy Matthews
Metamorphosis. Our hungry caterpillar gorged on massive amounts of leaves in preparation for metamorphosis. With the proper conditions, this radical transformation can happen in a month, but can take up to 3 years if the food and water conditions are not adequate. Now look at the cocoon (chrysalis) hanging on the tree at the front of the Sanctuary. Watch the cocoon each Sunday as it journeys to the completion of its transformation.
Think about your journey during these 40 days of Lent and give yourself spiritual food and contemplation time. What transformation is occurring in your life? ~Jo Browning, Visual Choir
Restored today, we remember that all life is represented in our Lenten Journey. Thanks to Worship and Music for their creative work to represent this journey and to their contribution to center our hearts on the work God has given and keeps alive. Paul Gallegos created the work of art that stands in our narthex, visible as we enter and exit the Sanctuary. The tree that has become a cross was a live Christmas tree saved from years ago, used at St. Paul. When you study it, note the crack that has formed along the long portion of this simple symbol of God’s abounding love. Leonard Cohen reminds us that, “there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” As we walk these forty days, may we pause with awe, pray with intention and serve in every way possible. ~Julie Ambrogi
Greetings St. Paul Community,
This note is in light of a missed opportunity on my part to follow-up with pastoral care for a dear soul, which prompted Council conversations and deep discernment for me. Here's a written summary of our conversations outlining our model of Pastoral Care:
First, we are a community who strives for the best and who also practices forgiveness when we miss the mark. Second, as the priesthood of believers, I am not the funnel through which all pastoral care needs are made known and/or tended to. (If we desire a central person for pastoral care, we might consider a Visiting Pastor to do this ministry. All Saints recently contracted with a retired pastor for this purpose.) And third, our Behavioral Covenant (or Community Covenant) is crucial in our interactions with one another. [See page 23 of this bulletin.]
When a St. Paul member hears about a potential pastoral care-giving need, the following ministries are encouraged:
· Member to Member Care - the person receiving the request may offer a listening ear and/or pray directly with the requester.
· Pastoral Care Visits - typically provided by me, but others are experienced and available, especially when I am out of the office.
· Visitation Team Visits - home and hospital visits, typically include Communion and/or oil blessings. Our Visitation Team: Julie Ambrogi, Kay Fulton, Sharon Howard, and Diane Remer-Thamert.
· Stephen Minister Visits - meetings with a specifically trained minister who comes alongside someone (for a few visits or long-term) who might be grieving, going through a difficult situation, or experiencing a crisis of some sort. Our Stephen Ministers: Terry Cole, Paula Eglinton, Linda FitzGerald, Nancy Jenkins, Jan Krakow, and Jeff Peterson.
· Addition to the Prayer Chain - an email group who receives prayer requests and offers intercessory prayer (honoring privacy as indicated by the requester). Prayer Chain: Julie Ambrogi, Kathy Callahan, Terry Cole, Paula Eglinton, Jenny Galasso, Sharon Howard, Nancy Jenkins, Herb Korff, Nancy Matthews, and Cheryl Schultz.
· Addition to the Sunday bulletin - a weekly prayer list, with first names or situations only, included in the bulletin (also honoring privacy as indicated by the requester).
Please know that I meet regularly with the Visitation Team, and in March will begin meeting regularly with Stephen Ministers. I also receive the Prayer Chain prayer requests, holding them and all of you in prayer. I personally respond/reach-out to known pastoral care needs via scheduled and unscheduled visits, conversations at church and in the community, phone calls, cards, emails, instant messaging, texts, etc. Should I fail to miss a cue or come alongside a need, please make that need known directly with me.
Peace be with you. Peace be with us.
Pr. Koppel
Adopted Families: One of our "old" adoptees volunteers at an organization that is helping refugees from Central and South America. She was working with three men from Venezuela who were to start construction work but they needed work boots. We gave her $200 in cash and gift cards left from Christmas so she could take them to buy the boots. She also used a little of the money to buy toiletries and cleaning supplies for a family that had just moved into an apartment. There is no end to the need out there - we'll just keep trying to help where we can. Thanks for your support. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Prayer Walk. In this Lenten season, Greater Albuquerque Church of Christ (GACC) and St. Paul are partnering in a Prayer Walk along the hallway leading to Fellowship Hall. You will find a table with sticky notes and pens to write your prayers and post them on the long sheet of contact paper on the wall. Our goal is to share our prayers amongst both congregations. You can take a prayer with you to incorporate into your daily prayers and return it the next time. (Or take a picture.) Take a prayer and leave a prayer! Our hope is that our mutual Prayer Walk will reveal to each of us the power of prayer in our daily lives.
James 5:16b – “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
~Pr. Koppel & Karen Waggoner, GACC Board Member
2023 Giving Statements. It is once again the time of year when you may want a copy of your giving statement for the 2023 tax year. I am happy to send one to anyone who made a contribution in this past year. All you need to do is request one using my email address (finsec@stpaulabq.org) or text (or call) me on my cell phone (505-363-2284). I will send an electronic copy or a paper copy, whichever you prefer. ~Paula Eglinton
Mark Your Calendars! Easter is early this year, so we have split our Campus Cleanup to accommodate the weather: Saturday, March 23 (day before Palm Sunday) for cleanup inside, and Saturday, April 13 for cleanup outside. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer. ~Deborah Ash
Sign up for Flowers and/or Refreshments for 2024! It’s a new year and updated charts are available in Friendship Corner. We hope you will join us in providing coffeetime treats for after service and take the opportunity to recognize loved ones and events with flower dedications. ~Deborah Ash
Opportunities to Donate:
· Donations of nonperishable foodstuffs to the Storehouse (barrels in the Narthex). Pet food is also welcome.
· We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
· We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office.
Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
This Friday, 1 March at 9:15am, Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will meet for the World Day of Prayer service at Manzano del Sol, 5201 Roma NE. The service was prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Palestine and the WDP USA Committee. Our speaker will be Lamia Faruki who serves on the board of Tomorrow’s Women, a group that brings together Palestinian and Jewish young women for a six-week experience in learning about each other's culture one on one. Lamia and Holly, the Director of the group, will introduce us to their group’s mission and show interviews with some of the young women who have been part of the experience in the past. Please join us and bring a friend! For more information, contact Marilyn Stoops at 505-265-8358 or mstoops@swcp.com. ~Marilyn Stoops, CWU Communications Committee
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church Seeks Your Input. The Commission is tasked with collecting information about what is working and what is not working at the church wide, synod, and congregational levels. It will present its findings to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly.
The Commission wants to hear from you through a brief survey that asks about the purpose of congregations, synods, and the churchwide office. The survey also asks, “What should the future church look like?”
Along with information received at listening sessions across the church, this survey will inform the commission’s recommendations.
The survey is available in Spanish and English. More information regarding the survey and the work of CRLC is available here: https://www.elca.org/CRLC.
Join the Region 2 Lenten Challenge to benefit ELCA World Hunger! In honor of ELCA World Hunger’s 50th year in mission and ministry, the 5 synods in ELCA Region 2 are challenging one another to raise money for ELCA World Hunger. The challenge: Participate in some spiritual and physical practices during the 40 days of Lent, 2024. The synod with the most participants wins! More than 820 million people, about 11% of the world’s population today, are hungry. As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. Individuals can sign up here: https://www.lentenchallenge.org/
Updates Beginning 18 February 2024
Beginning this Wednesday:
Today after service, Adult Faith Development begins a Lenten series entitled "Why Church?”. The series, originally developed by The Rocky Mountain Synod Congregational Ministry Committee, asks congregations a number of questions about what God is calling the church to become. In particular, it asks, "Why does the world need [St. Paul] church today and into the future." We'll be led by Scripture and prayer as we discuss these and other questions.
Note that this series will also be used at the mid-week Soup, Song, and Scripture sessions. You are welcome to attend either one or both! We anticipate that the discussions will be different in the two venues, and taking the two together may yield important insights.
Join Adult Faith Development after the service at 11:15 a.m. in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
Prayer Walk. In this Lenten season, Greater Albuquerque Church of Christ (GACC) and St. Paul are partnering in a Prayer Walk along the hallway leading to Fellowship Hall. You will find a table with sticky notes and pens to write your prayers and post them on the long sheet of contact paper on the wall.
Our goal is to share our prayers amongst both congregations. You can take a prayer with you to incorporate into your daily prayers and return it the next time. (Or take a picture.) Take a prayer and leave a prayer! Our hope is that our mutual Prayer Walk will reveal to each of us the power of prayer in our daily lives.
James 5:16b – “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
~Pr. Koppel & Karen Waggoner, GACC Board Member
February’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be health & wellness kits for FaithWorks. They have need of specific items that St. Paul can buy in bulk and have delivered to the church (more cost effective). We need to raise about $300, order the items and then we will, together, pack and deliver these kits on February 25 after service. We are collecting donations for the next 3 weeks to order the kits. These kits run about $20. Please put your donations in the offering, marked for Health & Wellness Kits or see one of us if you have questions. As we continue to work together, we can make a difference! Thank you. ~Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash, Nancy Jenkins
2023 Giving Statements. It is once again the time of year when you may want a copy of your giving statement for the 2023 tax year. I am happy to send one to anyone who made a contribution in this past year. All you need to do is request one using my email address (finsec@stpaulabq.org) or text (or call) me on my cell phone (505-363-2284). I will send an electronic copy or a paper copy, whichever you prefer. ~Paula Eglinton
A Thank You to St. Paul:
Dear Friends, thank you for your gift of $100.00 to Bread for the World. Thank you for responding to Rick Steves’ matching gift offer. We are so grateful for your generous contribution. Your support is crucial and especially impactful, as Bread for the World begins the launch of the Nourish Our Future advocacy campaign. Your gift helps children all over the world have access to the food they need to grow and thrive.
With gratitude, Rev. Eugene Cho, President
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
Outreach Team Announcements: The following are outcomes from our meeting this past week:
1. Recommending to Council that St. Paul: Increase our Albuquerque Interfaith membership to $2500 (from $2000), and increase our Bread for the World membership to $300 (from $200).
2. Bread for the World annual letter writing campaign in May.
3. St. Paul participation in the 2024 Pride Parade, Saturday, June 8, Nob Hill.
4. Faith Development class sharing in the last Sunday of the month service project during Fall 2024.
~Will Hoffman for the Outreach Team
Adopted Families: I received some thank you notes from the counselor and her clients for the Christmas gifts we gave them. Here are some quotes from the clients:
"Thank you, thank you so much for being so kind and generous."
"Thank you so much for the gifts that you gave me I really appreciate it a lot I really hope God blesses you every day."
"Thank you for all you do! I really appreciate it. God bless you all. Thank you for making our children happy this Christmas."
"The only gifts my brother & I got this year were from St Paul. I appreciate so much to you."
"Thank You for all our goodies cause our parents are broke & struggling!"
And a quote from the counselor:
"I do not know how long your folks have been supporting my clients for your Christmas gift-giving. It's been many years now and the results are quite amazing because the families I choose really need the love and support these gifts provide...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making all this happen. The quilts are my favorite because I am able to tell family members that your quilters pray for families while sewing together these pieces of fabric and ask God for blessings of the receivers!"
Life does go on after Christmas. Our "movers" delivered two donated beds to a family in the International District; the mom was very grateful to have a nice place to sleep for herself and her husband and their kids. And thanks to your generous donations, we were able to pay the $500 deposit for a refugee family from Venezuela so they could move into an apartment. The father is working construction and had enough for the first month's rent, but they needed help with the deposit. Now the father, mother, and two young daughters have a place to call home in this country. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Mark Your Calendars! Easter is early this year, so we have split our Campus Cleanup to accommodate the weather: Saturday, March 23 (day before Palm Sunday) for cleanup inside, and Saturday, April 13 for cleanup outside. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer. ~Deborah Ash
Sign up for Flowers and/or Refreshments for 2024! It’s a new year and updated charts are available in Friendship Corner. We hope you will join us in providing coffeetime treats for after service and take the opportunity to recognize loved ones and events with flower dedications. ~Deborah Ash
Opportunities to Donate: I was reading that when we give something away (like food, for instance) it activates the brain to release oxytocin. This neuropeptide does all sorts of things like making us feel connected to other humans, even if we don't know them. So, if you want more of the good feelings that come from oxytocin, why not bring a donation for the Storehouse barrels in the Narthex? Pet food is also welcome.
We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
From Local Partner Organizations
Today: Coro Lux cordially invites you to join us for our first concert of 2024, “Music in the Air.” As Black History Month is upon us, we strive to strengthen our community by honoring the significant contributions that African-American composers and conductors have made to choral music. This concert, taking place at the African-American Performing Arts Center (310 San Pedro NE) seeks to do just that. As we perform music that enlivens the soul and gladdens the heart, we hope you join us for a joyous musical experience, February 18th at 4pm. Featuring special performances from soloist and UNM professor Stevie Springer and UNM’s Gospel Choir, as well as appearances by our youth chorus, El Faro Youth Chorus, and select group, Coro Lux Chamber Chorus, this concert will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Black History Month, and enjoy a truly multi-cultural musical occasion! Tickets at: https://abqcorolux.org/tickets/ ~Brad Ellingboe, Artistic Director
La Mesa Presbyterian Church Concert Series. We are excited about doing a “new thing” at La Mesa, hosting live concerts of wonderful musicians in our sanctuary. Our first live concert is by the fabulous folk singer, Deidre McCalla, next Sunday, February 25th at 3pm. Read more about her at: https://deidremccalla.com/. To reserve a “free will donation” seat for $20, go to LMPCTICKETS.BPT.ME. Thank you in advance for your support of this new venture. ~Rev. Dr. Brett Mitchell
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s group, will meet for the World Day of Prayer service on Friday, March 1st at 9:15 at Manzano del Sol, 5201 Roma NE. The service was prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Palestine and the WDP USA Committee. Our speaker will be Lamia Faruki who serves on the board of Tomorrow’s Women, a group that brings together Palestinian and Jewish young women for a six-week experience in learning about each other's culture one on one. Lamia and Holly, the Director of the group, will introduce us to their group’s mission and show interviews with some of the young women who have been part of the experience in the past. Please join us and bring a friend! For more information, contact Marilyn Stoops at 505-265-8358 or mstoops@swcp.com. ~Marilyn Stoops, CWU Communications Committee
Ethos Literacy, a community-based adult education program in Albuquerque, serves adult students who need basic literacy support, as well as ESL students through connecting them to volunteer tutors. Many of our students are immigrants or asylum seekers but many others grew up in New Mexico without the support they need to learn to read, some even graduating high school without this basic skill. We are always looking for volunteers to support our students who are eager to learn and get connected to a tutor. ~Meg Peralta-Silva (formerly with Border Servant Corps), Admin. Assistant, 505-321-9620, https://www.ethosliteracy.org/
Coat Donations (Adult & Child). If you have a new or used coat, please consider donating to the Dignity Mission for asylum seekers. Coats can be old but must be clean! New hats, scarves and gloves are also being collected. All items will be taken to the border on an ongoing basis. Children’s coats are especially needed! Questions, contact Rae and Patrick VanDeMotter, All Saints, 216-633-6362. (They travel to the border once a month to deliver collected items.) ~Pr. Koppel
Lutheran Family Services in Albuquerque contacted the office regarding an urgent need for certain items of furniture: sofas, and dining tables with chairs. They had a large influx of clients (refugees and asylees) at the end of the year and the approx. 30 families are made up of 5-10 people each. Cash donations are also welcome. Call 505-933-7032 and they can arrange for pickup. Address: 230 Truman St NE. ~Deborah Ash
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Join the Region 2 Lenten Challenge to benefit ELCA World Hunger! In honor of ELCA World Hunger’s 50th year in mission and ministry, the 5 synods in ELCA Region 2 are challenging one another to raise money for ELCA World Hunger. The challenge: Participate in some spiritual and physical practices during the 40 days of Lent, 2024. The synod with the most participants wins! More than 820 million people, about 11% of the world’s population today, are hungry. As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. Individuals can sign up here: https://www.lentenchallenge.org/
Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church Seeks Your Input. The Commission is tasked with collecting information about what is working and what is not working at the church wide, synod, and congregational levels. It will present its findings to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly.
The Commission wants to hear from you through a brief survey that asks about the purpose of congregations, synods, and the churchwide office. The survey also asks, “What should the future church look like?”
Along with information received at listening sessions across the church, this survey will inform the commission’s recommendations.
The survey is available in Spanish and English. More information regarding the survey and the work of CRLC is available here: https://www.elca.org/CRLC.
Lutheran World Relief: Our 2024 Hunger Challenge to Save Lives has begun. Our goal is to raise $250,000 by March 15 to rush emergency food to your neighbors who need it most. Thank you for extending your caring hand. With your gift today, you are feeding empty tummies and warming weary hearts. Give at: https://lwr.org/.
In Christ always, Ambassador Daniel Speckhard, President & CEO
Updates Beginning 11 February 2024
This Sunday we celebrate Jesus leading Peter, James, and John to the “high” mountain where Jesus appears radiantly transformed. A voice came to them from a cloud declaring, “This is my Son, Jesus whom I love. Listen to him!”
For me, this declaration makes God ‘s wish for hope and healing come alive through Jesus’ teachings. We have included white paper cranes in the banner today. I think of these cranes as another symbol of Christ’s love and care for all his children, as well as a powerful symbol of peace.
“O flock of heavenly cranes
Cover my children with your wings.”
~Jo Browning, for the Visual Choir
Today after the service: When we say "Jesus is Lord" we deny the claims of any other power--be it political, religious, commercial, or otherwise--to appropriate lordship for itself. St. Paul is the first of the New Testament authors to make this claim explicitly, and it was in the context of the Roman Empire, where the Emperor claimed to be the "Lord of lords." Join us in the adult class to explore Paul's extraordinary claim and consider what it means for us. We meet in the Conference Room after the service at 11:15. Everybody is welcome. ~Bob Matthews
Prayer Walk. As we enter the Lenten season, Greater Albuquerque Church of Christ (GACC) and St. Paul are partnering in a Prayer Walk along the hallway leading to Fellowship Hall. You will find a table with sticky notes and pens to write your prayers and post them on the long sheet of contact paper on the wall.
Our goal is to share our prayers amongst both congregations. You can take a prayer with you to incorporate into your daily prayers and return it the next time. (Or take a picture.) Take a prayer and leave a prayer! Our hope is that our mutual Prayer Walk will reveal to each of us the power of prayer in our daily lives.
James 5:16b – “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
~Pr. Koppel & Karen Waggoner, GACC Board Member
Harald N. Sorensen Memorial Services will be held at French-Wyoming this Tuesday, February 13 at 2:00pm with a reception to follow. In lieu of flowers please consider making a donation to The New Mexico Heart Association. lnurnment will be at a later date at the Kronborg cemetery of St. John's Lutheran Church in Marquete, NE. See the full obituary at: https://www.frenchfunerals.com/obituaries/harald-sorensen
Ice Cream Social Hour is This Wednesday! Bring your love for ice cream to socialize and laugh. February 14, 1pm at Dairy Queen on Louisiana and Montgomery. We meet for an hour, share stories, laugh at fun things, and just enjoy some down time. Better yet, put the second Wednesday of the month as a constant for ice cream. ~Herb Korff
February’s God’s Work Our Hands project will be health & wellness kits for FaithWorks. They have need of specific items that St. Paul can buy in bulk and have delivered to the church (more cost effective). We need to raise about $300, order the items and then we will, together, pack and deliver these kits on February 25 after service. We are collecting donations for the next 3 weeks to order the kits. These kits run about $20. Please put your donations in the offering, marked for Health & Wellness Kits or see one of us if you have questions. As we continue to work together, we can make a difference! Thank you. ~Julie Ambrogi, Deborah Ash, Nancy Jenkins
2023 Giving Statements. It is once again the time of year when you may want a copy of your giving statement for the 2023 tax year. I am happy to send one to anyone who made a contribution in this past year. All you need to do is request one using my email address (finsec@stpaulabq.org) or text (or call) me on my cell phone (505-363-2284). I will send an electronic copy or a paper copy, whichever you prefer. ~Paula Eglinton
Mark Your Calendars! Easter is early this year, so we have split our Campus Cleanup to accommodate the weather: Saturday, March 23 (day before Palm Sunday) for cleanup inside, and Saturday, April 13 for cleanup outside. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer. ~Deborah Ash
A Thank You to St. Paul:
Dear St. Paul Lutheran Church, thank you for your generous contribution to ABQ FaithWorks. We appreciate you all so much! Thanks again, Abbey Reed, Interim Executive Director
Adopted Families: I received some thank you notes from the counselor and her clients for the Christmas gifts we gave them. Here are some quotes from the clients:
"Thank you, thank you so much for being so kind and generous."
"Thank you so much for the gifts that you gave me I really appreciate it a lot I really hope God blesses you every day."
"Thank you for all you do! I really appreciate it. God bless you all. Thank you for making our children happy this Christmas."
"The only gifts my brother & I got this year were from St Paul. I appreciate so much to you."
"Thank You for all our goodies cause our parents are broke & struggling!"
And a quote from the counselor:
"I do not know how long your folks have been supporting my clients for your Christmas gift-giving. It's been many years now and the results are quite amazing because the families I choose really need the love and support these gifts provide...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making all this happen. The quilts are my favorite because I am able to tell family members that your quilters pray for families while sewing together these pieces of fabric and ask God for blessings of the receivers!"
Life does go on after Christmas. Our "movers" delivered two donated beds to a family in the International District; the mom was very grateful to have a nice place to sleep for herself and her husband and their kids. And thanks to your generous donations, we were able to pay the $500 deposit for a refugee family from Venezuela so they could move into an apartment. The father is working construction and had enough for the first month's rent, but they needed help with the deposit. Now the father, mother, and two young daughters have a place to call home in this country. ~Kay Schoenefeld, Coordinator
Opportunities to Donate: I was reading that when we give something away (like food, for instance) it activates the brain to release oxytocin. This neuropeptide does all sorts of things like making us feel connected to other humans, even if we don't know them. So, if you want more of the good feelings that come from oxytocin, why not bring a donation for the Storehouse barrels in the Narthex? Pet food is also welcome.
We collect aluminum so our children can spend that money on ministries that support families around the world. Place your donations in the blue bin in Friendship Corner.
We also collect the pop-tops from all aluminum cans for Ronald McDonald House. Place your donation in the basket under the clock in the office. Thanks! ~Nancy Matthews
Sign up for Flowers and/or Refreshments for 2024! It’s a new year and updated charts are available in Friendship Corner. We hope you will join us in providing coffeetime treats for after service and take the opportunity to recognize loved ones and events with flower dedications. ~Deborah Ash
Visiting today? Please fill out a “Welcome” card in your pew so we can get to know you! ~Pr. Koppel
From Local Partner Organizations
Coro Lux cordially invites you to join us for our first concert of 2024, “Music in the Air.” As Black History Month is upon us, we strive to strengthen our community by honoring the significant contributions that African-American composers and conductors have made to choral music. This concert, taking place at the African-American Performing Arts Center (310 San Pedro NE) seeks to do just that. As we perform music that enlivens the soul and gladdens the heart, we hope you join us for a joyous musical experience, February 18th at 4pm. Featuring special performances from soloist and UNM professor Stevie Springer and UNM’s Gospel Choir, as well as appearances by our youth chorus, El Faro Youth Chorus, and select group, Coro Lux Chamber Chorus, this concert will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Black History Month, and enjoy a truly multi-cultural musical occasion! Tickets at: https://abqcorolux.org/tickets/ ~Brad Ellingboe, Artistic Director
Valentine's Day Raffle! ABQ FaithWorks is selling tickets for their Valentine's Day Raffle. The FaithWorks' staff has collected many exciting and unique prizes donated by local artisans and businesses. You can purchase tickets by contacting the office at 505-457-1728. Tickets are $5.00 each! Drawing will be on February 14. You can also find more information regarding the raffle by visiting their website at www.abqfaithworks.org. Together we are all ABQ FaithWorks! ~Dora Gallegos, Bookkeeper
La Mesa Presbyterian Church Concert Series. We are excited about doing a “new thing” at La Mesa, hosting live concerts of wonderful musicians in our sanctuary. Our first live concert is by the fabulous folk singer, Deidre McCalla, on Sunday, February 25th at 3pm. Read more about her at: https://deidremccalla.com/. To reserve a “free will donation” seat for $20, go to LMPCTICKETS.BPT.ME. Thank you in advance for your support of this new venture. ~Rev. Dr. Brett Mitchell
Coat Donations (Adult & Child). If you have a new or used coat, please consider donating to the Dignity Mission for asylum seekers. Coats can be old but must be clean! New hats, scarves and gloves are also being collected. All items will be taken to the border on an ongoing basis. Children’s coats are especially needed! Questions, contact Rae and Patrick VanDeMotter, All Saints, 216-633-6362. (They travel to the border once a month to deliver collected items.) ~Pr. Koppel
Lutheran Family Services in Albuquerque contacted the office regarding an urgent need for certain items of furniture: sofas, and dining tables with chairs. They had a large influx of clients (refugees and asylees) at the end of the year and the approx. 30 families are made up of 5-10 people each. Cash donations are also welcome. Call 505-933-7032 and they can arrange for pickup. Address: 230 Truman St NE. ~Deborah Ash
From the Rocky Mountain Synod and ELCA
Join the Region 2 Lenten Challenge to benefit ELCA World Hunger! In honor of ELCA World Hunger’s 50th year in mission and ministry, the 5 synods in ELCA Region 2 are challenging one another to raise money for ELCA World Hunger. The challenge: Participate in some spiritual and physical practices during the 40 days of Lent, 2024. The synod with the most participants wins! More than 820 million people, about 11% of the world’s population today, are hungry. As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. Individuals can sign up here: https://www.lentenchallenge.org/
2024 Legislative Advocacy Days. There is still time to join Kurt and other volunteer LAM-NM advocates to work the Round House by lobbying legislators and potentially offering public comment during committee meetings on priority bills for our advocacy agenda. You are also invited to come and watch the process and activity of our state's legislature. This Tuesday, February 13th is the last opportunity. Please email or call if you plan to be there, to add your name to the list and receive instructions. ~Kurt A. Rager, LAM-NM Director, krager@rmselca.org, 505-269-6470 (c)
The Young Adult Border Immersion, April 24 – 28 is now accepting applications (apply by February 16th)! A collaboration between ELCA Young Adults, AMMPARO, ELCA Witness in Society, and Global Refuge, the border immersion brings young adults to the border to encounter migration issues through a faith-based lens. A $50 deposit and travel to Las Cruces, NM (or El Paso) is required, but programming, accommodations, food, and local transport are covered. Travel assistance is available. Applicants must be 18 - 35 by the time of immersion.